
  1. 此外,系统利用网络爬虫抓取的网页建立了主题文档库,对于FAQ无法解答的问题,系统将从主题文档库中检索答案,这部分是对问答系统的补充和完善。

    Besides the system constructs theme document library taking advantage of web pages which Web crawler fetches . For the question which can not be answered by FAQ , the system will find answers from the theme document library . That is supplement and perfection of Question Answering System .

  2. 这个题目充满了无法解答的问题。

    This topic is full of unanswerable questions .

  3. 现在有许多无法解答的问题。

    Many , many unanswered questions here .

  4. 但是总会有机器人无法解答的问题,对此他也有对策。

    But there are situations where the robot can 't help , there 's a response ready for that too .

  5. 目前民间文学学科体系中存在一些不确定的范畴,学科内部存在一些无法解答的问题,而且存在一部分自相矛盾的现象。

    At present , there exist some uncertain categories about the subject system of the folklore , even exist some self-contradictory phenomena .

  6. 尽管很多研究者在该领域进行了研究并取得了一定成果,但依然存在很多争议和无法解答的问题,还需要进行进一步的研究。

    Although plenty of research in this field has been done and some results are obtained , many disputed and unanswered questions still exist and further study is needed .

  7. 缺少帮助文件,无法解答您的问题。

    Your question could not be answered because the help files are missing .