
fā bù
  • release;publish;issue;announce;distribute;deliver
发布 [fā bù]
  • [issue;release;deliver;distribute] 宣布,发表

  • 向全国发布新闻

发布[fā bù]
  1. 发布简讯,帮助人们了解你们开展的工作及其意义。

    Publish a newsletter that helps people understand what you do and why .

  2. 我们将在注册表中发布ProcessOrder服务。

    We will publish the Process Order service in the registry .

  3. 欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令。

    The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution .

  4. 会后发布了一条乏味的声明。

    After the meeting , a bland statement was issued .

  5. 资讯发布将严格限制在人们需要知道的范围之内。

    Information will be released strictly on a need-to-know basis .

  6. 警方发布通告,描述了持枪歹徒的特征。

    Police have issued a description of the gunman .

  7. 警方已经发布了内华达的水灾警告。

    Police have issued flood warnings for Nevada .

  8. 他喜欢待在幕后,让他的助理向新闻界发布消息。

    He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press .

  9. 今年他们发布了3种新产品,以扩大产品范围。

    This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range

  10. 预计过几天会发布一项正式声明。

    An official announcement is expected in the next few days

  11. 这一突然发布的公告可能会在美国引起骚乱。

    The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States .

  12. 在唐宁街进行了长达3个小时的内阁会议后发布了这份公告。

    The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street .

  13. 还没有正式发布逮捕这些人的消息。

    There has been no official announcement of the arrests .

  14. 公告一发布就引发了一场强烈的抗议。

    The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest .

  15. 他们只会发布对他们有利的信息。

    They will only release information if it suits them

  16. 通知已在广播和电视上发布。

    The announcement was broadcast on radio and television .

  17. 接下来的几周内将发布一份大意如此的通告。

    A circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks

  18. 农业部今天发布了一个新图标以取代旧标志。

    The Agriculture Department today released a new graphic to replace the old symbol .

  19. 玛莎百货最近聘请模特儿琳达·埃万杰利斯塔为其发布新系列产品。

    Marks & Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range .

  20. 预定星期五发布的通货膨胀数字将会给他一些宽慰。

    He will be able to take some comfort from inflation figures due on Friday

  21. 他们已经告诉各办公室,一有消息立即发布。

    They had told their offices to flash the news as soon as it broke

  22. 为追回特纳的一幅画,已发布了重金悬赏令。

    A substantial reward is being offered for the recovery of a painting by Turner

  23. 他最新发布的声明让支持者大呼意外,令反对者方寸大乱。

    He has surprised his supporters and wrong-footed his opponents with his latest announcement .

  24. 像我们这么大规模的新品发布,要绝对保密是不可能的。

    You can never keep a launch as big as ours completely under wraps .

  25. 26个州已经发布了健康警告。

    26 states have issued health advisories .

  26. 新信息的接收与发布之间通常会间隔一段时间。

    There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication .

  27. 这份报告发布的时间对欧盟委员会极为不利。

    The report couldn 't have come at a worse time for the European Commission .

  28. 他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。

    He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree .

  29. 政府发布了警告,要求罢工者停止行动,否则将被解雇。

    The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal

  30. 然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。

    The president 's tough line is , however , buttressed by a democratic mandate .