
liǎng cì
  • twice;two times;on two occasions;bi-;doubly;once and again
两次 [liǎng cì]
  • [twice;doubly;once and again;on two occassions; two times] 两回

  • 无故缺席两次

两次[liǎng cì]
  1. 你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生。

    You should visit your dentist at least twice a year .

  2. 夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次。

    In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week .

  3. 在一年的时间之内举行了两次选举。

    Two elections were held within the space of a year .

  4. 这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战中间这些年的氛围。

    The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly .

  5. 两次世界大战之间发生了很多变化。

    Many changes took place between the two world wars .

  6. 他们有两次被人看见在一起。

    They have been seen together on two separate occasions .

  7. 我们每月大概去那里一到两次。

    We go there maybe once or twice a month .

  8. 球弹了两次他才接到。

    The ball bounced twice before he could reach it .

  9. 他因为迟到已经两次被告发。

    He 's already been reported twice for arriving late .

  10. 火车月票大约只需乘两次车就够本了。

    The rail pass will pay for itself after about two trips .

  11. 我们每天有两次航班穿梭于罗马和巴黎之间。

    We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily .

  12. 今天,我们向所有在两次世界大战中死难的人表示哀悼。

    Today we mourn for all those who died in two world wars .

  13. 他经历了两次世界大战。

    He has lived through two world wars .

  14. 比赛中换了两次人。

    Two substitutions were made during the game .

  15. 两次投票产生的结果截然不同。

    The two polls produced strikingly different results .

  16. 他失去了两次机会,所以只剩下一次了。

    He 's lost two lives , so he 's only got one left .

  17. 这栋别墅一周打扫两次。

    The villa is cleaned twice a week .

  18. 这份报纸每周出版两次。

    The newspaper is published twice weekly .

  19. 机器每日检查两次。

    The machines are inspected twice daily .

  20. 联队以2:5失利,只靠后来两次进球挽回了一点面子。

    United lost 5 – 2 , salvaging a little pride with two late goals .

  21. 这种事干一次也许还可以原谅,干两次就绝对不能了。

    Doing it once was just about excusable ─ doing it twice was certainly not .

  22. 我们在第一轮结束时的分数是两次击中,六次未中。

    We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses .

  23. 她胃中的药物足够毒死她两次的。

    There was enough of the drug in her stomach to kill her twice over .

  24. 我每星期游泳两次。

    I go swimming twice a week .

  25. 说我非常了解她不免言过其实——我只见过她两次。

    It would be an exaggeration to say I knew her well ─ I only met her twice .

  26. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。

    I 've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan , but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners ' medal with Rangers .

  27. 我每天打两次电话,托他妻子捎口信。

    I phoned twice a day , leaving messages with his wife

  28. 一周去健身房锻炼两次,或游两次泳。

    Work out at a gym or swim twice a week .

  29. 两次世界大战都是重要性无可置疑的经济事件。

    Both world wars were of unquestionable importance as economic events .

  30. 卡尔森注意到另外一件怪事:他的植物开了两次花。

    Carlson noticed another oddity ; his plant had bloomed twice .