
  • 网络credit monitoring
  1. 内曼·马库斯表示,它们已经通知顾客并提供3年的信用监督。

    Neiman Marcus says it 's notifying costumers and offering a 3-year 's credit monitoring .

  2. 第四部分为民事执行措施与债权实现保障,对债务人消费限制、债务人行为自由制约可行性、信用监督和失信惩戒制度等民事执行措施进行了探讨,并提出了相关构想。

    The fourth part deals with the measures of execution and the protection of creditor rights and discusses the possibility of the restriction of the consumption and action of debtors and civil execution measures of credit supervision and punishment system , and so on , and advances relevant ideas .

  3. 临沂思路:农村信用社的外部监督与体制内改革

    The External Supervision and the Internal Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  4. 企业信用征信及评估监督委员会的组成、职责和议事规则由市政府另行规定。

    The composition , duties and agenda rules of the committee shall be prescribed separately by the municipal government .

  5. 以及社区共管信用承诺机制、监督机制和激励机制的构建等。

    As well as the credit and promise mechanism , the supervising mechanism , and incentive mechanism of the Community Co-management .

  6. 建议成立专门的信用行政管理机构&中国信用监督管理委员会,由其一部负责个人信用的行政管理职能。

    We suggest set up special credit administration agency & China Credit Supervision and Management Committee , and one of its sections should be in charge of personal credit administration .

  7. 第二,信用管理法律体系的建立和执行;第三,政府对信用交易和信用管理行业的监督和管理,包括信用管理民间机构的建立;

    It is made up of opening credit rating data and the development of credit management industry , establishing and enforcing of credit management law system , supervising and managing over credit trade and credit management industry by government , developing of the education and research on credit management .

  8. 从某种角度来说,农村信用人良好的法人治理结构可以起到鼓励和稳定资金流入的作用,也有利于形成农村信用社良好的监督和约束管理体系。

    In some ways , rural credit cooperatives were good corporate governance structure can serve to encourage and stabilize inflows of capital , but also conducive to the formation of a good rural credit cooperatives , supervision and constraint management system .

  9. 第四章从信用管理的角度阐述了中小企业信用制度建设的具体内容,即中小企业信用的资信调查、信用评估和信用监督制度建设,以及中小企业内部信用管理制度建设;

    From the angle of credit management , the fourth chapter expatiates the concrete contents of credit system construction in small medium enterprises . It is investigating system , estimating system , supervising system and internal credit management in small medium enterprises .

  10. 我国社会信用体系建设,是在政府推动下全社会参与的一项社会系统工程,主要由社会信用制度、信用管理和服务系统、社会信用活动、监督与惩戒机制四个方面构成。

    It must be driven by the government and anticipated by the whole society . The community credit system composed by community credit system , credit management and service system , the credit campaign and the supervision and punishment principals .