
dān luǎn shuānɡ shēnɡ
  • monozygotic twins
  1. 脾阙如和功能缺失:先天性脾阙如和脾功能减退症2例一对单卵双生儿患无脾综合征

    The absent and vanishing spleen : Congenital asplenia and hyposplenism-Two case reports Asplenia syndrome in a pair of monozygotic twins

  2. 一对患有眼底病和视锥细胞营养不良的年轻单卵双生姊妹

    Young monozygotic twin sisters with fundus albipunctatus and cone dystrophy

  3. 单卵双生男性双胞胎中仅一人患进行性单侧面部萎缩:一种可影响面部以外器官的复杂疾病1例

    Progressive facial hemiatrophy : A complex disorder not only affecting the face . A report in a monozygotic male twin pair