
dī xuè tánɡ
  • hypoglycemia;glycopenia;glucopenia
低血糖 [dī xuè táng]
  • [hypoglycemia] 血糖波度低于每百毫升血液50毫克的病症

  1. 但是低血糖症可以发生在睡眠中。

    But hypoglycemia can occur during sleep .

  2. 早产儿低血糖与胰岛素、C肽、瘦素及皮质醇的关系研究

    The insulin , C-peptide , leptin and cortisol in premature infants with hypoglycemia

  3. 心悸可能是由于低血糖、咖啡因过量或抽烟过多。

    The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar , too much caffeine or too many cigarettes

  4. 服用过多胰岛素或某些药物会导致低血糖。

    Taking too much insulin or certain medications can cause this drop , called hypoglycemia .

  5. 当然,大多数糖尿病患者在噩梦提出警示之前就能发现低血糖的早期症状。

    Of course , most people with diabetes will learn to recognize early symptoms of low blood sugar before nightmares point out the problem .

  6. 胰岛素及C肽监测在低血糖昏迷病因诊断及治疗中的价值

    Value of serum insulin and C-peptide monitoring in diagnosis and treatment of hypoglycemic coma

  7. 当出现低血糖昏迷或酮症酸中毒时,EEG异常加重。

    The EEG changes were obvious in patients with hypoglycemic coma or ketoacidosis .

  8. 因K(ATP)通道突变所致的无亮氨酸敏感性高胰岛素血症患儿口服蛋白质可诱导低血糖症

    Protein-sensitive hypoglycemia without leucine sensitivity in hyperinsulinism caused by K_ ( ATP ) channel mutations

  9. R组最常见的不良反应为低血糖和下肢水肿,发生率分别为45.2%和9.7%,均较C组有显著差异。

    The main adverse effects of rosiglitazone were hypoglycemia and edema of lower extremities , with incidence of 45.2 % and 9.7 % respectively .

  10. 术前低血糖的发生率低于对照组(P0.05)。

    Besides the incidence of hypoglycemia in SG before the operation was lower than those in CG ( P0.05 ) .

  11. Graves病合并低血糖昏迷一例报告

    One case of Graves ′ disease with hypoglycemic coma

  12. 两组低血糖无差异:4.7%vs4.7%(P0.05)。

    No difference between the two groups of low blood sugar : 4.7 % vs 4.7 % ( P 0.05 ) .

  13. 结论:红米、荞麦米为低血糖指数(GI)食物。

    Conclusion : Red rice and buckwheat are foods of smaller glycemic index .

  14. 提示胰岛素诱导低血糖对心房利钠肽的释放具有抑制作用,表明ANP作为生理和病理调节递质与代谢刺激相拮抗。

    These findings suggest that insulin-induced hypoglycemia can inhibit the release of ANP .

  15. 100g口服葡萄糖耐量试验中低血糖的发生率和围生期意义

    Hypoglycemia during the 100-g oral glucose tolerance test : Incidence and perinatal significance

  16. 老年糖尿病病人并发低血糖GI饮食控制的效果评价

    The evaluation for the effects of GI diet control on the senile patients with diabetes complicated by hypoglycemia

  17. (P0.05);4.观察组与对照组低血糖发生情况比较:观察组有6例发生低血糖,对照组仅1例低血糖发生。

    The observation group and control group hypoglycemia happen is : the observation group has six case of hypoglycemia , only one case occurred low blood sugar control .

  18. 结论应用GI概念辅导老年糖尿病病人有利于饮食结构控制,防治低血糖。

    Conclusion To apply GI conception as tutorship for senile diabetes is in favor of controling diet structure and prevent hypoglycemia .

  19. 低血糖合并MOF的治疗

    Treatment of Hypoglycemics complications MOF

  20. HbA1c水平和低血糖发生次数均亦低于胰岛素组(P<0.05),但各组间体重无差异(P>0.05)。

    So were HbA 1c level and hypoglycemia symptome ( all P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 结论:尽管进行了严密地BG监测,同时接受PN支持治疗和胰岛素治疗的患者还是可能出现低血糖事件。

    Conclusions : Despite close BG monitoring , hypoglycemia is a complication observed in patients receiving concomitant PN support and insulin therapy .

  22. 他们发现,即使在调整了各种潜在的混杂因素后,在低血糖事件发生后两周内MI的风险仍有65%的增加。

    They found a65 % increased odds of MI associated with hypoglycemia within the previous two weeks , even after adjustment for potential confounding factors .

  23. CSⅡ组无低血糖发生,来得时组和CVⅡ组分别发生1次和4次低血糖事件。

    There was no hypoglycemia case in CS ⅱ group and there were 1 and 4 cases of hypoglycemia in Lantus group and CV ⅱ group respectively .

  24. 作者观察到胰岛素低血糖试验和踏车运动激发血LEK升高;

    The authors observed that plasma LEK increased during insulin-induced hypoglycemia ;

  25. 结果75例患者于营养支持第一阶段行TPN治疗期间5例发生代谢性并发症,其中3例发生高血糖反应,2例发生低血糖反应;

    Results 5 of 75 patients had metabolic complications during TPN . Among them , 3 had hyperglycemia , 2 had hypoglycemia .

  26. 提出早期监测并防治新生儿低血糖可减轻HIE的临床症状,提高生命质量,减少后遗症。

    Monitoring , preventing and treating the disease in time could mitigate the clinical symptom , raise the quality of life and reduce the sequelae .

  27. 目的探讨低血糖状态下血浆和组织中谷胱甘肽含量的变化以及还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)对血清酶活性的抑制作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of hypoglycemia on glutathione levels in plasma and tissues and preventive effect of reduced glutathione ( GSH ) on serum enzymes .

  28. 结果两组达到稳定的目标血糖水平时,CSⅡ组所需要治疗的时间,胰岛素量以及低血糖发生率明显比MISS组减少(P<0.05或P<0.001)。

    Results when groups reached the stable target blood glucose value . the average duration of treatment , the daily insulin dose and the hypoglycemia incidence were markedly decreased in CS ⅱ group compared with MISS group .

  29. 静脉营养时合并症有高胆红素血症1例,BUN一过性增高1例,低血糖及高血糖各2例,医源性贫血2例。

    Metabolic complications included hyperbilirubinemia in one case , transiently increased BUN in one case , hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in 2 cases respectively , iatrogenic anemia in 2 cases .

  30. 评价指标包括低血糖的风险、A1C、血糖水平及孕妇的安全性。

    Outcomes assessed included risk of major maternal hypoglycemia , A1C , plasma glucose profiles , and maternal safety outcomes .