
  • 网络personal memory;person memory;individual memory
  1. 就短吻鳄的故事来说,它能在个人记忆中存在很久的时间,比如说我的记忆。

    If you take the alligator story , it can exist for a long time in individual memory , let 's say , my memory .

  2. 人类学视野中的记忆分为个人记忆和社会或集体记忆,其中社会记忆作为一种广泛和深远意义的社会现象,具有巨大的学术研究价值。

    The memory in the vision of anthropology is divided into individual memory and social memory or collective memory , among which as one kind of phenomenon with wide and deep meaning , social memory is of great value on scientific research .

  3. 仓皇逃窜的S-21狱卒留下的文件书写了监狱运作的大体轮廓,然而正是凡纳用昏暗,严肃的颜料描绘出的个人记忆,才活生生的展示了那里曾经发生的过往。

    The fleeing warders of S-21 left behind troves of documents outlining the prison 's work , but it was Mr Vann Nath , painting his memories in sombre oils , who showed most vividly what had happened there .

  4. 医院发言人讲述一个人记忆中所发生的事情。

    Hospital spokeswoman share one person 's memory of what happened .

  5. 场所是一个由自然和人造环境组成的有意义的整体,蕴涵着精神意义的地方,在某种意义上,是一个人记忆的一种物体化和空间化。

    A place is composed of natural and manmade environment .

  6. 个人记忆中的历史

    The History in Individual 's Memory

  7. 历史叙事中的个人记忆

    Personal Memory in the Historical Narration

  8. 在我们对抗战时期文学的集体记忆中,抗战是其主旋律,但集体记忆之外,还有着个人记忆的狂欢。

    Our common memory about literature in the period of Anti-Japanese War is that the war is its theme .

  9. 一个人记忆的好坏,并不完全是天生的;良好的记忆力是可以在后天的教育训练中获得的。

    One 's memory ability is not innate , A good memory can be acquired through education and training .

  10. 在参展艺术家和作品中,曾健勇的创作将普遍化的个人记忆、对儿子的实时观察植入社会现实中;

    Among participating artists , Zeng Jianyong plants generalized personal memories and observations of his son into social reality ;

  11. 这位现年85岁的作者,也是正在死去的拥有战争个人记忆的一代人中的一份子。

    The author , now aged 85 , is part of the dying generation with personal memories of the war .

  12. 个人记忆与宏大叙事的巧妙缝合&论《青春之歌》叙事处理之特定时代的成功因素

    Marvelous Combination of Personal Memory and Grand Narrative : On the Successful Factors of the Narrative Treatment of The Song of Youth in the Specific Times

  13. 这就是为什么我们把气味当作个人记忆触发器的原因&它能勾起一些具体、特别且个人独有的回忆。

    That 's why we think of scent as a trigger for personal memory & leading to the recall of something specific , particular , uniquely our own .

  14. 历史对于她们来说,不仅仅意味着怀旧思乡的个人记忆,血脉相连的文化传承,也表明了她们对故国的责任感和使命感。

    For them , history not only means personal memories , homesickness and inheritance of Chinese blood , but also reflects their responsibility and strong sense of missions .

  15. 这就是为什么我们把气味当作个人记忆触发器的原因——它能勾起一些具体、特别且个人独有的回忆。

    That 's why we think of scent as a trigger for personal memory - leading to the recall of something specific , particular , uniquely our own .

  16. 眷村小说通过介入台湾文学主体建构、对个人记忆和集体记忆的书写、空间策略、双重困境下的颠覆策略四个方面展开了对当代台湾文学的建构和言说。

    It constructs the contemporary literature through literature subject building , personal memory and collective memory of the writing , and space strategy , the strategy of subversion under the dual plight .

  17. 本文通过文献分析法、多学科综合分析法,实地调查法,指出社会记忆与个人记忆、历史记忆的区别,分析社会记忆与旅游市场吸引力之间的关系。

    Through the methods of documentary analysis , multidisciplinary analysis and field survey , the paper points out the difference of social memory between personal memory and historical memory , analyzes the relationship between social memory and the attractiveness of the tourism market .

  18. 量化一个人的记忆能力有多好是十分困难的。

    It 's tough to quantify how good a person is at remembering .

  19. 医生说这是一种进行性的大脑疾病,它可以破坏一个人的记忆。

    The doctor said it was a progressive brain disorder which could destroy a person 's memory .

  20. 我们3个人凭记忆唱了整首歌。

    The three of us sang the whole song from memory .

  21. 可是我不会落泪,哭泣是因为一个人的记忆在心里。

    But I will not cry , because crying is a person 's memory in mind .

  22. 根据佛教,一个人的记忆能力能够保持到他死后以及后世。

    According to Buddhism , memory power of a person can remain with him even after death until the last birth .

  23. 对于一个人的记忆,总在最想忘却的时候频频出现在自己的世界。

    For a person 's memory , the total would like to forget most of the time appeared frequently in their own world .

  24. 因为知识通常只储存在各个人的记忆中,所以当人们离开公司时这些知识对公司而言也就失去了。

    And because it 's typically stored only in individuals'memories , this knowledge is lost to the corporation when people leave the company .

  25. 在脑区间相互作用基础上,预测受试者个人工作记忆容量有望得到实现。

    On the basis of interaction between the brain areas , it was even possible to predict the subject 's individual working memory capacity .

  26. 首饰这样的一个点,浓缩的不仅仅是个人的记忆,而且还有着一个时代的经历和叙述。

    Take Jewelry as point , it is not only the personal enrichment of memory , but also a description of experience and age .

  27. 但这也意味着知识分于放弃了对苦难、历史必要的追问,复杂的民族国家历史、个人情感记忆就此被简化,被悄悄重构。

    In this process , the intellectuals give up detailed inquiries about miseries and history and the nation 's complicated history and individual memory are simplified and reconstructed .

  28. 认为复出后的孙犁首先是从个人的记忆中搜寻美好的人性与人情,追觅革命的情怀和情操,进而观照现实,鞭策来者。

    It assumes that Sun Li on his later appearance searched for humanity and human sentiment and called back the revolutionary feelings and integrity so as to reflect the reality and encourage the late comers .

  29. 该方案假设网中用户持有由可信任的认证中心(TAC)发行的个人卡&记忆卡式智能卡。

    The scheme assumes that each user has a personalized card-memory card or smart card issued by a trusted authentication center .

  30. 供应过剩加上去年的全球经济危机,导致主要用于个人电脑临时记忆存储的D-Ram芯片价格急剧下跌。

    A supply glut combined with the global economic crisis last year saw prices plunge sharply for the chip , which is mainly used in PCs to temporarily store memory .