
  • 网络Genetically modified mice;transgenic mouse
  1. 因此,我们检测了左心室收缩功能障碍并继发肿瘤坏死因子(TNF1.6)过表达的转基因老鼠腺苷水平和选择性AR的表达。

    Therefore , we assessed adenosine levels and selective AR expression in transgenic mice with left ventricular systolic dysfunction secondary to overexpression of tumor necrosis factor - ( TNF1.6 ) .

  2. 这一过程使这些转基因老鼠新陈代谢加快。

    This process makes the metabolic rate of the transgenic mice step up a gear .

  3. 然后,科学家们创造了完全不能产生这种蛋白质的转基因老鼠。

    The scientists then created genetically modified mice which were completely unable to produce that protein .

  4. 在他的实验中,转基因老鼠靠近了猫,甚至依偎着猫,和猫一起玩。

    In his experiment , the genetically altered mice approached cats , even snuggled up to them and played with them .

  5. 科学家们说,从不增重的转基因老鼠是人类将来摆脱肥胖的钥匙。

    Genetically engineered mice which never put on weight could hold the key to a fat - free future for humans , say scientists .

  6. 转基因喂养的老鼠的肠道内生长的增殖细胞,可能是癌症的前兆。

    The proliferative cell growth in the intestines and stomach in GM-fed rats may be a precursor to cancer .