
  • 网络Strict Compliance;principle of strict compliance;The doctrine of strict compliance
  1. 第二章,探讨了备用信用证的独特法律原理:独立性原则和严格相符原则。

    Chapter II explores the principles of standby letter of credit , independence and strict compliance .

  2. 在适用严格相符原则时,必须同时遵循实质和程序两种条件。

    The paper discusses the qualification of strict compliance in terms of essential compliance and process compliance .

  3. 跟单信用证交易中的严格相符原则已成为制约信用证当事人间的基本法律原则。

    Strict tallies principle in documentary credit has become basic principle of legality between the litigants to restrict the letter of credit .

  4. 这两个文件互相补充,使严格相符原则在实务领域得以具体化,并成为实务操作的指引。

    Complementing each other , and making concrete the " Strict Compliance " principle in practice , the two publications serve as the guide for practitioners .

  5. 信用证欺诈例外原则是对信用证独立性原则、严格相符原则的突破,是信用证制度的新发展。

    The principle of fraud exception is a breakthrough to the principles of independence and strict compliance , so it is a new development of the system of documentary credits .

  6. 信用证交易在严守独立性原则、严格相符原则的同时,也为信用证欺诈行为提供了天然的欺诈空间。

    The participants involving in letters of credit comply the principles of independence and strict compliance , meanwhile , this kind of behavior leaves the natural fraud chance for the happenings of documentary credit fraud .

  7. 从法律的角度来看,信用证欺诈产生的根本原因是信用证独立性原则和严格相符原则。第二部分论述信用证欺诈例外原则的内涵及适用。

    Judging from the view of law , the fundamental causes for the letters of credit are independence principle and strict compliance principle . Part ⅱ is that the letters of credit fraud exception principle and their conditions which were suitable for them .