
  • 网络Teaching secretary
  1. 新时期高校教学秘书应该具备的岗位意识

    The Position Awareness of Teaching Secretary of Colleges in New Time

  2. 教学秘书在系级教学质量管理中的作用

    Teaching secretary in grades of teaching function of the quality control

  3. 浅谈院(系)教学秘书之角色

    Role of the secretary for teaching in university-based college or department

  4. 二级管理体制下系(部)教学秘书工作的探讨

    A Discussion on Teaching Secretory 's Work Under Two-stage Management System

  5. 浅谈如何做一名合格的高校教学秘书

    How to Be a Skilled Teach in g Secretary in University

  6. 浅析高校教学秘书在教学管理中的职能

    Discussion of University 's Teaching Secretary 's Functions in Teaching Management

  7. 浅谈教学秘书的知识结构、修养和才能

    On Cultivation Of Knowledge Structure And Ability Of Teaching Secretary

  8. 浅谈高校教学秘书的基本意识

    On the Qualifications of Teaching Secretaries hi Colleges and Universities

  9. 福建高校教学秘书队伍结构状况分析

    An Analysis on the Teaching Secretaries Structure of Fujian Colleges

  10. 浅谈怎样做好高职院校教学秘书工作

    How to Do a Good Teaching Secretarial Job in Higher Vocational Colleges

  11. 浅谈新时期高校教学秘书的核心工作职能

    On Teaching Secretaries ' Core Work Functions in Higher Institutions

  12. 浅谈高校教学秘书的职责和素质要求

    A Discussion on the Duty and Quality of Teaching Secretaries of University

  13. 高校教学秘书队伍建设中的问题及对策

    Study on the staff construction of teaching secretaries in colleges and universities

  14. 对独立学院、教学秘书等概念作出清晰的界定。

    Give clear definitions of independent colleges and teaching secretary .

  15. 简论高校教学秘书的专业化

    Brief Discussion on the professionalization of Teach in g Secretaries in Universities

  16. 关于民办高校教学秘书素质的若干思考

    On Quality of Teaching Secretaries in Private Higher Learning Institutions

  17. 谈做好高校教学秘书工作应遵循的四项准则

    On the Four Principles the Teaching Secretary In the University Stick To

  18. 论高校教学秘书队伍建设的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of University Teaching Secretary 's Team Construction

  19. 关于做好高职院校系级教学秘书工作的一点探讨

    Discussion about the work of teaching secretary of departments in higher vocational colleges

  20. 浅谈高校系级教学秘书的能力结构

    On the abilities structure of instructional secretary in university

  21. 高职院校教学秘书队伍建设的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of the Teaching Secretary Group in Higher Vocational Schools

  22. 系统有四个角色:管理员、教学秘书、教师、学生。

    The system plays fourroles : administrator , education secretary , teacher and student .

  23. 高校系教学秘书工作探讨

    On the Secretarial Work of Colleges ' Departments

  24. 教学秘书如何在高校教学管理工作中发挥作用

    On the Positive Roles of an Educational Secretary in Managing Educational Work in Colleges

  25. 谈系部教学秘书的工作特性

    On Characteristics of Teaching Secretary Post to Department

  26. 高校教学秘书工作的主体性缺位与成因分析

    On the Subjective Vacancy of Teaching Secretary 's Work in Universities and Its Reasons

  27. 做好基础医学课程教学秘书的几点体会

    Some thought on how to be a good teaching secretary of basic medical course

  28. 高等院校教学秘书的作用及素质培养

    Roles and Quality Cultivation of College Teaching Secretary

  29. 教学秘书的素质高低直接影响教学管理工作的水平。

    The teaching secretary 's quality level influences the one of the teaching management directly .

  30. 必须创造条件,调动教学秘书工作的积极性、创造性。

    Must create the condition , arousing the enthusiasm of teaching secretarial job , creativity .