
  • 网络conservative judaism;The Conservative;Old Guard
保守派 [bǎo shǒu pài]
  • (1) [conservative]

  • (2) 信奉或支持政治上保守主义的人

  • (3) 遵循传统的、经过时间考验的、陈旧的方法、程序或观点的人;温和的、小心翼翼的或谨慎的人

  1. 我们不是保守派政府的傀儡。

    We are not creatures of the Conservative government .

  2. 威廉斯先生是个保守派,主张政府应减少对商业的控制。

    Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business .

  3. 保守派不满布鲁尔推行的这些变革。

    The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced

  4. 守旧的保守派已经重新掌控了政治大权。

    The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy

  5. 宗教保守派人士不喜欢西方国家及其价值观。

    The religious conservatives are not enamoured of the West and its values .

  6. 他们指责激进派和保守派都在试图挑起党内分歧。

    They accused both radicals and conservatives of trying to provoke a split in the party .

  7. 她大胆的言论遭到保守派的抨击。

    Her bold remarks were attacked by the conservatives .

  8. “难道主流媒体对他升了什么一点儿也不好奇吗?”保守派作家詹妮弗·鲁宾今年早些时候这样写道,她暗指在利比亚班加西的美国人遭受袭击的事件。

    " Isn 't the mainstream media the least bit curious about what happened ? " wrote conservative writer Jennifer Rubin earlier this year , referring to the attack on Americans in Benghazi , Libya .

  9. 哈克比先生的弱点在于他的贸易保护主义者和反公司的言论吓坏了经济保守派

    Mr Huckabee 's weakness is that his protectionist and anti-corporate rhetoric appals economic conservatives .

  10. 投资教育一个从左派到右派的奇异的联盟正在建立起来成员有前服刑人员和财政保守派还有人权活动家和自由主义者年轻人走上大街去抗议那些暴力对待手无寸铁的黑人青少年的警察而年长的,

    This curious coalition37 is building from the right and the left , made up of former prisoners and fiscal38 conservatives , of civil rights activists39 and libertarians , of young people taking to the streets to protest police violence against unarmed black teenagers , and older ,

  11. 因此,与认为去年秋季的大规模政府干预阻止了经济滑入另一个大萧条(GreatDepression)的常识性观点相反,新保守派评论人士(他们已经缓过神来,找回了自信!)

    Thus contrary to the commonsense view that massive government intervention last autumn stopped the slide down to another Great Depression , the new conservative commentators ( having got their breath and confidence back !)

  12. 然后寻找一个名叫“美国政治”(USPolitics)的方框。括号里写着Facebook对你的归类,比如自由派、温和派或保守派。

    Then look for a box titled " US Politics . " In parentheses , it will describe how Facebook has categorized you , such as liberal , moderate or conservative .

  13. 在2005年的选举中,保守派领导人哈梅内伊(MahmoudAhmadinejad)获胜并担任伊朗总统。

    In the2005 Elections , conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad triumphed as the President as Iran .

  14. 现在,很容易找出Facebook对你的归类——极端自由派、极端保守派,或者介于两者之间。

    And now , it is easy to find out how Facebook has categorized you - as very liberal or very conservative , or somewhere in between .

  15. 2001年,他对僵化刻板的学术界不再抱有任何幻想,于是接受了马歇尔学会(MarshallInstitute)的一份主管工作。该学会是一个位于华盛顿的保守派环保智库。

    In 2001 , disenchanted with the insularity of academia , he accepted an executive job at the Marshall Institute , a conservative environmental think-tank in Washington .

  16. BBC驻巴黎记者表示,此举是为了安抚那些自我感觉被忽视的保守派卫士。

    The BBC 's Paris correspondent says it 's an attempt to appease the old conservative guard which has felt overlooked .

  17. 他从有自由倾向的人文研究所获得了一些经费,该研究所是由主要保守派的CharlesKoch支持的。

    He has received some funding from the libertarian-leaning Institute for Humane Studies ( IHS ), backed by the arch-conservative Charles Koch .

