
wù yè fèi
  • property management fee
  1. 应用数据挖掘工具分析找到引起物业费恶意拖欠的风险因素,帮物业管理公司找到引起这个问题的主要因素,甚至还可能发现一些分析师从来没有想过或试过的其他因素。

    Application of data mining tools to analyze property management fee is causing malicious default risk factors , to help property management companies to find the main factors causing this problem , and even found that some analysts may have never thought about or tried other factors .

  2. 支付宝是中国当下最热门的在线支付系统,人们用它支付淘宝(Taobao)上的订单,缴纳物业费,购买电影票,还可在其他购物网站上消费。

    Alipay is China 's most popular online payment system used for online purchases including Taobao orders , paying utility bills , movie tickets , and other shopping sites .

  3. 物业费应在何时交纳,收费标准如何确定?

    Property costs should be paid when , how to determine fees ?

  4. 从物业费到倒卖税,共管公寓和合作公寓的业主经常抱怨,管委会要将他们榨干了。

    From maintenance to flip taxes , condo and co-op owners often complain of boards bleeding them dry .

  5. 此外,这也是19个月来物业费首次出现年度下降。

    In addition , this is the first time such property costs have experienced an annual dip in19 months .

  6. 谋士说:照收不误,起个日本名儿,叫物业费!

    Advisers said : It collects no mistake , children from a Japanese name , name of property charges !

  7. 物业费是每平方米5元,包括清洁、保安、设备维修等开支。

    The management fee is five yuan per square meter including common area cleaning , security and facilities maintenance .

  8. 表决同不同意物业费以明确各项服务内容及费用的形式来收取;

    To vote and decide whether the amount of property maintenance charges is to tie to the service level and actual cost .

  9. 有一个简单的上市费物业费也是基于最终金额房地产销售。

    There is a simple fee for listing the property and also a fee is based on the final amount of the property sale .

  10. 当然,公寓业主要交物业费,用来公共面积和设备的维修和保养,但这些往往是相当低的。

    Of course , condo owners have other expenses , particularly maintaining the grounds and common areas , but these tend to be quite low .

  11. 此外,据知情人士透露,杰克逊在附近拥有的一栋高级公寓也有四个月的房贷月供和物业费没交,同样面临止赎危险。

    A nearby condominium , four months behind on loan payments and homeowners'dues , was also threatened with foreclosure , according to people familiar with the matter .

  12. 物业费包括物业局批的综合管理费和楼内水泵运行发生的费用。

    The property management toll should include the Integrated Service Charge proved by OPS ( office price Stabilization ) and the from running the water pump in building .

  13. 非园区内住户办理相关会籍卡前需交纳定额资格费,方可继续办理入会手续。物业费应在何时交纳,收费标准如何确定?

    G. The people who does not living in the garden must pay competence charge before transacting membership card , and than may continue to transact procedure . Property costs should be paid when , how to determine fees ?

  14. 律师咨询:物业管理费该按哪个面积收?

    Lawyers Advisory : Which area by the property management fees received ?

  15. 佣金:一个月租金含物业管理费;

    Commission : One month Rental inclusive management fee ;

  16. 备注:房租包含水电,每日清扫和物业管理费。

    Remarks : our rent covers electricity , water , daily cleaning and property management fee .

  17. 事实上,物业管理费,似乎质疑的相关性和服务水平。

    In fact , property management fees seem to have questioned the relevance and standard of service .

  18. 公寓所有人为该部分公用区域给公寓管理者付的费用称为物业管理费。

    Apartment owners pay a fee to the manager for the use of these common areas known as maintenance .

  19. 该公寓的月租金为人民币元整,包含物业管理费。

    The rental ( the rental ) of the apartment shall be RMB per month , inclusive of management fee .

  20. 支付年度物业管理费,但我不知道这些钱用在哪些方面。

    Pay an annual property management fees , but I do not know these money spent on what aspects of the .

  21. 而物业治理费收取的只是公共设施设备小修和日常运行维修及保养费。

    And of collection of property administration fee is communal only set use device small repair and run maintenance to reach daily maintain cost .

  22. 物业治理费的收取标准,应以物业治理合同或商品房买卖合同中的约定为准。

    The collection standard of property administration fee , the agreement in answering to administer contract or contract of commodity house business with property is accurate .

  23. 土地使用税,房屋维修费,租赁综合税,物业管理费原由甲方支付的费用,仍由甲方缴纳。

    The ground rent , house maintenance fee and comprehensive rental tax , management fee that were originally payable by Party A still shall be paid by Party A.

  24. 租金及物业治理费的交纳期限:乙方同意租金按季度于每季度的第一个月的10日前提前交付于甲方指定帐户内。

    Payment of rent and property management : Party B agrees to transact the payment to bank account appointed by Party A before10th of the first month for each quarter .

  25. 租赁期内水、电、煤气及电话费由乙方按帐单支付,物业管理费由甲方支付。

    Party B shall pay all charges for water , electricity , telephone and gas fee for the premises , and Party A shall pay the building management fee for the premises .

  26. 别墅总共为三层,豪华装修,私家独院,超大停车场(可容纳几十辆车),500平米的私家场地,无需物业管理费。

    Villa for three layer , total luxury decoration , a large parking space ( can accommodate , dozens of car ), 500 square meters , the private venues without property management fee .

  27. 乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电话费、宽带费、物业管理费和电视费等一切因实际使用而产生的费用,并按单如期缴纳。

    Party B will bear the cost of utilities such as telephone communications , water , electricity , gas , management fees , Internet and cable television on time during the lease term .

  28. 为吸引非洲客商,“中心”将对入驻的非洲企业给予一定期限的免场地使用费、物业管理费等多项优惠措施。

    To attract African merchants ," the center " of the enterprise in Africa will give a fixed maturity from the site use fee , property management fee etc and many preferential measures .

  29. 如租金和物业管理费在租赁期内有所递增,乙方应在接到甲方书面通知后立即将递增部分的保证金补足。

    Where the rent and property management fee is increased during the lease period , Party B shall immediately make up the security deposit for the increased amount after receiving party a 's written notice .

  30. 每个附条件租赁期所附条件仅限于“乙方在前一个租赁期内足额支付了本合同约定的租金、物业管理费及其他费用”。

    The accompanying conditions of each conditional lease period is limited to " party B paid the total amount of the rent , the property management fee and other charges as required in the contract in the previous lease period " .