
  • agency fee;commission;brokerage fee
  1. 最大的障碍因素之一是租房要交的中介费。

    One of the biggest deterrents was the estate agency fee for finding a rental flat .

  2. 是经纪商对交易收取的费用。可能是一笔固定的金额或是百分比,通常指的是中介费。

    The fee charged by a broker for execution of a transaction . May be a flat amount or a percentage ; usually referred to as a commission .

  3. 对于他们出租的某些房子也提供同样的好处,顺带还省略了中介费

    Stuyvesant Town offers the same perk on some apartments , along waiving the broker 's fee . StuyvesantTown

  4. 该公寓售出后不久,经纪公司道格拉斯·艾丽曼房地产公司(DouglasElliman)状告这套公寓的前业主,称其到期未付中介费。

    Shortly after the sale , the brokerage firm Douglas Elliman sued the former owners of the condo , claiming the company was due brokerage fees .

  5. 你妈妈有没有解释什么是中介费?

    Your mom said something about paying a finder 's fee ?

  6. 她收你中介费了吗?

    Did she charge you a broker 's fee ?

  7. 中介费,付你百分之十,就是十万

    A finder 's fee -- call it 10 % , 100 large .

  8. 为你自己赚一笔中介费。

    Get a hefty finder 's fee for yourself .

  9. 适当地花点中介费,你可以利用代理机构的服务。

    For a modest fee , you can use the services of an agency .

  10. 他的公司收取少量的中介费。

    His company would charge small intermediation fees .

  11. 中介费是另一项收入来源,投行和财富管理是主要部分。

    Intermediary fees are another source of income , with investment bank and wealth management as the main portion .

  12. 您是否曾有过留学海外的渴望,但却对高额的中介费望而却步?

    Have you had the dream of studying abroad but have to give it up for its high agent costs ?

  13. 引进项目并以开展经营的,按该企业年税后利润一次性付给5%的中介费。

    These who introduce item and the item begin to operate can get5 % intermediary fee in lump-sum way according to its pure profit .

  14. 选择了我们,你可以省下婚庆公司的中介费,并且可以获得我们更贴心细致的服务。

    Has chosen us , you can save the company as an intermediary wedding costs , and access to our more caring and careful service .

  15. 我们会为您找一个直接贷款方为您提供贷款。不需要中介费等额外费用。直接转帐贷项、直接转帐付款、直接转帐

    We will find a direct lender to approve your loan . No middlemen or additional fees . a giro credit , payment , transfer , etc

  16. 直到最近的一项法律修改之前,租户在交第一笔费用时,都可能要交相当于两个月房租的中介费。

    Until a recent change in the law , the fee could add the equivalent to two months " rent to the tenant 's initial costs .

  17. 厂商亦不得以支付他人佣金、比例金、中介费、后谢金或其它利益为条件,促成采购契约之签订。

    A supplier shall not induce the procuring entity to sign a contract by giving others commission , percentage , brokerage , kickback , or any other benefits .

  18. 由于租赁经验不足,也不想付租房中介费,在上网搜寻之后,他发现他只能负担得起一个隔断间。

    With no experience at renting and not wanting to pay real estate agency fees , after scouring the Internet he found he could only afford a subdivided unit .

  19. 业主发布无中介费!附近中介已登记,中介勿再来问。入住时间:待业主单位分房搬出。适当地花点中介费,你可以利用代理机构的服务。

    Owners released without intermediary costs ! Near intermediaries have registered intermediary asked not to come back . Check-in time : housing distribution to the owners moved out . For a modest fee , you can use the services of an agency .

  20. 买了房子再卖掉所需的费用——包括房产中介费、过户费、买卖手续费、验房师和估价师的费用一一加在一起大概是房价的10%,或者大致相当于一年半的房租。

    The costs for buying and then selling a home-which can include a real-estate agent 's fee , a transfer fee , closing costs , and inspector and surveyor fees-could add up to about 10 % of the sale price , or roughly1.5 years worth of rent .

  21. 一手中介代理费购房者享受了什么服务?

    Primary intermediary agency fees property buyers " enjoy " what services ?

  22. 体育赞助经费一般由直接赞助经费、体育赞助实施经费、中介机构劳务费和预后费用四种费用构成。

    The money of the sports sponsorship are including sponsor directly , actualization money , the reward origin from intermediary organs , budgeting money .

  23. Wai说:你付给中介额外的服务费,他们却不一定为你找到最优惠的票价,常常是全价经济舱,这并非首选。

    ' You pay a premium for a travel agent , but they don 't necessarily find the best fares , and it 's usually a Y-class fare , not priority , ' Ms. Wai says .

  24. 雷博洛夫列夫说,他本来以为布维耶在交易中担任中介角色,谈出最佳价格,然后拿走购买价2%的中介费。

    Mr. Rybolovlev says he had believed Mr. Bouvier was acting as his intermediary in their transactions , negotiating the best price and taking a 2 percent fee , based on the purchase price .