
  • 网络individual culture
  1. 群体文化和个体文化在言语行为中的体现

    The presentation of group culture and individual culture in verbal action

  2. 从组织和个体文化角度谈谈核安全文化

    Nuclear Safety Culture Based on the Organizational and Individual Culture

  3. 本文从组织和个体文化的角度,论述了核安全文化。

    This paper discusses the nuclear safety culture from the viewpoints of the or -

  4. 大连市拥有强大的城市群体文化,尚缺乏富有生命力创造力的个体文化及成熟的家庭文化。

    Dalian has strong group culture , but lacks creative individual culture and ripe family culture .

  5. 研究表明,个体文化突变可以增加整个体系文化交流的机会。

    The research indicates that individual cultural variation enhances the opportunity for overall cultural communication system .

  6. 城市文化是一个由群体文化、个体文化、家庭文化组合而成的三元结构,在现实状态中,这是一个不平衡的结构。

    The city culture is three-dimensional structure consisting of group culture , individual culture and family culture . This is unbalance structure .

  7. 礼貌作为一种普遍的语用现象,既具有泛文化的共性,也有个体文化的特殊性。

    It has to be acknowledged that politeness , as a pragmatic phenomenon , enjoys not only pan-cultural universality but also cultural individuality .

  8. 因此,本文提出了从个体文化和体系文化两个层次,由内向外研究中欧关系的理论框架。

    The author therefore proposes a theoretical framework to study China-EU relations starting from the individual culture and ending with the system culture .

  9. 语言是个体文化的一部分,也是个体所在社会成员交流的主要工具。

    A language is part of the culture of a people and the chief means by which the members of a society communicate .

  10. 在个体文化认同中,网络虚拟性的多重文化认同将导致主体和身份的分裂。

    The multiple cultural recognition of web 's virtual will lead to the splitting of the Subject and Identity in the individual cultural recognition .

  11. 黄玉雪曾表示第三人称的安排是对中国传统文化的尊重和对中国漠视个体文化的反映。

    Wong states that the third-person-singular style is to show her respect for Chinese traditions and it also reflects cultural disregard for the individual in China .

  12. 在城市地域社区解体之后,开经活动扮演着凝聚家族成员,赋予个体文化认同符号,抗拒文化涵化的作用。

    It plays a role in affiliating members of families , giving individuals the symbol of cultural identity , and resisting acculturation after regional community disaggregated in the city .

  13. 第三部分,冲突与选择&在中西文化冲突中构筑批判性的个体文化心理。

    The third part is about conflict and choice in a construction of Mao Dun 's individually critical psychology of culture in the impact of west culture on the east .

  14. 在跨文化管理理论中,文化智力正在受到越来越多的关注,之前的研究更多地探讨了个体文化智力对工作绩效等的正向影响,即个人文化智力越高,其工作表现越好。

    The previous study focuses more on its positive effects on work performance from individual level , that is , one with high level of cultural intelligence will have better performance .

  15. 儿童期是个体文化习得的关键期,个体在这个阶段所习得的文化将是影响个体一生思维和行为方式的文化底色。

    Childhood is a critical period of cultural acquisition for individual , the culture individual acquired at this stage will be a cultural background which would affect individual thinking and behavior throughout lifetime .

  16. 由于农村居民学习者个体文化水平较低,而生产生活经验相似程度较高,小组学习形式可以促使他们在较短时间内飞快掌握技能。

    Because the rural residents learner individual culture level is low , production and life experience similar degree is high , group learning forms can make them in a short time master skills quickly .

  17. 企业是一个由多元文化构成的价值观体系,企业文化不仅体现了个体文化价值观及这些价值观的融合,还与企业组织结构中的各种客观要素相联系。

    Enterprise is a synthetic value system constituted by multi-cultures . Corporate culture not only embodies the integration of the individual cultural values and values , but also connects with many objective factors in the corporation structure .

  18. 参加美食节的观众不是只限于体验某种风格的食物,还可以感受到不同大厨对美食的理解和个体文化。

    And for the people who come to the festivals , you 're not limited to trying one style of cooking , and you get a sense of different chefs " perceptions of foods and their personal cultures .

  19. 运用复杂适应系统理论,论述了企业文化的整体性与个体文化的差异性,并对有差异的个体文化通过自适应促进企业整体性文化的形成进行了描述。

    Applying with complexity adaptation system theory , discrepancy between the individual and the wholeness of enterprise culture is discussed in this article , and how the discrepant individual culture promoting the whole culture forming in self-adaptation way is described as well .

  20. 研究发现研究对象的逆向文化冲击程度同出国时间相关,文化适应的程度则与同当地的人际交流、同当地的社会交流、介入当地大众传播媒介的程度以及个体文化策略的选择相关。

    Main founding of the research including the degree of converse culture shock and the time length oversea has correlation , and the degree of repatriation adjustment has correlations with interpersonal communication , social communication , usage frequency of mass media and personal culture adjustment decision-makings .

  21. 基于个体层次文化因素的移动商务采纳研究

    Mobile Commerce Adoption Study from the Perspective of Individual Level Culture

  22. 读者权利的实质是维护并实现个体的文化权利。

    Reader right takes it as nature to protect and realize individual cultural right .

  23. 我国近代以来的文化转型是由集体本位文化向个体本位文化转型的过程。

    It is the process from collectivism to individualism that the cultural transformation of modern times of china .

  24. 学者们通过分析人际和群体间的传播网络,更好地解释了文化适应现象,认为有效的支持网络可以帮助个体缓解文化适应压力。

    The researchers better explain acculturation phenomenon by analyzing individuals ' communication network . They hold that effective supporting networks help relieve the stress .

  25. 当代中国文化转型的目标是现代社会主义文化形态,它是以个体自我文化意识为前提和依据的。

    The aim of the transformation of Chinese culture is to establish the pattern of modern socialist culture which is based on the individual self-identified cultural consciousness .

  26. 权力对社会认知和行为影响的中介因素包括权力关系的稳定性、责任感和个体及文化差异。

    The moderators of effect of power on social cognition and behavior include the stability of power relation , sense of responsibility and individual and cultural differences .

  27. 在不同文化背景下个体受文化背景、风俗习惯、语言等影响对心理状态的认识和表达方式是不同的。

    Under the influences of background , customs , language and lifestyle in different culturals , people have different understandings and expression forms for their state of mind .

  28. 文化权利就是人们通过文化活动获得利益的权利。文化权利有集体性文化权利和个体性文化权利之分。

    The cultural right is the right obtaining benefits through cultural activities , and it can be divided into the collective cultural right and the individual cultural right .

  29. 权力的实际结果并不仅仅受权力的影响,它还会受到权力关系的稳定性和觉察到的威胁、责任感以及个体和文化差异等中介因素的影响。

    The actual results of power is not only affected by power , but also the stability of power relation , being aware of dangers , responsibility and differences between individuals and cultures .

  30. 尽管这些理论形式多样,但均以弱化资本主义社会的阶级和阶级冲突为共同特征,主张以个体的文化权力抗争取代阶级斗争。

    Although diverse , these theories can be characterized by weakening the class conflict of the capitalist society , and held that class struggle should be superseded by the individual resistance of cultural right .