
xìn yònɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • credit market
  1. 通过集中化清算降低银行的资本要求,有望使单一名称CDS更受欢迎,有助于改善更大范围内的信用市场的流动性。

    By reducing capital requirements for banks , via centralised clearing , the hope is that single-name CDS become popular , helping improve broader credit market liquidity .

  2. 这一合并是两年来的一波市场情报公司并购潮中最大的一宗,它将Markit专有的信用市场数据与IHS整合在一起,后者最为人所知的是其对能源、大宗商品及交通运输业的分析。

    The merger is the largest in a wave of takeover activity among market intelligence companies over the past two years , bringing together Markit 's proprietary credit market data with IHS , which is best known for its energy , commodity and transportation sector analysis .

  3. 信用市场需求与我国信用制度建设

    Market Demand of Credit and Construction of Credit System

  4. 但在信用市场上,你就能够这么做。

    But in credit markets , you can .

  5. 信用市场建设对义乌市场的繁荣、兴旺,对义乌经济的腾飞,都起到了巨大的作用。

    The building of the credit market has played an important part in prospering Yiwu market and economy .

  6. 然而,在危机的背后,我们似乎总能找到信用市场的影子。

    However , it seems that we can always find the shadow of the credit market behind the crisis .

  7. 信用市场冻结,出现全球经济衰退的可能性导致世界各股市出现恐慌性抛售。

    Frozen credit markets and the prospect of a global recession have led to panic selling on the world 's stock markets .

  8. 但对冲基金们表示,随着信用市场在4月份急剧恶化,上述交易越来越难以驾驭。

    But the trade was growing more unwieldy as credit markets took a turn for the worse in April , hedge funds say .

  9. 一方面是资产证券化对信用市场和债券市场的连接作用和风险传导机制。

    On the one hand , asset securitization of credit markets and the role of the bond market and the risks connected transmission mechanism .

  10. 太多资金了,但却太少值得购买的标的,毫无选择地涌入信用市场&风暴的罪魁祸首。

    Too much money , with nothing better to buy , indiscriminately rushing back into the credit markets & that seems to be the culprit .

  11. 我们的战略在设计上是在一个完整的信用市场周期内执行并从国家选择以及在允许的情况下从货币选择中获取超额回报。

    Our strategy is designed to outperform over the full credit market cycle and to derive alpha from country selection and , where permitted , currency selection .

  12. 通过建立信用市场、调整公司发展战略能够有效地降低新疆上市公司贷款担保风险。

    This paper concludes that , by establishing credit markets and adjusting corporate development strategies , risks of loan guarantee for Xinjiang listed companies can be effectively reduced .

  13. 信用市场的不完全性加大了整个经济体的信用风险水平,也暴露出现代金融体系的脆弱性。

    The incomplete nature of the credit markets has increased the level of credit risk in the economy and it also reveals the vulnerability of the modern financial system .

  14. 总的来说,如果信用市场回调伤及某些投资级公司,但没有严重到伤及所有投资级公司,这笔交易就会盈利。一段时间以来,这种策略行之有效。

    Taken as a whole , the trade would pay off if a credit market correction damaged some investment-grade companies but was not so severe that it hit them all .

  15. 但不要搞错:在快速增长的碳信用市场上,这位北京清华大学的学者,是全世界最有权势的人物之一。

    But make no mistake : this academic at Tsinghua University in Beijing is one of the world 's most powerful players in the rapidly growing market for carbon credits .

  16. 信用市场的不完美性不仅仅触发了金融危机的产生,危机之前它本身的变化(各种金融工具的革新)也是美国房地产行业长期繁荣的重要原因,为危机埋下了伏笔。

    The imperfections of credit market trigger the financial crisis . The innovations of the various financial instruments of the U.S. lead to the prosperity of real estate industry in a long-term before the crisis .

  17. 受到监管的碳信用市场方兴未艾,预计在2010之前,规模将增长一倍多,达到682亿美元左右。而不受监管的自发市场届时也将增至40亿美元。

    The burgeoning regulated market for carbon credits is expected to more than double in size to about $ 68.2bn (? 50bn ) by2010 , with the unregulated voluntary sector rising to $ 4bn in the same period .

  18. 资本主义国家的证券市场管理长期以来,一直建立在这样的理念之上,即信息披露是保持市场可信度和有效性的关键机制,而证券市场是一个信用市场,以强式有效为最高目标。

    The regulation on securities markets in capitalist societies has long been based upon the idea that disclosure is an important mechanism for maintaining the credibility and efficiency of such markets . Security market that its highest aim is " Strong Form " is a credit market .

  19. 国内外的各大银行也都纷纷强占信用卡市场。

    The domestic and foreign each big bank also allin abundance usurps the credit card market .

  20. 最后,本论文将FPgrowth算法应用于基于B/S访问结构的信用卡市场营销挖掘系统。

    At last , we take FP_growth algorithm into data mining system of credit card market which is structure of B / S.

  21. 2006年底我国履行对WTO的承诺、实现对外资银行的国民待遇,这使得信用卡市场的竞争无疑愈加激烈。

    By the end of 2006 , China has already authorized foreign banks to enjoy the national treatment that means our credit card market has been suffered an even more intense competition .

  22. 信用与市场研究机构东京工商调查公司(tokyoshokoresearch)的数据显示,5月份企业破产数量同比下降6.7%,至1203例,为一年来最低水平。

    The number of company failures in may declined 6.7 per cent year-on-year to 1203 , the lowest level in a year , according to Tokyo Shoko Research , a credit and market research group .

  23. 考虑信用卡市场普遍存在的消费者偏好差异和资信差异问题,将借贷模型与Hotelling模型相结合,分析了两种差异对商业银行信用卡市场竞争的影响。

    Allowing for the diversity taste and different credit qualification of consumers , we establishes a model based on lending model and Hotelling model , and analyzes the strategic choice of commercial bank in Credit card markets using the model .

  24. 亚洲信用衍生品市场的发展及制约因素分析

    The Development and Confinement Analysis on Credit Derivative Market in Asia

  25. 信用衍生品市场:理论及在中国的发展研究

    Research on Theory & Development in China of Credit Derivatives Market

  26. 信用是市场经济的生命和灵魂。

    Credit is the life and soul of the market economy .

  27. 商业银行信用卡市场竞争策略研究

    Research on competition strategy of banks in credit card markets

  28. 推动财政投资信用资金市场化配置所必须解决的问题

    Problems in market allocation of financial investment and credit capital

  29. 中国并非唯一一个信用保险市场封闭的国家。

    China is not unique in having a ring-fenced credit insurance market .

  30. 银行信用卡市场的竞争对策

    The Competition Countermeasure in the Market of Bank Credit Card