
  • 网络modern Chinese Literature;History of Modern chinese Literature
  1. 论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮

    Trend of Liberalist Thought in the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  2. 《中国现代文学史》课程教学中的情商教育

    On EQ Education in the Teaching of " History of Modern Chinese Literature "

  3. 论现代性与中国现代文学史研究的理论预设

    Modernity and Theoretical Presupposition in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature

  4. 论中国现代文学史写作的新进路

    The New Approaches to the History of the Modern Chinese Literature

  5. 他在中国现代文学史上,做出了独有的贡献。

    He made special contributions in Chinese modern literature history .

  6. 中国现代文学史写作范式的回顾与考察

    The Review and Inspects of History of Chinese Modern Literature Writing Model

  7. 中国现代文学史编撰中的一个盲区

    A Blind Zone in the Historiography of Modern Chinese Literature

  8. 日记体小说在中国现代文学史上展现了多种文体形态。

    Diary-style novel developed various style forms in modern Chinese literature History .

  9. 田汉是中国现代文学史上的要剧作家和中国现代话剧奠基者。

    Han Tian was the founder dramatist in Chinese contemporary literature history .

  10. 新月派是中国现代文学史上重要的文学流派,其戏剧理论主张主要散见于一些戏剧理论文章和观戏随感散文,概括起来主要有两点一是关于新民族戏剧的构想;

    Crescent School was an important literature group in Chinese contemporary literature history .

  11. 在中国现代文学史上,都市文学呈现出多重形态。

    In modern Chinese literature , urban literature takes on multi fold forms .

  12. 中国现代文学史分期的政治学与文学

    Politics in Different Stage of Modern Chinese Literary History

  13. 论中国现代文学史起点的向前移问题

    The " Moving Backward " of the Starting Point of Modern Chinese Literary History

  14. 日记体小说是中国现代文学史上一种重要的文体形式。

    Diary-style fiction is an important literary form .

  15. 胡适是中国现代文学史上的一位大家。

    Hu Shi is a great master in the history of Chinese modem literature .

  16. 徐訏是中国现代文学史一位不可忽略的作家。

    Xu Xu is an important writer in the history of modern Chinese literary .

  17. 在中国现代文学史上,左翼文学占据着十分重要而特殊的地位。

    Left-wing literature occupies very important and special place in modern Chinese literary history .

  18. 小说的散文化在中国现代文学史上是一场革命。

    The cloak-and-dagger prose turns is a revolution on the Chinese contemporary literature history .

  19. 丁玲及其文本是中国现代文学史上独特而典型的存在。

    Ding Ling and her texts are special and typical in China modern literature history .

  20. 中国现代文学史的反思与重建:学科还是意义?

    Reflection and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature : Discipline or Meaning ?

  21. 中国现代文学史著作中也绝少提到他的名字。

    Nor does his name appear in the works on the history of Chinese literature .

  22. 张恨水在中国现代文学史上是一个独特而复杂的存在。

    Zhang Hen-shui is a complex and special existing in history of Chinese contemporary fiction .

  23. 白朗,作为中国现代文学史上一位有代表性的东北女性作家,多年来,她的叙事文本一直未受到学术界足够的重视。

    Bai Lang is a special female writer of modern Chinese literature in Northeast China .

  24. 论怀旧散文在中国现代文学史上的贡献与地位

    On the Contributions and Status of Nostalgic Essays in the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  25. 鲁迅是中国现代文学史中的领军人物和灵魂人物。

    Lu xun is the leader in the history of Chinese modern literature and soul .

  26. 这种研究状况与中国现代文学史中的现实主义思潮有关,也与当时中国的现实政治情况有关。

    This researchful status related to the thoughts of the history of modern Chinese literature .

  27. 从这个层面上说,中国现代文学史叙述才能实现真正的多元化。

    From this level , the Chinese modern literature narrative can realize the real diversity .

  28. 尽管如此,这些小说毕竟为中国现代文学史的生成提供了最初的基础。

    However , these fictions provide initial foundation to the engendering of modem Chinese literary history .

  29. 丁玲是中国现代文学史上最重要的革命女作家。

    Ding Ling was the most important revolutionary woman writer in the Chinese contemporary literature history .

  30. 巴金是中国现代文学史上杰出的文学家。

    Ba Jin is one of the most outstanding literators in contemporary Chinese history of literature .