
yóu chuán
  • send by post/mail;postal/mail delivery
邮传 [yóu chuán]
  • [post;mail] 驿传,传递文书的驿站

  • 邮传冗费。--《明史》

  1. 从档案看清末邮传部

    Views on Post Ministry at End of The Qing Dynasty From Archives

  2. 邮传部研究100年

    Research of the Ministry of Post-communication for a Hundred Years

  3. 签名制度广泛应用与邮传过程的每一个环节。

    Sign systems are widely used and every link of the post process .

  4. 换句话说,他们将邮传管理看作是行政管理工作的一部分。

    In other words , they will post management as part of the administration .

  5. 邮传部与清末邮政事业的近代化

    Department of Post and the Modernization of the Post in the Late Qing Dynasty

  6. 此外,在邮传工作的运行中形成了一套规范化的管理。

    In addition , mail runs in the form of a set of standardized management .

  7. 传食制度与邮传制度,既有密切联系,但也存在着明显区别。

    There are distinct differences and close connections between the Food System and the Postal System .

  8. 此外,秦汉邮传管理的有效运行有制度保证。

    In addition , the Qin and Han postal guarantee the effective operation of the management system .

  9. 但是当时的邮传并没有形成一种制度,仅仅是作为信息传递的一种方式存在。

    But the post did not form a system , just as a way to pass information .

  10. 新闻部电子邮传系统

    DPI Electronic Mail System

  11. 总的来说,秦汉邮传管理体现了系统性强的特点。

    In General , the Qin and Han reflect the characteristics of a strong system of postal management .

  12. 里程表是秦汉时期国家以及主管邮传行书部门必须掌握的基本数据。

    Odometer is head of State and post during the Qin and Han ' must grasp of basic data .

  13. 请在下面的空格填上你登记的电邮,新的密码会利用电邮传送给你。

    Please Fill in the email in the following textbox , your new password will be sent through email .

  14. 长城是集候望系统、驻军系统、屯田后勤系统、邮传交通系统而构成的综合性防御体系。

    The Great Wall is a all-around defense system that consist of presentiment system , garrison system , logistics system and liaison system .

  15. 四政之外,在汽车、电灯、无线电及航空领域,邮传部亦有尝试。

    Besides these four respects , Yu-chuan Pu also had a try in the fields of automobile , electric light , radio and aviation .

  16. 大连海事大学历史悠久,其前身可追溯到1909年晚清邮传部上海高等实业学堂(南洋公学)船政科。

    The long history of the University can be traced back to 1909 , when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established a Shipping Management Section .

  17. 亦盼望您能把这个电邮传给您的朋友。收集到更多的问卷,有助我们得到更可信及可靠的分析。

    We hope you would forward this email to your friends as well . A larger sample size would help the survey more reliable and reasonable .

  18. 郡县长吏直接负责邮传的管理,主要是后勤保障要依赖于郡县两级的守、尉等长官。

    County Executive , County officials directly responsible for the management of the postal , mainly logistical support to rely on county level guard , Wei , Chief Executive .

  19. 北宋建立后,在继承唐代邮传制度的基础上,建立了一套较之前代更为完整、更为合理的邮传制度。

    After the establish of Northern Song Dynasty , they set up a more complete and reasonable postal delivery system which is based on the former Dynasty , Tang .

  20. 可以看出,汉朝关于邮传机构的设置比较灵活,综合考虑了多种因素,因地制宜。

    As can be seen , the Han dynasty on postal agencies set up a more flexible , consider a variety of factors , suiting measures to local conditions .

  21. 第一章:晚清交通事业的管理相形混乱,邮传部的成立就是这一客观现状的自然需求所致。

    Chapter 1 : The confused management of Late Qing Dynasty 's communication resulted in the natural demand of this objective situation , which led to the establishment of Yu-chuan Pu .

  22. 秦汉时期为我国封建社会的大一统时期,各项统一措施的实施和交通网的建立为邮传制度的进一步发展、完善提供了有利条件。

    Qin-Han period was a time of feudal unity in China and all the uniform measures and the setting up of traffic network made it advantageous for the postal system to further develop and to be perfect .

  23. 地方管理中主要有总协理及督办,此外则为顾问官、议员、洋务总办、交通使、邮传使及铁路总稽查等。

    Besides the general assistant manager and supervisor , there were other officers in the local management , such as consultant , congressman , foreign affair general director , transportation official , post messenger and general railway inspector , etc.

  24. 不过,由于经济、政治、战争等方面的原因,到北宋末年、南宋初年,以省铺为代表的邮传系统几近瘫痪。

    However , due to the economy , politics , war and other reasons , at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty , the beginning of Southern Song Dynasty , the postal delivery system was failed to functional properly .