
jǔ shǒu lǐ
  • hand solute
  1. 他常说,斯波克手指分开的举手礼是他想出来的:他是根据犹太大祭司的祝福创作的,这个手势是在模仿希伯来语字母ש,它是Shaddai的第一个字母,Shaddai是希伯来语中对上帝的一个称呼。

    The character 's split-fingered salute , he often explained , had been his idea : He based it on the kohanic blessing , a manual approximation of the Hebrew letter shin , which is the first letter in Shaddai , one of the Hebrew names for God .

  2. 女郎鞭子一指,虎兄就规规矩矩地坐下来,向观众敬了一个举手礼。

    As the woman pointed the whip , the tiger sit down obediently and bowed to the audience .

  3. 举手礼,举枪礼:把手或枪放在一定位置,或一个人向军事长官致敬的身体动作。

    The position of the hand or rifle or the bodily posture of a person saluting a military superior .