  18. 卡梅伦可以穿保罗•史密斯(PaulSmith)的衣服,因为其“新意经典”符合首相“(关心民众的)新意保守派”的宣传。

    Mr Cameron could wear Paul Smith , whose " classic with a twist " approach fits with the " Conservative with a ( caring ) twist " brand .

  19. CNN和两个保守派研究小组,美国企业研究所和传统基金会在华盛顿组举办了此次辩论。

    CNN and two conservative research groups , the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation , organized the debate in Washington .

  20. 套用列夫•托尔斯泰(LeoTolstoy)的话说,自由派总是相似的,保守派却各有各的保守之处。

    Liberals , to paraphrase Leo Tolstoy , are all alike ; but conservatives are all conservative in their own way .

  21. 罗姆尼在爱荷华州仅以领先新教保守派人士里克桑托勒姆(ricksantorum)8票的优势获胜。

    Mr Romney won in Iowa by just eight votes over Rick Santorum , the evangelical conservative .

  22. 其中一人就是非常有影响力的保守派评论员BillCrystal,此外还有LizCheney。这两人都认为斯蒂尔应该辞职。

    One of them is Bill Crystal , the influential conservative commentator , and also Liz Cheney , another one , both saying he should resign , Kyra .

  23. 加尼福尼亚保守派、软件创业人士罗恩·温茨(RonUnz)团结了五位哈佛校友的力量。温茨资助过以反对双语教育为目标的多项选票倡议。

    The slate of five former students was put together by Ron Unz , a conservative from California and software entrepreneur who sponsored ballots initiatives opposing bilingual education .

  24. LarrySabato还说,对于共和党人提名了受茶党欢迎的保守派候选人,他们感到非常高兴。

    Larry Sabato also says Democrats were happy that Republicans nominated very conservative candidates supported by the Tea Party .

  25. 实业家科氏兄弟(kochbrothers)支持的保守派活动组织“美国繁荣”(americansforprosperity,afp)敦促共和党在美国债务上限谈判中表现克制,表明这家通常姿态强硬的组织转变立场。

    A conservative activist group backed by the industrialist Koch brothers is urging Republicans to show restraint during US debt ceiling negotiations , representing a shift in position by the usually hardline Americans for prosperity .

  26. 然而,就在罗姆尼开始赢得保守派选民更多支持之际,有迹象显示,在与巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的正面较量中,罗姆尼及其他共和党竞争者正被这位现任总统甩在身后。

    However , even as he begins to win more support among conservative voters , there are signs that Barack Obama is pulling away from Mr Romney and the other Republican contenders in head-to-head match-ups with the president .

  27. 此外,共和党总统竞选提名战的唯一领先候选人里克佩里(RickPerry)反对汇率法案。佩里现任得克萨斯州州长,属于保守派,与茶党关系密切。

    Moreover , the only leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination to oppose the currency bill is Rick Perry , the conservative Texas governor who is close to the Tea Party .

  28. 支持保守派的各个超级政治行动委员会(因为捐款金额不受限制而得名,简称超级pac),以及它们旗下的非营利组织,迄今为止已经为2012年的选举筹集到了超过2亿美元资金。

    The various conservative super political action committees so-called because they face no limits on donations and their related non-profit arms have raised more than $ 200m between them so far for the 2012 elections .

  29. 继2006至2007年担任日本首相之后,安倍晋三将再度领导其保守派自民党主导的日本政府。自从他上次执政以来,日本的实际国内生产总值(GDP)变化甚微,失业率亦是如此。

    The prime minister in 2006-7 , Mr Abe once again heads a government dominated by his conservative Liberal Democratic party . The size of real gross domestic product is little changed since he last led the country , as is the unemployment rate .

  30. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,为期两周的教会会议将围绕着革新派与保守派就教义解释上的冲突展开。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the running up to 2-week-long meeting known as Synod is being marked by clashes between progressives and conservatives over interpretation of church teaching .