
  • 网络internet works
  1. 网络作品及其版权问题浅析

    Analysis on the Problems of Internet Works and Its Copyright

  2. 网络作品的法定许可与合理使用;

    Legal permission and reasonable use of internet works ;

  3. 初析网络作品的著作权集体管理制度

    The research on collective managerial system of copyrights of works on networks

  4. 试析网络作品著作权的法律性质认定

    The Nature of Law in the Works on the Internet

  5. 网络作品法定许可制度研究

    Study on the System of Legal permit of Net Works

  6. 网络作品著作权的若干问题初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Copyright of the Network Works

  7. 第三部分:网络作品的集体管理。

    The third part is about the collective management system of network productions .

  8. 试论我国网络作品著作权的刑法保护

    Criminal Protection on Copyright of Network Works in China

  9. 数字化是网络作品的突出特点。

    Digitalization is the noticeable characteristic of Internet works .

  10. 网络作品、版权及其使用

    The Net Works and Its Copyright and Usage

  11. 最后着重阐述了网络作品权利人的权利。

    And finally focuses on the rights of right holders of the network works .

  12. 第五部分论述有关网上作品著作权的侵权问题。探讨了网络作品是否享有著作权及网络服务商如何承担侵权责任的问题。

    The last section talks about the damages for copyright infringement concerning the internet .

  13. 试论网络作品著作权及其侵权认定

    The Identification of the Copyright of Network Works and the Relevant Act of Piracy

  14. 试论网络作品对传统作品的突破

    On Works of Network Breaking Through Traditional Works

  15. 目前,全球网络作品侵权的情况愈演愈烈,我国也不例外。

    At present , intensified global network infringement case , China is no exception .

  16. 网络作品著作权的内容;

    The content of copyright in internet works ;

  17. 同时进一步加剧了网络作品权利人之间的冲突。

    Further exacerbated by the conflict between the rights holders of the network works .

  18. 在这种形势下,如何既能保护著作权人的权益,又能促进网络作品的快速发展,成为立法界和司法界极为关注的问题。

    Then it is important how to not only protect the copyrights but also expands web production in law .

  19. 以及网络作品的集体管理制度,这些是本文重点关注的问题。

    And the collective management system of network productions , all these are the core problems of the paper .

  20. 网络作品著作权保护问题随着今年以来的数起侵权案的审理而现实地摆在我们面前。

    Recently several cases concerned with network tort have been adjudicated and we confront the problem of network copyright protection .

  21. 网络作品的著作权人一面在努力地采取技术措施保护自己的作品不受他人非法侵害。

    The owner of the copyright network works is making efforts to take technical measures to protect themselves from illegal violations .

  22. 本文探讨了构建网络作品法律保护体系的三个关键问题:网络作品的合理使用问题;

    The paper discusses three key problems to construct the legal protection system for networks : the reasonable use of networks ;

  23. 在加强网络作品版权保护的法律措施方面,无论是程序法,还是实体法上,都需要去做出进一步的完善。

    To strengthen copyright protection in the legal measures , both procedural law or substantive law are required to make further refinements .

  24. 在独占性方面,网络作品需要制定新的许可证制度与著作权的稿酬计算标准;

    In monopolizing nature , the network works need to make the new license system and make the new remuneration standard of copyright ;

  25. 在引入集体管理后,要通过建立信息生产者与服务商、服务商与使用者之间的契约系统来推动网络作品市场的发展。

    Under management rules in public , internet production market will be expanded by signing contracts among author , user , and service department .

  26. 网络作品是伴随着计算机技术的飞速发展和互联网技术的广泛传播而产生的一类作品。

    Network work is accompanied by the rapid development of computer technology and Internet technology , which produces a class of wide dissemination of works .

  27. 本文通过浅要分析网络作品的概念、技术保护措施的相关内容,提出保护网著作权的相关建议。

    This article works through the light to the concept of network , Technological protection measures related content , Make relevant recommendations of copyright protection network .

  28. 本文对现存的版权法律制度的不足和国际互联网下的版权集体管理制度进行了分析,并针对网络作品的特点,提出了国际互联网下的版权集体管理制度的对策。

    The thesis analyze the imperfection of the copyright law and institution of copyright aggregation administer on Internet put forward the copyright countermeasures to administer effort on Internet .

  29. 它主要介绍了网络作品和网络著作权的内涵与特点、网络著作权的主体、客体以及内容等相关理论。

    The correlative theory , the connotation of Internet works , the object , subject and content of author 's right on the Internet are introduced in this part .

  30. 作为新兴事物,网络作品著作权具有不同于传统著作权的内涵和法律特征,侵犯网络著作权的犯罪也呈现出新的特点。

    As a new , has a different connotation than the traditional copyright network copyright and legal characteristics , network copyright violations also takes on a new feature of crime .