
jiào pài
  • denomination;religion;religious sect;communion
教派 [jiào pài]
  • [sect] 在一个宗教内的不同派别

教派[jiào pài]
  1. 他16岁的时候加入了一个宗教教派。

    When he was sixteen he joined a religious sect .

  2. 谈中国传统教派思想对古典园林的影响

    Influence to Chinese garden by the thought of Chinese traditional religious sect

  3. 每年有好几百人被接纳到这个教派中。

    Hundreds are initiated into the sect each year .

  4. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。

    Christians of all denominations attended the conference .

  5. 该教派教规禁止离婚者再婚。

    The Church 's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons .

  6. 这一时期代表了自由主义教派的全盛时期。

    This period represented a high water mark for liberal denominations .

  7. 在接受女性传教士的问题上,不同教派的态度大相径庭。

    Acceptance of women preachers varies greatly from denomination to denomination .

  8. 黑人教会社区试图将来自不同教派的基督徒联合起来。

    The Black church community has sought to bring together Christians from different denominational backgrounds

  9. 祈祷书为各信仰之间建起了足够灵活的联系纽带,以期将各个不同教派凝聚在一起。

    The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties .

  10. 除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。

    Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections .

  11. 这次礼拜仪式各教派的基督徒都参加了。

    The service was attended by Christians of all denominations .

  12. 你属于哪一教派?

    Which church do you belong to ?

  13. 这种严格的约束可能会阻止人们犯错:荷兰在透明国际(TransparencyInternational)全球清廉指数排行榜中排名第九,名次仅低于主要信仰路德教派的斯堪的纳维亚国家。

    This stringency may deter people from sinning : the Netherlands ranks ninth in Transparency International 's corruption perception index , just below the mostly Lutheran Scandinavian countries .

  14. 但自封为恐怖哈里发国的ISIS让两个教派面临共同的挑战。

    But the self-declared caliphate of terror known as Isis presents them with a common challenge .

  15. 他的父亲在那里讲授计算机课程。他的父母奥布里•伍德(Aubrey)和桑德拉•伍德(SondraWood)共同在校园附近创建了一座跨教派教堂――MemorialRoadChurchofChrist。

    His father had taught the first computer course there , and his parents-Aubrey and Sondra Wood-co-founded a nondenominational church near the campus , Memorial Road Church of Christ .

  16. 在黎巴嫩,1975年至1990年的教派战争留下的创伤仍在隐隐作痛,ISIS在这里的影响可能更加直接。

    In Lebanon , where wounds from its 1975-90 sectarian war are still livid , the spillover can be more direct .

  17. 在第一季,我们认识了Tomas,他也是教派的一部分,同时也是带走并训练Helena的人。

    In the first season , we met Tomas , also part of that same sect , the same one that took and trained Helena .

  18. 伊拉克饱受世界上最残忍的ISIS组织战争的肆虐,也被教派冲突和腐败所困扰。

    Iraq is wracked by an ongoing war against the Islamic State , the world 's most brutal jihadist organisation , and plagued by deep sectarian tensions and corruption .

  19. 美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)昨日开始对中东和欧洲进行为期一周的访问,以求争取各方支持,在伊拉克建立一个有能力弥合可能撕裂该国的教派冲突的新政府。

    John Kerry , the US secretary of state , started a week-long tour of the Middle East and Europe yesterday to try to win support for the creation a new government in Iraq capable of bridging the sectarian tensions threatening to tear the country apart .

  20. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。

    The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

  21. 作为他对现代美国“末日天启教派”研究的一部份,威斯康星大学的保罗博耶(paulboyer)问:为什么这么多和他一样的美国公民易受电视福音布道者和其他“普及传教者”的影响?

    As part of his investigation into the " apocalyptic genre " in modern America , Paul Boyer of the University of Wisconsin asks why so many of his fellow Americans are " susceptible " to televangelists and other " popularisers " .

  22. 如果有过这样的经历,你或许会喜欢卡瑞恩•库萨马(KarynKusama)的这部惊悚片,影片围绕着老朋友、诡异的教派组织和一个无法拒绝的邀请,紧张氛围不断升级。

    If so , you 'll probably appreciate the escalating tensions of Karyn Kusama 's thriller that deals with old friends , creepy cults , and an offer that ( literally ) cannot be refused .

  23. Embry-Riddle大学是一所独立的,非教派,非盈利,男女同校的大学,为不同文化背景的学生提供航空学、天学、工程学多领域的教育服务。

    Embry-Riddle is an independent , nonsectarian , not-for-profit coeducational university serving culturally diverse students seeking careers in aviation , aerospace , engineering , and related fields .

  24. 如果叙利亚分裂,陷入教派战争;如果逊尼派(sunnis)报复阿拉维派教徒(alawites);如果一切的变化只是换了压迫者,而非压迫的本质,那么昔日的残暴工具将保留其吸引力。

    If Syria disintegrates into sectarian war ; if Sunnis take revenge on alawites ; if all that changes is the identity of the oppressor , not the nature of the oppression ; the savage tools of the past will retain their appeal .

  25. 坚持约翰加尔文观点的新教教派。

    The Protestant denomination adhering to the views of John Calvin .

  26. 许多人认为该教派犯了强行灌输的罪行。

    Many people thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing .

  27. 我们希望孩子们进一所教派经办的学校。

    We want our children to go to a denominational school .

  28. 这个教派广义上讲是福音,保守的和改革的。

    This church is broadly evangelical , conservative , and Reformed .

  29. 叙利亚的经济规划一直服从于教派和安全方面的考虑。

    Economic planning was always subordinated to sectarian and security considerations .

  30. 相关国家的社会并未因部落或教派冲突而分裂。

    These societies are not fragmented by tribal or sectarian conflicts .