
  1. 建立一套适合现阶段经济发展和个人经济行为的信用评估体系,有助于个人诚信体系的建设。

    To set up a credit evaluation system suitable for the current economic development and the individual economy action helps to construct the personal credit honesty system .

  2. 经济伦理的整体研究框架被划分为微观(研究个人经济行为)、中观(研究组织行为)、宏观(研究制度行为),自由是贯串三个层面的基本问题。

    The structure of the economic ethics theory is divided into micro-theory ( for personal behavior ) and mid-theory ( for organizations behavior ) and macro-theory ( for institutes ), freedom is the primary question throughout the three sectors .

  3. 征信活动能从制度上约束企业和个人的经济行为,促使人们形成诚信的观念,促进形成良好的社会信用环境,使我国逐渐转型为成熟的征信国家。

    Credit system could restrain the economic behavior of enterprises and individuals , prompted the formation of the concept of good faith and a good social credit environment .

  4. 在很多领域,文化机制作为一种制度安排的形式能够在一定程度上补充政府制度和市场制度的不足,其通过一定的社会环境因素影响政府、企业和个人的经济行为从而影响经济的发展。

    As a form of institutional arrangement , it can , to some extent , make up for government institutions and market institutions in many fields , influencing the economic behavior of government , firms and individuals through given social environment factors and thus influencing economic development .

  5. 大学生体育消费是指学生直接或间接从事体育活动的个人消费的经济行为。

    Sport consumption of university students is known as the students ' personal consumption engaging sport activities directly or indirectly .

  6. 体育消费是人们用货币购买体育效用的经济活动,是个人生活消费中满足发展消费和享受消费的重要组成部分,是直接或间接从事体育活动的个人消费的经济行为。

    Sports consumption is a kind of economic activity on which people spend money for physical fitness , which plays an important part in their daily consumption seeking for self-enjoyment and self-satisfaction . It is also the economic behavior involving personal consumption via direct or indirect physical activity .