
  • 网络credit order
  1. 规范信用秩序与构建现代市场经济

    Regulating the Credit Order and Constructing the Modern Market Economy

  2. 分权化改革对信用秩序的影响:一个转轨经济的视角

    Effect of Power-Division Reform on Credit Order : Perspective from Transitional Economies

  3. 大力整治社会信用秩序,优化金融支持中部县域经济发展的环境;

    Strongly controlling the social credit order for optimizing financial supporting environment ;

  4. 建设领域信用秩序研究

    Study on Credit Order in the Field of Construction

  5. 如何有效地规范政府行为,是保证市场信用秩序的重要内容之一。

    Standardizing government activities has become an important part of maintaining the market credit order .

  6. 普通法系的不动产登记制度是英美国家确保本国不动产财产权转让信用秩序的重要制度。

    The credit assurance system of real property conveyancing is a focus subject of law .

  7. 在信用秩序的重建过程中,制度具有关键的作用。

    In the course of rebuilding the credit order , the concerned system has its key role .

  8. 国际货币制度变迁的百年历史也是人类对以货币表示的信用秩序选择的历史。

    The history of international monetary system is the history of people ' choice for credit order symbolized by currency .

  9. 只有道德的价值导向与制度的利益导向的有机结合,社会信用秩序的重建才有希望。

    Only the moral value direction and the systemic profit are organically combined with each other can rebuilding the social credit order be hopeful .

  10. 中国在取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就的同时,社会信用秩序混乱,信用环境不容乐观,信用问题已严重损害到我国市场经济的良性运转。

    With the acquiring of great achievement in Chinese economy , our society credit order become confused , credit environment become unhopeful , the credit problem has damaged the natural economic development .

  11. 随着经济改革的深入,中国当前社会信用秩序却日趋混乱,信用缺失已成为一个严重的社会问题,其结果是社会交易成本的不断提高。

    With the development of economic reform , it is well concerned that discredit order of the society has become one of serious social problems which enhance the transaction cost of society .

  12. 运用博弈理论,建立建筑市场信用秩序治理机制模型和建筑市场业主激励机制模型,揭示了人们的行为特征和市场博弈过程对建筑市场信用的影响;

    Establishes the model of CM 's credit control and the model of CM owner incentive mechanism in the method of the Game Theory , reveals the people 's behavior and market game 's impact on CM credit ;

  13. 在中国目前的转型和发展中,金融体系的结构和效率至关重要,逐步形成市场经济的信用秩序和债信文化,放开民间金融和推进利率市场化是无法回避的选择。

    Now , the hazard of structure and efficiency of financial markets are the key to China 's current transition and development , the development of private financial system and the liberation of interest rates is the inevitable choice .

  14. 基于本文分析,笔者提出了支持中西部县域经济增长的关键是县域经济与中小金融机构协调成长制度创新、整治县域信用环境秩序和信贷管理制度创新。

    As to key measure to solve this problem , the paper 's opinion is : system innovation of county economy and the small and medium sized financial institutions harmonious development , repairing the credit environment and the credit management system innovation .

  15. 论妨害信用卡管理秩序罪

    Discussion About Crime of Disrupting Order of Credit Card Administration

  16. 平等的市场主体,平等的物权是维持信用经济的秩序所在。

    Equal main body of market , the equal real right is an order to maintain the credit economy .

  17. 信用是市场秩序扩展及深化的产物,与经济发展水平正相关。

    Credit comes from the extending and deepening of the order of market , which have the same tendency with the development of economy .

  18. 作为市场体制具有的规则性、契约信用性、秩序性和统一整体性等基本特征,都不是市场交换所能自发产生的。

    Market system is featured as the regularity , contractual credit , order , unified integrity . These features are not automatically brought by the market exchange .

  19. 研究表明,金融产权制度安排、金融市场结构与价格机制、技术进步和金融创新、金融企业内部管理、社会信用环境与秩序都是影响金融产业资本循环效率的重要因素。

    Studies have suggested that financial property system , financial market structure and price mechanism , technological progress and finance innovation , management inside the financial enterprise , social credit environment and order are the important factors to influence circulation efficiency of financial industrial capital .

  20. 资本市场不发达,法律制度不健全,信用和市场秩序混乱,企业恶意逃债接连发生,地方保护现象比较普遍,由此进一步加大了不良资产重组的难度。

    The capital market is undeveloped , legislation system is imperfect , credit and market are disorder , enterprise avoid debt maliciously one by one , and it is phenomenon relatively general for local government to protect its own profit . All these strengthen the difficulty to rearrange non-performing assets .

  21. 诚实信用与民事诉讼秩序的保障

    The Principle of Good Faith and the Security of Civil Lawsuit Order

  22. 而我国目前的社会信用环境和信用秩序却不容乐观。

    However the credit environment is not so good in our country at present .

  23. 为建立充满信用的市场经济秩序,需要构建一个适用范围更广泛、内容更具体、操作性更强的信赖利益保护机制。

    To build a reliable market economical order , a wider , more intensive and practical reliance interest protection mechanism is essential .

  24. 现代产权制度是现代企业制度的基础,也是形成良好信用体系和市场秩序的重要条件。

    Modern property right system is not only the base of the modern enterprise system , but also the important condition for forming good credit system and market order .

  25. 市场经济社会里,良好的市场经济秩序是经济健康发展的保证,而企业信用是良性经济秩序的关键。

    In the market economy society , favorable market economy order ensures the exuberance development of market economy , and the enterprise credit is the key of good market economy .

  26. 这种低信用状况对社会秩序和经济秩序造成极大的损害,使得社会整体交易成本增加,制约我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展。

    This kind of low credit condition does harm to social order and economic order seriously , and makes the whole bargain cost increased in our society , which restricts the healthy development of the our socialism market economy .

  27. 有利于依托良好的信用基础和市场秩序,促进资本的流动和重组,建立现代产权制度;

    Furthermore , good credibility foundation and market orders can be sustained by building a social credibility , as a result , the circulating and re-dividing of capitals can be fostered and hence a modern system of property rights can be achieved .

  28. 尤其在社会主义市场经济条件下,政府信用更是市场信用秩序建设的关节点。

    Government credibility can express itself especially in the context of socialist market economy .

  29. 为此,必须强化企业信用意识和整顿信用秩序,培育中小企业客户信用体系,引导中小企业加强信用管理,以适应我国社会主义市场经济体制的健康发展。

    To this end , it is essential to strengthen and consolidate the credit awareness and credit business order to cultivate SME customer credit system , and guide SME to strengthen credit management to adapt to the healthy development of China 's socialist market economic system .

  30. 中国经济面临信用考验,尽快整肃信用秩序,健全社会信用体系不仅是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的迫切需要,更是当前保证国民经济协调发展的当务之急。

    China 's economy faces the credit test . Not only it is necessary to complete the social credit system for building and perfecting the socialist market economy system , but also it is most urgent for the coordinated development of the national economy to renovate credit order .