
  • 网络contemporary chinese literature;chinese modern literature
  1. 关于中国当代文学审美现代性的一点思考

    My Ponderation over the Aesthetic Modernity of the Contemporary Chinese Literature

  2. 现代性的空间焦虑&中国当代文学六十年的一种精神状态

    Space Anxiety of Modernity : 60 Years of Contemporary Chinese Literature

  3. 论路遥的创作在中国当代文学史上的意义

    The Significance of Luyao 's Creation in Chinese Contemporary Literary History

  4. 后现代语境下的中国当代文学

    On the Chinese contemporary literature in the context of the postmodernism

  5. 文学修辞批评与中国当代文学批评的学术品格

    Literary Rhetorical Criticism and Academic Characteristics of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism

  6. 我们应该怎样重写中国当代文学史

    How should we rewrite the history of contemporary Chinese literature

  7. 寂寞的声音:冯雪峰与中国当代文学的叙述

    The Lone Voice , Feng Xuefeng and Narration of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  8. 建构中国当代文学解释学的有益探索

    A Creative Research of Constructing the Chinese Contemporary Literature Hermeneutic

  9. 简论中国当代文学学科的发生与发展

    On the Occurrence and Development of Chinese Contemporary Literature Course

  10. 《中国当代文学史》项目化教学初探

    Project Teaching of " History of Contemporary Chinese Literature "

  11. 中国当代文学中,涉及日本军人的文学数不胜数。

    There are many images of Japanese soldier in contemporary Chinese literature .

  12. 评价论与中国当代文学理论建设

    The Concept of Evaluation and the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory

  13. 柳青、《创业史》与中国当代文学及其他

    Liu Qing 's An Enterprising History and Chinese Contemporary Literature

  14. 追问与探寻&在全球化语境下对中国当代文学的反思

    Examing and Pursuing & Retrospect of Chinese Modern Literature Under the GlobalizatiOn Context

  15. 论全球化语境下中国当代文学的民族性

    Discuss the national character of the Contemporary Chinese Literature at global language Surroundings

  16. 学术视野中的中国当代文学

    Contemporary Chinese Literature in the Context of Academic Vision

  17. 中国当代文学史研究的文化诗学视角

    A Cultural Poetic Perspective in Studies of the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  18. 中国当代文学的身体叙写(1949-2006)

    Body Writing in Chinese Contemporary Literature ( 1949-2006 );

  19. 中国当代文学畅销书发展的现状及原因探析

    Current Chinese Literary Bestsellers : An overview of Developments

  20. 中国当代文学课程教学内容的两个维度

    Two Dimensions of the Teaching Contents of Contemporary Literature

  21. 中国当代文学中的反乌托邦寓言的创作始于王小波。

    The writing of contemporary dystopian allegory in China started from Wang Xiaobo .

  22. 后现代主义对中国当代文学的影响述评

    The Influence of Western Postmodernism on Chinese Contemporary Literature

  23. 凝视与倾听&试论中国当代文学中的视听审美范式问题

    Visual and Audio Aesthetic Modes in Modern Chinese Literature

  24. 垮掉的一代与中国当代文学

    " The Beat Generation " and Contemporary Chinese Literature

  25. 试述大众文化背景下的中国当代文学的特征

    Characteristics of China Contemporary Literature under Mass Culture Background

  26. 中国当代文学史课程教学改革的几点思考

    Thinking on the Teaching Reform of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  27. 中国当代文学理论批评40年

    Chinese Modern Literary Theoretical Criticism within 40 Years

  28. 对《中国当代文学》教学的思考

    A Ponder over the Contemporary Chinese Literature Teaching

  29. 中国当代文学中的人学与美学

    Humanity and Aesthetics in the Modern Chinese Literature

  30. 中国当代文学体制研究(1949-1976年)

    On Chinese Contemporary Literature System ( 1949-1976 )