
dān chún cí
  • single-morpheme word;monomorphemic word;simple word
单纯词 [dān chún cí]
  • [singlemorpheme word] 只含一个语素的词。如:山、水、徘徊、吩咐(两个字合起来才有意义)

  1. 从构词类型看,可分为叠字叠音单纯词(A1A1)和叠词重叠式合成词(A2A2)两类,区分时可利用本证、旁证、训诂材料。

    In view of word-formation , we can classify them as single-morpheme words of character / syllable-reduplication ( A1A1 ) and word-reduplication compound words ( A2A2 ) . In differentiating them , we can use materials of original evidence , circumstantial evidence and gloss .

  2. 汉语外来词能够形成单纯词、合成词。

    Chinese foreign words can cause simple words , compound words .

  3. 其次对动词性方言词语中单纯词的语义系统进行了研究,并对连绵词进行了一定的探讨。

    Second , makes a study of the semantic system of simple words .

  4. 根据词的不同内部结构,可把苗语的词汇分为单纯词和合成词两种。

    Like other languages the Miao language consists of single words and compound words .

  5. 词化程度高低的四个级别分别是单纯词、派生词、合成词和短语。

    The scale of lexicalization rates as : monomorphemic word , derivative , compound and phrase .

  6. 《汉书》应劭注双音词有单纯词、重言词和合成词三类。

    Double syllabled words can be divided into three kinds-single words , compound words and speech-stressed words .

  7. 钢琴演奏中的分寸感并不是一个孤立的单纯词,而是融会了哲学、美学的色彩综合而成的复合词。

    Proper limit of piano performance is not an isolated word , but the combination of philosophy and esthetics .

  8. 新词语的类型主要有单纯词、合成词、字母词和数字词。

    New words and expressions are the main types of simple words , compound words , letters and numbers .

  9. 由一个语素构成的词是单纯词,由两个或两个以上的语素构成的词叫合成词。

    A morpheme constitutes a simplex . A word consisted of two or more than two morphemes is called the compound word .

  10. 从构词上看,复音动词大多数是合成词,单纯词的数量很少。

    As for the word formation , those polysyllable verbs mostly are compound words , and few of them are simple words .

  11. 按照单词内部的语素结合方式,感觉形容词可以分为单纯词、派生词和复合词。

    According to the combination methods of morpheme , sensory words can be divided into simple words , derivative words and compound words .

  12. 按照内部结构形式,现代汉语词可以分为两大类,单纯词和合成词。

    According to the internal construction , the modern Chinese word can be classified into two big classes : simplex and compound word .

  13. 经分析可知:三音节词语包括了三音节词与语两大类,从构词方法来看,三音节词有单纯词,也有合成词。

    Trisyllables include trisyllable words and trisyllable phrases . In terms of word formation , trisyllable words consist of single-morpheme words and compound words .

  14. 双音单纯词只是依靠语音上的关系来表达一定的意义,在结构上没有什么规律可循。

    Simplex words have just pure sound dependence on the relation of the speech to express certain meaning . There is no regulation to be followed on the structure .

  15. 从语法功能上讲,单纯词和可以充当句子的主语、谓语、宾语、状语、补语等句子成分。

    Speaking of the grammatical function , the single morpheme words " he " could act as the subject , the predicate , the object , the adverb , the complement .

  16. 综合考虑查询词出现频数、中心短语连续同现的权值信息及待选文本长度,克服了单纯词匹配方法的不足,实际测试表明该方法是可行的。

    The sequence and weight of single word , center phrase and the length of selected text are comprehensively considered , and the experimental results show that this method is feasible .