
  1. 提出一个软X射线投影光刻、缩比为61、由两非球面镜构成的光学系统。

    A two mirror aspheric optical system has been designed for soft X ray reduction lithography .

  2. 故障后故障相电流降为零,其它两非故障相电流下降且大小相等,方向相反,据此能够将线路单相断线和TA断线进行区分。

    The fault phase current reduces to zero , the other non-fault phase currents drop to equal size and opposite direction , which can distinguish line-break fault from TA break fault .

  3. 结果表明:两非晶合金的玻璃转变温度(Tg)、晶化初始温度(Tx)和晶化峰值温度(Tp)都随着加热速率的增加而增加,具有明显的动力学效应;

    The results expatiated that the heating rate has a significant influence on glass transition temperature Tg , onset crystallization temperature Tx and peak temperature Tp and caused these temperatures increased as they went up which were of definition of kinetics efficiency .

  4. 两非环的根与半单类

    Radicals and semisimple classes of non - associative non - distributive rings

  5. 升温以后两非晶峰逐渐形成统一的非晶散射峰。

    After we increased temperature , two amorphous phases formed unified amorphous phase gradually .

  6. 浅谈电信实业两非企业的退与进

    Briefly on the withdrawal and advancement of the two non-emphasis enterprises in the telecom industry

  7. 文章从电信行业的角度出发,指出两非企业的特征和其退出电信实业行业的必要性;

    This paper points out the characteristics of these kinds of enterprises and the necessity of its withdrawal from the telecom industry .

  8. 论文运用公共治理理论来分析计生两非问题,这是一种较为独特的理论视角。

    This article USES the public governance theory to analyze " or two the " problem , this is a very unique theory perspective .

  9. 如何认识和处理计生两非问题也就成为研究者和政策实施者所面临的一项重要课题。

    How to understand and deal with " or two the " problem will become the researchers and policy implementer of facing an important topic .

  10. 两非重叠供应链契约选择博弈均衡策略,以两条非重叠供应链为例,在假设确定性需求和不确定需求环境下,研究了供应链间契约选择博弈模型。

    Taking two separate supply chains for example , assuming determinate demand and uncertain demand respectively , the models of contract choice game between supply chains are researched .

  11. 最后,本文通过分析治理两非的法律、法规及其存在的缺陷,为综合治理出生性别比失衡问题提出相关建议。

    Finally , by analyzing the relevant laws , regulations , and their problems , we offer some suggestions on the imbalance problem for the comprehensive management sex ratio at birth .

  12. 而其中非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别的人工终止妊娠(即计生两非)是造成这一出生人口性别比失调的最直接原因,这一点已成为社会的共识。

    And the medical needs of fetus gender identification and selective other to abort a pregnancy ( namely " or two the ") have caused the sex ratio at birth population imbalance the most direct reason , it has become the consensus of the society .

  13. 设S,T:C→E是两个非扩张非自映象。

    Let S , T : C → E be two nonexpansive mappings .

  14. 通过手性HPLC测定了两种非对映异构体的比例。

    The ratio of two diastereoisomers was determined by chiral HPLC .

  15. 首先,本文提出了一种用一维线性DNA自组装的方法来实现两个非负二进制整数相加的算法。

    First , a DNA algorithm was presented which adds two nonnegative binary integers using 1-D linear self-assembly .

  16. 这些条件直接由两个非均匀B样条曲面的控制向量表示。

    These conditions are directly represented by the control vertices of the two non - uniform B - spline patches .

  17. 两种非均匀进口速度下尾水管内流CFD模拟分析

    Simulation of flow inside draft tube under two non-uniform inlet velocities by CFD

  18. 拓扑空间X称为s连通,若X不能表示为两个非空的不相交的序列开集之并。

    A space is called s-connected if it cannot be represented as the union of two non-empty disjoint sequentially closed subsets .

  19. 两参数非局部非线性反应扩散Robin问题的渐近解

    Asymptotic Solution of Nonlocal Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion Robin Problems With Two Parameters

  20. 探讨了PC的串行接口用于光电编码器的脉冲计数和伺服电机控制两种非通信功能的应用。

    The COM of IBM-PC applications for the counter of Opt-encoder pulse and the controller of AC - Servo are study in this paper .

  21. 与两个非等同的二能级原子相互作用的SU(1,1)相干态场的非经典性质

    Nonclassical Properties of Two mode SU ( 1,1 ) Coherent States Interacting with Two Different Two level Atoms

  22. 两种群非自治Lotka-Volterra竞争扩散系统的概周期解

    Almost periodic solution of two-species nonautonomous diffusive Lotka-Volterra competitive systems

  23. 在市场上有两种非钆基础的造影剂,可是FDA仅批准他们应用在肝部成像。

    There are two non-gadolinium-based imaging agents on the market , though the FDA has approved them only for liver scans .

  24. 在吡啶中,H-4的两组非对映体峰的化学位移差值随Hammett常数(σ)的减小而增大。

    The chemical shift difference of two groups of H-4 peaks for the diastereomers increases with reducing in Hammett constant (σ) of substituents .

  25. AES核做为SoC系统中的从设备,整个IP核包含了AXI接口,两个非对称FIFO与DMA接口,以及AES加解密核。

    As a slave device , the IP core includes AXI interface , two non-symmetrical FIFO , DMA interface and AES encryption core .

  26. 然后给出了在频率选择性信道衰落情况下,两跳非并行双AF型中继系统中,考虑直达径时的最优功率分配算法。

    Then this thesis gives optimal power allocation scheme for dual-hop two amplify-and-forward relay system in which the direct path has been taken into consideration .

  27. 其中两个非短属性annotext和ext没有被使用,第三个非短属性points包含内部编码为BLOB的几何图形信息。

    The two non-short attributes anno_text and ext are not used , and the third non-short attribute points contains the internally encoded geometry information as a BLOB .

  28. 结果表明,采用两透镜非同轴构型,选取适当的滤波器设计参数,并适当倾斜透镜L2,能有效地避免笔形光束对高能激光系统造成的危害。

    The result shows that using the misaligned optical lens system and tilting the lens can avoid the damage caused by pencil beams in high power laser system .

  29. 拓扑空间X是θ-连通的当且仅当X不能表示为两个非空的θ-分离子集的并;

    Main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The topological space X is θ - connected if and only if X can not be expressed as the union of two non-empty θ - separated subspaces of X ;

  30. 从工程实践的角度,讨论了小子样场合的产品可靠性Bayes评定中的相容性检验方法,提出了一种参数方法和两种非参数方法。

    This paper discusses the methods of compatibility test of bayes assessment for product reliability under the circumstance of small sample . A parametric method and two non-parametric methods are given .