
  • 网络Credit;credit history;credit record
  1. ffa将审查所有基金证券的信用记录、收益报表和第三方托管。

    The FFA would verify the credit histories , income statements and third-party custody of all fund securities .

  2. ExperianConsumerServices即将发布的一项研究报告显示,在各种婚姻危机中,信用记录导致的压力占到了两成。而婚前讨论过信用记录问题的夫妻,更容易就如何使用信用达成共识。

    Credit scores are a source of stress in one in five marriages , but spouses who discuss credit scores before marriage are more likely to agree on how to use credit as a couple , according to a study about to be released by Experian Consumer Services .

  3. 不过,这些债券中大约7000亿美元与次级债(即发放给信用记录较差家庭的贷款)相关,同时另外还有6000亿美元所谓的Alta证券,即那些信贷质量略高的证券。

    However , some $ 700bn of these securities are linked to " subprime " debt ( or loans extended to households with poor credit history ), while there are also another $ 600bn of so-called " alt A " securities , or those of slightly highly credit quality .

  4. 非恶意不良信用记录与个人征信系统建设

    Non-malicious Bad Credit Record and Personal Credit System Construction

  5. 许多资料和信用记录随手可得。

    Lots of metrics and credit history are available .

  6. 建立明确的个人信用记录;

    Build up clear and definite personal credit records ;

  7. 应聘选择企业,招聘选择员工,均可事先核查对方的信用记录。

    Choosing employee or employer , both sides can check the credit records .

  8. 不良信用记录的结果可以很严重。

    The results of bad credit can be serious .

  9. 让我的信用记录适当查询。

    To make appropriate inquiries about my credit history .

  10. 首先,他们说我的信用记录不太好。

    For starters , they said my credit history was not good enough .

  11. 信用记录可不怎么样

    didn 't have the best history with credit .

  12. 准时偿还助学贷款同样可以帮你建立良好的信用记录。

    Paying student loans on time also will help build a good credit history .

  13. 他们只是看了我的信用记录,然后就认定我的信用记录不够好。

    They simply looked at my credit history and determined it was not good enough .

  14. 至少一年一次,定期检查您的信用记录。

    Request your free credit report at least once a year to check for identity theft .

  15. 显然,对于没有美国社会保险号码的人,是不可能有信用记录的。

    Obviously , without a social security number , one does not get a credit score .

  16. 因为,信用记录糟糕、目前官司缠身或近年有破产记录的创始人会大大增加风险。

    Founders with bad credit , active lawsuits , or recent bankruptcies dramatically increase the risk .

  17. 他的信用记录证实可靠。

    His credit record checks out .

  18. 在申请通过信用记录审核后,购房者可以享受该优惠政策。

    The discount will be available for home buyers after their applications go through default record checks .

  19. 论文作假纳入信用记录

    Thesis fraud in credit record

  20. 明天我必须去还了,不然对我的信用记录不好。

    I have to pay for it tomorrow or else it is not good for my credit record .

  21. 您可以在这里查询到关于道教法衣生产商的企业详情、信用记录、还可

    Here you can check the manufacturer on the Taoist robe business information , credit history , but also

  22. 对于没有信用记录的新手而言,你可能需要牺牲利润来提高分值,赔本赚吆喝。

    As a newcomer with no credit record , you may have to sacrifice profits to boost your score .

  23. 然而,公司只为具备可靠信用记录的顾客办理这种信用卡,自然而然地排除了收入最低的人群。

    Only those with solid credit are approved for the card , which often screens out the lowest-income consumers .

  24. 我有一个很好的信用记录,我有我的工作取得票据付清。

    I have a very good credit record and I am working to get some of my bills paid off .

  25. 比起你的在校成绩,雇主可能会更关心你的信用记录,因为信用记录表明了你管理债务的情况。

    Employers might care less about your grades than your credit record , which shows how well you manage your obligations .

  26. 这项服务可以让客户在海外旅行时,随身携带自己的账户、信用记录和银行业务关系。

    The service enables customers to take their accounts , credit histories and banking relationships with them when they travel overseas .

  27. 同时他还发现,银行在向没有信用记录或固定工作的人提供房贷。

    At the same time he saw banks lending money to buy homes to people with no credit history or regular job .

  28. 财产登记成本正在下降,70%的非洲国家现在建立了全国信用记录体系。

    Property registration costs are falling , and 70 per cent of African countries now have a national system of credit records .

  29. 许多情况下,他们的资产负债表要么仍然千疮百孔,要么由于贷款标准收紧了,他们的信用记录发生了变化。

    In many cases , their balance sheets are still wounded , or their credit profile has changed as standards have tightened .

  30. ZestFinance是这个领域的先驱之一,目前正步入一个信用记录稀少的庞大市场:中国。

    ZestFinance , a pioneer in the field , is moving into a huge market where credit histories are scarce : China .