
  • 网络China Copyright Protection Center;Copyright Protection Center of China;CPCC
  1. 但是,如果你认为自己贡献的内容足够优秀,想受到进一步的保护,你可以到北京的中国版权保护中心,把你的原创作品存档留做证据。

    If you think your own contribution is good enough to have further protection , you can register it with Beijing 's Copyright Protection Center of China and put your original work on file as evidence .

  2. 为了提倡网上资讯的知识产权,中国资讯行在业内发挥带头作用,于1999年委任中国版权保护中心为公司的法律顾问,就版权事宜向公司提出专业意见。

    To promote Intellectual property online , China INFOBANK led its way in assigning China Copyright Protection Center as our legal advisor in1999 to provide professional advice .