
  • 网络severe disability;severely handicapped
  1. 美国心脏病协会统计数据显示,卒中为第三大致死性疾病,同时也是导致永久严重残疾的主要原因。

    Stroke is the No.3 killer and a leading cause of long-term severe disability in the United States , according to American Heart Association statistics .

  2. 同时病人和家人必须理解如果保肢,不可能有正常功能,很可能有严重残疾。

    The patient and his or her family must also understand that with salvage , severe disability will be present and that a normal functioning limb is not to be expected .

  3. 他严重残疾,无法独自完成。

    He is so severely disabled that he cannot manage alone .

  4. 苏现在8岁了,有先天的严重残疾。

    Sue , now eight , was born with a severe handicap .

  5. 这个有严重残疾的孩子,因为照料不周而去世

    a severely disabled child who died through caregiver neglect .

  6. 这些病症造成过早死亡和严重残疾。

    These conditions cause premature death and substantial disability .

  7. 摩托车事故导致她严重残疾。

    A motorcycling accident had left her severly disabled .

  8. 脑-机接口能帮助身体严重残疾的瘫痪患者控制外围设备或者与外界通信。

    BCIs can help paralyzed patients control peripheral devices and communicate with the outside world .

  9. 欧洲严重残疾者身份证

    European Identity Card for Severely Disabled Persons

  10. 他天生严重残疾,但他以拒绝死亡来挑战医学观念。

    He was born severely deformity , but he challenged the medical concepts by refusing death .

  11. 不论如何,罗斯福落下了严重残疾,甚至一度麻痹瘫痪,完全失禁。

    He was in any event severely crippled , even for a time paralysed and incontinent .

  12. 英国产科医师提议积极实行安乐死和对严重残疾新生儿的无痛苦致死术。

    UK Obstetricians propose to actively practice euthanasia and allow mercy killing of severely disabled newborn babies .

  13. 这名妇女年已60,严重残疾,当时停留在拉穆度假区。

    The woman who is in her60s and severely disabled was staying near the resort of Lame .

  14. 如果你有个严重残疾的兄弟你会怎么做

    Grandpa : If you had a brother with a severe handicap , what would you do ?

  15. 非随机研究表明减压术可以减低死亡率,并且不增加严重残疾幸存者的数量。

    Non-randomised studies have suggested that decompressive surgery reduces this mortality without increasing the number of severely disabled survivors .

  16. 但是在严重残疾的例子里,大多残疾人都毫无疑问地认为,自己的生活就是糟糕的。

    But in the case of severe disabilities , most people are in no doubt that life is worse .

  17. 由于那次事故,他身体严重残疾,从此只能在棍棒的帮助下行走。

    He was badly lamed by the accident and afterwards could only walk with the help of a stick .

  18. 这种疾病会导致脊髓中的细胞死亡,最后可能会致命或造成严重残疾。

    SMA causes the death of the cells in the spinal cord , and is often fatal or severely disabling .

  19. 大约10%的患者因为内脏出血、缺铁、器官损伤或其他症状而导致严重残疾。

    About ten percent of victims become seriously disabled from internal bleeding , iron loss , organ damage or other effects .

  20. 除非你愿意付钱,否则除了严重残疾的人以外,其他任何人都越来越难得到这些钱。

    Unless you were prepared to pay , they were increasingly difficult to obtain for any but the most severely disabled .

  21. 在已经复员的前战员中,一些人在战争期间遭受重伤,目前身患严重残疾。

    Amongst the ex-combatants demobilized were those who had sustained serious injuries during the war , and who now had severe disabilities .

  22. 中风是导致人类长期严重残疾的主要疾病之一,脑缺血中风发病率占所有中风的87%。

    Stroke is one of the leading causes of serious , long-term disability worldwide . Of all strokes , 87 % is ischemic .

  23. 人们应该帮助严重残疾者结束自己的生命吗?即使他们会强烈抵触作为一个伤残人的生活?

    Should a severely disabled person be helped to take their own life because they strongly object to living as a disabled person ?

  24. 克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过学家们称这些问题能够解决。

    Animal cloning has been beset by problems , including the creation of hideously deformed animals , but scientists said these could be overcome .

  25. 沟通严重残疾但认知和言语正常的患者,需要进行评估并给予适当的替代或辅助措施以助交流。

    Any patient with severe communication disability but reasonable cognition and language should be assessed for and provided with appropriate alternative or augmentative communication aids .

  26. 据统计约75%的存活者遗留有程度不等的功能障碍,50%的有严重残疾,10%的病人需要长期专人看护。

    According to statistics , about 75 % of survivors left with varying degrees of dysfunction , 50 percent are severely disabled , 10 % of the patients required long-term special care .

  27. 数据显示,北京对超过80岁、或是60岁到79岁之间严重残疾者,每个月的补贴达到了100元(折合16美元)。

    The figures show Beijing subsidizes those over 80 , and the seriously disabled aged between 60 and 79 , to the tune of 100 yuan , or 16 $ US , every month .

  28. 除一些公共的缺勤类型诸如休假和病假,你可以输入特别的缺勤类型诸如对有严重残疾的人员的另外的假别,加班结束时间,产假。

    In addition to the common absence types such as leave and illness , you can enter special absence types such as additional leave for severely challenged persons , time off for overtime , and maternity leave .

  29. 脊髓损伤后留有严重的残疾给患者带来极大的痛苦,近年来,随着干细胞研究的进展,给患者带来神经功能重建的希望。

    Severe disability bring great pain to patients after spinal cord injury .

  30. 但是,它并不是一定会引起严重的残疾。

    But it does not always cause severe disability .