
  • 网络Baoba;eight-percent protection;eight percent protection
  1. 通常认为,“保八”对保持社会稳定以及为每年新增的数千万就业人口提供工作岗位十分必要。

    Its8 percent economic growth is considered necessary to maintain social stability and provide jobs for tens of millions of new laborers swarming into the country 's crowded job market every year .

  2. 尤其是在金融危机期间,北京方面出台一个大规模刺激方案以求重振不断下滑的经济,当时中国各级官员的口号都是保八。

    Particularly in the midst of the financial crisis , when Beijing launched a massive stimulus programme to revive its plummeting economy , the mantra among Chinese officials of all ranks was bao ba or ensure 8 [ per cent growth ] .

  3. 金融危机的震荡渐行渐远,各国经济缓缓走向正轨,中国经济在持续高速增长后,近年也放缓了脚步,提出了保八争九的口号,放弃了两位数的增长。

    The shock of the financial crisis has finally drifting away , the economic slow orbit , the Chinese economy maintained rapid growth , also slowed the pace in recent years , proposed the " fight protect eight nine " slogan , giving up a double-digit growth .