
  • 网络Fermented dough;leavened dough;bread dough;sourdough
  1. 长时间发酵面团的pH值下降较大。

    Long time dough pH decreases greatly . 2 .

  2. 制作夫卡出面包,按照上述说明揉制与发酵面团。

    For Focaccio Bread , follow the directions above for kneading and rising the dough .

  3. 烤制发酵面团的装饰性可食用的皮,用来填塞其他食品,如奶油肉馅、海鲜、蔬菜或水果。

    A decorative , edible shell of baked puff pastry that is made to be filled with other food , such as creamed meat , seafood , vegetables , or fruit .

  4. 前言:水在发酵面团中用量仅次于面粉,其作用举足轻重:面团中面筋的形成、淀粉的膨胀糊化离不开水;

    Water is next to flour in quantity in fermentative dough , but plays a decisive role in function : the formation of gluten in dough , the paste forming of starch can not be done without water ;

  5. 结果表明,从自然发酵面团中分离得到的菌种产酸效果优于直投式酵母菌,分离得到的乳酸菌和酵母菌最佳配比为1∶21∶3。

    The result is that the separated germ from the nature ferment regiment is better than the throw type yeast fungus , and the best result about the lactobacillus and the yeast fungus is 1 ∶ 21 ∶ 3 .

  6. 通过比较发酵面团的产气量和膨发状态及馒头感官评分和质构参数,发现不同酵母发酵时面团发酵性能和馒头品质不同。

    Through comparing gas production and leavening state of dough , and sensory evaluation scores and texture parameter of Mantou , the result shows that the fermentation property of dough and quality of Mantou fermented by different yeasts were different .

  7. 馒头是由中国人发明、发展的一类发酵面团汽蒸食品,具有鲜明的民族文化特色,但尚未完全实现工业化、现代化。

    Chinese steamed breads ( CSB ) as a kind of steaming fermented foods with distinct Chinese culture characteristics have been invented and improved by Chinese for about 2300 years . However , up to now , it has not reached the level of industrialization and modernization .

  8. AFLP技术对发酵酸面团中乳酸菌多态性的研究

    Polymorphism of Lactobacillus Strains from Sourdough by AFLP Methods

  9. 酵母菌对自然发酵酸面团面包中风味物质影响的研究

    Studies on the effect of adding yeast on volatile flavor compounds in sourdough breads

  10. (英国)扁平的蛋糕,由发酵的面团掺葡萄干制成,通常烘烤后涂上黄油吃。

    ( Britain ) flat cake made from a raised dough with raisins usually eaten toasted and buttered .

  11. 炭火的热力,让坚硬的豆腐迅速膨胀,这很容易让人联想到发酵的面团。

    The tough tofu quickly inflates in the heat of charcoal fire . It reminds people of fermented flour .

  12. 百姓便把没有发酵的面团和面盆包在外衣内,背在肩上。

    The people therefore took dough before it was leavened : and tying it in their cloaks , put it on their shoulders .

  13. 对面包发酵过程中面团中的酵母菌、还原糖、水分活度及pH值的变化情况进行了分析测定,并对引起还原糖、水分活度、pH值的变化原因进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the variety of yeast number , deoxidize sugar , water activation and pH value of dough during bread fermentation was investigated , and the reasons of the variety were discussed .

  14. 本文研究了萌发6d的玉米粉对乳酸发酵和面包面团发酵的影响。

    The effects of the geminated corn flour ( germination for 6 days ) on the lactic acid fermentation and dough fermentation were studied .

  15. 试验结果表明,采用发酵0.5h内面团的产气量(mL)作为面包酵母发酵力的指标,能较好地反映面包酵母产品的质量;

    The results showed it could reflect baker 's yeast quality better if gas production amount ( mL ) of dough during the first 0.5h was used as the index of baker 's yeast fermentation ability .

  16. 乳酸菌发酵燕麦酸面团发酵剂冷冻干燥与发酵烘焙特性的研究

    Study on Freeze-drying , Fermentation and Baking Properties of Oat Sour

  17. 发酵过程的面团由滑槽传送,并由本机进行成形。

    Mixed dough is weighed and cut by this machine .

  18. 用少量含有发酵粉的面团发酵的。

    Leavened with a small amount of fermented dough .

  19. 要做一个真正的墨西哥油炸玉米饼,首先要有发酵好的玉米面团。

    A real Mexican quesadilla starts with that freshly ground corn masa .

  20. 当面团多次发酵膨胀,将面团移出用手捏制。

    When dough has risen several times , remove and knead one last time by hand .