
  • 网络credit payment
  1. 定期信用支付条件下的多阶段货价变动型存贮问题

    EOQ Inventory Models with Multiple Stages under Fixed Credit Payment

  2. 本文研究了定期信用支付条件下的多阶段货价变动型存贮问题,得到了最优订购策略并设计了算法以说明模型的使用。

    In this paper , we study EOQ Inventory models with multiple stages with price fluctuation under fixed credit payment and obtain optimal ordering policies .

  3. 线性信用支付下变库存费的变质性物品的EOQ模型

    EOQ Modle for Deteriorating Items with Holding Cost Function and Linear Trade Credit

  4. 定时信用支付条件下的多时段EOQ问题

    EOQ models with multiple periods under supplier timed credit

  5. 信用支付并混有现金折扣的变库存费的变质物品的EOQ模型

    EOQ Models for Perishable Items with Variable Holding Cost , Trade Credit and Cash Discount

  6. 对基于供应商提供定时信用支付条件下的有限时域中各时段货价发生变动的EOQ问题进行了研究,并得到了最优订购策略。

    The paper describes an EOQ model with multiple finite periods and price fluctuation in its each period under supplier timed credit and the optimal ordering policies was obtained .

  7. 信用支付条件下需求不确定的最优订购模型

    Optimal Order Model with Demand Uncertain Based on Trade Credit

  8. 他假定所有的交易都是以信用支付。

    He assumes that all transactions are financed by credit .

  9. 定期信用支付期影响价格折扣的最优订购模型

    The Optimized Strategy of Price Discount Dependent Supplier Timed Credit

  10. 本文在供应商提供给零售商定期信用支付和现金折扣情况下,研究了零售商的变质物品最优库存问题。

    This article studies the optimal inventory model for deteriorating items , when the vender affords fixed trade credit and cash discount to the retailer .

  11. 供应商利用这种依赖信用支付时间的商务信用策略,来促使零售商增加订货量,并尽可能的缩短货款支付期限。

    Supplier uses the strategy which relies on pay time to encourage retailer to increase orders volume and shorten duration of pay time if possible .

  12. 或者,更常见的是,得知信用支付机现在无法使用,那么就现金支付如何?

    Or , more often , to be told that the credit card machine isn 't working right now , so how about paying in cash ?

  13. 然而现实中,卖者为了激励买者的购买行为通常采取信用支付策略这种促销手段,从而增加了外部需求。

    However , in reality , the sellers usually employ the policy of delay in payment to stimulate the purchasing behavior of the costumers , which is an effective promoting measure .

  14. 同时由于企业规模逐渐变大,企业的生产、交易活动均需要庞大的资金流,因此信用支付成为企业间交易的主要方式。

    Meanwhile , as a result of larger scale enterprises , the production and trading activities require huge capital flow , so , the credit pays becomes the main form of transaction .

  15. 唯一的人与我们共享的信息是我们的赞助商的应用程序开发人员,使他们可以确认当您下载的应用程序,让我们给你一个信用支付应用。

    The only people we share the information with are our sponsor app developers so they can confirm when you download their app , allowing us to give you a paid app credit .

  16. 阐述了供应链金融的概念及信用支付的相关理论,并建立了构建基于供应链金融的订货模型的基础模型。

    We expounded the concept of supply chain finance and relevant theories in the credit payment and built the basic model which is based on the order model of supply chain finance . 3 .

  17. 电子商务及邮购适合幅员辽阔的国内市场,商机无穷。但处于起步阶段,信用支付及物流配送问题仍有待解决。

    E-commerce and mail order suitable for vast domestic market , and with unlimited market opportunities , but still at a beginning stage , problems in credit system and logistic operations still to be addressed .

  18. 卖者为了刺激买者购买,改变货物一到达仓库就立即支付货款的传统方式,转而采取信用支付策略来增加外部需求。

    In order to stimulate purchase , sellers change the traditional way which as soon as goods arrives warehouse they pay immediately to the new way which they turn to credit strategies to increase external demands .

  19. 本文主要的研究内容归纳如下:1.对研究信用支付库存策略和供应链金融的国内外相关文献进行了综述,总结了现有研究中存在的问题,并指出了可行的研究方向。

    We reviewed the domestic and international literature about inventory policy of Credit payment and supply chain finance , summed the problems that exist in the current study and pointed out the possible research direction . 2 .

  20. 我用信用卡支付餐费。

    I put the meal on my card .

  21. 用信用卡支付订单是很简单的事。

    Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself .

  22. 用信用卡支付订单再简单不过了。

    Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself .

  23. 现金支付还是信用卡支付?

    Pay with cash or credit card ?

  24. 信用卡支付公司万事达卡和Visa正在大力推动变革。

    The card-payment companies MasterCard and Visa are pushing hard for change .

  25. SET协议是为解决信用卡支付业务在Internet上安全、可靠的支付而提出的一种解决电子商务的安全支付方案。

    SET protocol is electronic commerce application solution for secure payment of credit card on Internet .

  26. 下面的案例研究说明了如何使用SOA方法集成和重用现有的应用程序,以便处理信用卡支付系统的中间件操作。

    The following case study illustrates how you could integrate and reuse existing applications using an SOA approach to handle the middleware operations of a credit card payment system .

  27. 据美国司法部表示,三名嫌疑人侵入了哈特兰支付系统公司(HeartlandPaymentSystems)的系统。哈特兰是一家替数千家美国企业处理信用卡支付的美国公司。

    According to the DoJ , the three men infiltrated the systems of Heartland Payment Systems , a US company that processes credit card payments on behalf of thousands of US businesses .

  28. 分析师表示,中国移动的客户将能够通过其账户直接支付“移动商城”下载的费用,而iphone的用户必须用信用卡支付。

    They will be able to pay for mobile market downloads directly from their accounts , whereas iPhone users will have to pay with credit cards , analysts say .

  29. 比如,易趣拥有在线支付服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以接受信用卡支付。

    EBay Inc , for example , owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments .

  30. 相对于传统的信用卡支付系统中的RSA和DES密码理论,ECC和AES密码理论在安全和效率方面都有很大的提升。

    Compared with the RSA and DES Cryptography in the traditional credit card payment system , the security and efficiency of ECC and AES has greatly improved .