
dān ɡàn hù
  • a peasant family still farming on its own after agricultural cooperation
单干户 [dān gàn hù]
  • [a peasant family still farming on its own after agricultural cooperation] 原指没有参加农业合作社的个体农户,与个体手工业者。现在常用来比喻愿意单独工作,不想与人合作的人

  • 在这几年的科研工作中,他一直是个单干户,没有和别人合作

  1. 我是单干户&只有我一人,没有别人。

    I run the business as a one-man band just me and no one else .

  2. 农业生产合作社,在生产上,必须比较单干户和互助组增加农作物的产量。

    In production the agricultural producers ' co-operatives must achieve higher crop yields than the individual peasants and mutual-aid teams .

  3. 决不能老是等于单干户或互助组的产量,如果这样就失败了,何必要合作社呢?

    Output must not remain at the individual peasant or mutual-aid team level , for that would mean failure ; what point , then , in having co-operatives at all ?