
  • 网络Murmur;croon
低吟 [dī yín]
  • [chant in a low voice] 小声吟唱

  • 低吟浅唱

  1. 玛格丽特又拉了拉铃,然后她又坐到钢琴前弹奏,嘴里曼声低吟着一首轻佻的歌。

    Marguerite rang again , then she turned back to the piano and began quietly crooning a squalid song ?

  2. 看着那些心灵的低吟与呐喊,我的情绪也会跟着潮起潮落。

    Looked at the heart murmur and cry , I will follow the ebb and flow of emotions .

  3. 在我读到身材肥胖、头发蓬乱的金融家盖伊•翰兹(GuyHands)与曲调优美的短发低吟歌手罗比•威廉姆斯(RobbieWilliams)之间的英勇争斗时,我想起了我们的这番谈话。

    I was reminded of our conversation last week as I read about the heroic struggle between Guy Hands , the fat , tousled-haired financier , and Robbie Williams , the toned , close-cropped crooner .

  4. 而且对于那些无助的,低吟的山羊们,北京附近Badaltearing野生动物园残忍的游客们通常都是仅仅只花了4美金,就可以向狮群附近抛活鸡给它们。

    In addition to helpless , bleating goats , tourists who are sadistic but cheap can pay a mere four dollars to toss a live chicken into the lion enclosure at the Badaltearing Safari Park near Beijing .

  5. 微风吹到平台时,棕榈叶片发出簌簌的低吟。

    When these breezes reached the platform the palm-fronds would whisper .

  6. 他坐在那里,眼睛直望着那煤气灯唧唧低吟的黄色火焰。

    He sat staring at the yellow , singing gaslight .

  7. 恐惧在我们耳畔低吟,在我们面前咆哮。

    Fear is whispered in our ears and shouted in our faces .

  8. 小孩们背诵诗时发出低吟。

    The children murmured as they memorized the poem .

  9. 每天陪着我轻唱低吟。

    Daily will you accompany me in whisper ;

  10. 当我攀爬之时,城市的靡靡之音,就像远处传来的轻声低吟。

    The noise of the city is a far-off whisper when I climb it .

  11. 喜欢你是由于你的低吟唱腔很棒。

    We liked you because you do this kind of like croonying very well .

  12. 无论是上了年纪的人还是年轻人,高声还是低吟,说的话都一样。

    Old and young , high and low , the idiom is the same .

  13. “多年来,我们一直听到说日本政府债券会崩溃的谣言,这就像是美元末日说一样”他低吟着。

    For years we have been hearing warnings that Japanese-government bonds are going to collapse .

  14. 它并非高声欢呼,而是轻声低吟,如同潮汐般席卷着读者。

    It hums instead of crows . Its pull on the reader is almost tidal .

  15. 别用悲伤的诗句对我低吟。

    Tell me not in mournful numbers .

  16. 请让我听得到你的低吟,宝贝。

    Let me hear you whisper .

  17. 当我想起你,我只有对着天空飞翔的鸟儿浅唱低吟;

    When I remembered you , I could sing love songs to birds flying in the sky .

  18. 直到萦绕耳畔的嗡嗡低吟消逝不见

    Until whispers heard no more

  19. 节奏和身体在黑暗的空间中交错,破空的声音恍若隔世的低吟。

    Rhythm and body staggered in a dark space , sounds like an elusive chant from centuries ago .

  20. 鸟儿在歌唱,小溪在低吟,空气中充满着泥土和松子的芬芳。

    Birds are singing , brooks are babbling , the air has the fresh tang of earth and conifers .

  21. 在沉黑的夜中我不住地低吟着,“她就是我,失望的行人,她就是我。”

    Through the dark night I keep humming ," She is I , despairing traveller , she is I. "

  22. 那里灯火通明,一片寂静,只有地板下的暖气低吟,令人心神悠然。

    It was brightly lit , and aside from the soothing hum of an under-floor heating system , entirely silent .

  23. 那是一个美妙而又紧张的夜晚,竹影在风中婆娑,溪水在身边轻轻地低吟。

    It was a wonderful night , and nervous in the wind leaf , streams grass-grown whisper softly in the side .

  24. 它的车体弧线十分撩人,引擎的低吟令人迷醉,内饰精致高雅。

    Its body shell is voluptuous , the throaty rumble of its engine intoxicating , the detailing of its interior exquisite .

  25. 我的朋友,你的语声飘荡在我的心里,像那海水的低吟声缭绕在静听着的松林之间。.

    Your voice , my friend , wanders in my heart , like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines

  26. 我们可以从杜甫低吟的诗歌中,聆听他如何叙述与他生命交缠的「消渴」。

    From Du Fu 's poetry , we can find out how he described with the illness , which was interknitted his life .

  27. 夜色幽深,我仍旧守候在悲伤的岸边,浅唱低吟间,转身,却无法走远。

    Deep night , I was still waiting at the shore of sadness , light singing humming , the turn , but not far away .

  28. 必然的是,动物越可爱,人们就越容易失控,就越想低吟一声“额呜”,就越想捏点什么。

    Sure enough , the cuter the animal , the less control and more desire to " grrr " and squeeze something that people felt .

  29. 当一只低吟的狼蛛处在更有利于传导振动的位置,比如说树叶上时它们会发声音。

    When a purring spider was on a surface that is good at conducting vibrations , such as leaves , an audible sound was produced .

  30. 一旦我们洗耳恭听大地,便能听到地球浅唱低吟的天籁之声。&英。甘地。

    Once again we need to put our ear to the ground so that the earth can whisper its secrets to us . & Indira Gandhi .