
jǔ zhèng
  • Adduce evidence;put to the proof
举证[jǔ zhèng]
  1. 浅论诉讼中的证明责任与举证责任

    On the proof liability and the liability of put to the proof in lawsuit

  2. 就司法实践中当事人举证难的客观事实提出了一些合理的立法建议;

    It mainly puts forwards some reasonable legal suggestions for the facts that , it is very difficult for people to put to the proof .

  3. 起诉方有举证的责任。

    The burden of proof is on the prosecution .

  4. 在诽谤诉讼中,举证责任反过来由辩方全权承担。

    The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender .

  5. WTO争端解决程序中举证责任和证据的可接受性问题具有重要的实践意义。

    This article discusses the issue of burden of prove and the acceptability of evidence in WTO dispute settlement proceedings .

  6. 在此基础上,通过分析中国入世以来经历的案例,对中国利用WTO争端解决机制举证责任规则提出一些建议和看法。

    On this basis , the author puts forward some suggestions on how to utilize rules of burden of proof in DSM by analyzing those cases involved by China since its entry into WTO .

  7. 由于风险更大,SEC举证的责任就更重,因而需要不受限制地接触到原始文件和相关人员。

    Because the stakes are higher , the SEC is held to a higher burden of proof , and needs unfettered access to source documents and people .

  8. 一般来说,Intranet是相对封闭的,但是Intranet还是面临着诸多安全与管理问题,比如:接入用户身份及主机的可信性、IP地址管理混乱及网上行为查实举证难等问题。

    Intranet is relatively close as a whole , but it is still faced with many security and management problems : credibility of connected user identity and host , management confusion of IP address , checking and justify of online behavior .

  9. 随后是两大奢侈品牌PRADA和FENDI的旗舰店实例举证,把展示手法与品牌、奢侈和时尚联系起来,以次证明创新点存在的可能性;

    Be two greatly luxury brand PRADA 's and the flagship store of the FENDI later on the example offer as proof actually , chasing the display design skill and brand , the luxury and the fashion contact get up , the time is order by certificate innovation existent possibility ;

  10. 确立双重的举证责任分担规则制度。

    And establish regular system of double proof and responsibility share .

  11. 举证时限与证据交换制度是相辅相成的。

    Limitation of Proof and Evidence Exchange System supplements each other .

  12. 论统一的诉讼举证责任概念

    On the United Concept of Burden of Proof in Procedural Law

  13. WT0合理期限仲裁举证问题探析

    On Proof during WTO " Reasonable Period of Time " Arbitration

  14. 举证责任与增强护士的证据意识

    Responsibility of Evidence-providing and to Strengthen the Evidence Consciousness of Nurses

  15. 环境侵权诉讼中原告举证责任的重要性

    Importance of Testimony Offering Duty of Plaintiff In Environmental Tort Lawsuit

  16. 举证责任倒置后医疗行为的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasure of Medical Treatment Action after Onus Probandi Inversion

  17. 船舶碰撞案件中举证问题研究

    Research on the Matter of Adducing Proof in Ship Collision Case

  18. 虚拟财产纠纷中的举证责任分配

    The burden of evidence in the disputes about the virtual property

  19. 医患纠纷诉讼的举证责任分配

    Responsibility Allocation for the Burden of Proof in Medical Dispute Cases

  20. 略论举证责任分配的司法裁量

    On the Judicial Discretion in the Allocation of Burden of Proof

  21. 试论举证责任与证明责任

    On the Burden of Producing Evidence and the Burden of Proof

  22. 我国民事举证责任分配制度研究

    Study on the Distribution of the Burden of Proof in China

  23. 劳动争议诉讼举证责任分配

    Allocation of Onus Prob and I in Labour Disputes Lawsuits

  24. 试论程序性辩护的举证责任

    A try on the burden of poof in procedural defenses PROGRAMMED REQUESTS

  25. 论民事诉讼中的举证责任倒置

    On the Inversion of Burden of Persuasion in Civil Proceeding

  26. 举证责任分配规则若干问题分析

    On Some Problems about Distribution Rules of Burden of Proof

  27. 试析强化当事人的举证责任

    Trying On Strengthening the Litigant 's Duty of Supplying Evidence

  28. 被告人供述笔录的证据效力举证责任应主要由被告承担。

    The burden of proof is mainly on the defendant .

  29. 浅评《证据规定》之当事人举证

    Analysis of the Parties ' Burden of Proof in Regulation of Proofs

  30. 二是明确举证分配规则。

    Second , clarify the distribution principle of adducing evidence .