
  • 网络trust mechanism
  1. 基于Agent信任机制的一体化协商研究

    Integrative Negotiation Research Based on Agent Trust Mechanism

  2. P2P网络环境中节点信息交换的信任机制研究

    Research of the Trust Mechanism for Information Exchange Between P2P Nodes

  3. 并且,信任机制直接影响到P2P系统的整体性能。

    The P2P trust mechanism affects directly the capability of the whole system .

  4. 基于PKI信任机制中动态桥模型的研究

    Research on dynamic bridge based on PKI trust mechanisms

  5. PKI信任机制及在信任模型中的应用

    PKI Trust Mechanisms and Its Application in Trust Models

  6. 一种基于信任机制的混合式P2P模型

    Trust-based hybrid P2P model

  7. 对现有P2P安全问题的解决方案主要有身份认证、授权以及引入信任机制等。

    The existing solutions for security issues are authentication , authorization , and confidence mechanism and so on .

  8. 信任机制被Agent用来寻找可信赖的交易伙伴并且作为Agent决策的激励机制以激励Agent去实现已达成的协议。

    Trust mechanism is used by agent to find a reliable trading partner and is decision-making incentives for agent to stimulate agent to realize the agreements reached .

  9. JSF和Strutsportlets的信任机制支持

    Enabling credential vault support for JSF and Struts portlets

  10. 利用人类社会信任机制的概念,结合高性能网络研究中对服务质量(QoS)的研究成果,提出了一种基于信任机制和QoS测量的计算任务调度算法;

    Referring Trust Concept in human society and research results on High-Performance Network , construct a Trust-Based and QoS-Measured Scheduling Algorithm ;

  11. 在目前已广泛应用的P2P网络中,由于缺乏严格的身份验证和信任机制,存在着许多欺诈等恶意行为,系统的有效性和可用性难以保证。

    Through lack of strict identification and trust mechanisms , there are a lot of malicious peers in current P2P network .

  12. 在绝大多数的Agent系统中,依靠信任机制帮助系统中的节点选择最适合的交易者,避免恶意节点的欺骗。

    In most of the multi-agent system , the nodes in the system choose the most suitable traders relying on the trust mechanism to avoid the chicane from the malicious nodes .

  13. 通过引入信任机制,建立信任模型是解决P2P网络中信任问题的最佳方法之一。

    By introducing trust mechanisms , trust model is one of the best way to solve the problem of trust in the P2P network .

  14. 针对P2P网络特有的性质,建立一种完善的信任机制已经成为一个迫在眉睫的问题。

    In view of the unique nature of P2P network , to establish a perfect kind of trust mechanism already become an imminent problem .

  15. 文章在此基础上,展开对P2P网络的信任机制的研究。其次,文章提出了一种P2P网络中的基于粒子群算法的信任模型。

    The article studies the trust mechanism in P2P networks . Secondly , the paper proposes a trust model in P2P network based on PSO .

  16. 随着P2P网络在许多领域的广泛应用,有必要建立P2P网络的信任机制。

    Along with the wide application of the P2P network in various areas , it is necessary to establish the trust mechanism of the P2P network .

  17. 在P2P网络中需要有新的信任机制来加强系统的可靠性。因而对信誉度问题的研究就显得非常重要。

    The new mechanism of trust is needed to enforce the reliability in P2P networks , and thus the research of the reputation degree looks quite important .

  18. 由于P2P网络本质上是一个开放的、动态的环境,可以借鉴人际网络的信任机制来建立节点间的信任关系,并用其来保障节点间的交互。

    Since P2P environment is open and dynamic in nature , trust mechanisms modeling social networks are used to build trust in peers for safeguarding interactions of them .

  19. 信任机制作为网络服务的传统安全解决方法的有效替代者,已经有效地解决了网格计算、普适计算和adhoc网络等分布式计算的服务安全问题。

    Trust mechanism as traditional security network services effective alternative solution has been effectively solved the Grid Computing . Pervasive Computing , Ad hoc and other distributed computing security issues .

  20. 本文分析了传统安全的不足及Web服务安全的新需求,研究了Web服务安全规范的结构、语法及信任机制;

    The thesis gives a careful analysis of the defects in traditional security system and the new security requirements of Web Services , carries out a research on the structure , syntax and trust mechanism of Web Services Security Specification ;

  21. 该方案基于保护任务代理的警卫Agent(ProxyAgent)的思想,引入了委托信任机制和可信任验证服务器,且对传统的路由表结构进行了改造。

    Based on the idea of Guard Agent ( Proxy Agent ) whose responsibility is protecting Task Agent , this scheme introduces Trust Mechanism & Verification Server and modifies the structure of traditional routing tables .

  22. 随着各种P2P软件的广泛应用,P2P网络中安全问题已经成为一个研究的热点。而信任机制是P2P网络中安全问题的重要方面。

    With the wide applications of P2P software , security in P2P network has been a hot point in research , and trust mechanism is very important in P2P network .

  23. 结合现阶段网络技术中P2P技术的实际应用情况和新一代数字版权管理(DRM)技术,提出了基于P2P系统信任机制的版权管理模型。

    Practical application of P2P network technology is combined with new generation DRM technology , and a DRM model for P2P system based on trust degree is given .

  24. 向P2P网络中引入信任机制,可以在一定程度上提高P2P网络的安全性,有利于P2P网络的良性发展,但是容易造成热点问题。

    The introduction of the trust mechanism can partly improve the security of P2P networks and beneficial to well development of P2P networks . However , this is likely to cause hotpot issues .

  25. 由于传统的集中式信任机制不适应P2P网络的要求,需要建立一个分布式的信任机制来加强系统的可靠性。

    Due to the unfitness of the traditional centralized trust mechanism to the demand of P2P system , it is necessary to establish a distributed trust mechanism to enhance the dependability of P2P system .

  26. 近年来,P2P网络安全问题得到了工业界和学术界越来越多的关注,解决该问题的主要方法是在P2P网络中建立信任机制。

    In recent years , the security problem in P2P networks has taken more and more attention of the industry and academia . The main solution to solve this problem is to establish the trust mechanism .

  27. 并在此研究基础上,构建了一种基于对节点行为进行激励、惩罚策略的P2P网络信任机制,以促进节点采取模型期望的合作策略规范自身的网络参与行为。

    On this basis , we build a trust mechanism which incentive or punish the different behaviors of nodes in order to promote nodes to regulate their own behaviors in accordance with the desired cooperation strategy .

  28. 创新性提出了基于信任机制的DPI抽样方法,该方法是在分片抽样方法上的进一步衍生。

    The new DPI sampling method based on trust mechanism is proposed . it is a further derivative of slicing sampling methods .

  29. 从中发现传统的基于PKI的安全策略不能满足当前动态和不确定的adhoc网络环境对安全性的需求,行为信任机制的引入成为解决移动adhoc网络安全问题的有效补充。

    Through the discussion , we find that traditional PKI-based security policy can not meet the security requirement of the current dynamic and uncertain ad doc environment , and trust mechanism becomes a effective supplementary for ad hoc network security problem .

  30. 509数字证书的PKI体系提供了网络计算环境中良好的信任机制,并能提供通用的安全服务如机密性、完整性和不可否认性等。

    509 digital certificates based PKI system has offered the good trust mechanism in the network computing environment , and can offer the security services in common use such as confidentiality , integrality , nonrepudiation and so on .