
  • 网络maintainer line;maintain line
  1. 水稻野败不育系与保持系线粒体DNA限制酶酶切图谱分析

    Restriction Patterns Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA between Rice Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of Wild Abortion and Maintainer Line of Indica

  2. 滇Ⅰ型杂交粳稻两个高产组合保持系、恢复系的RAPD标记分析

    RAPD Marker Analysis about Two Combinations ' Maintainer Line and Restoring Line of Dian I Type Japonic Rice

  3. 棉花晋A及其保持系酯酶过氧化物酶PAGE电泳分析

    PAGE Analysis on Esterase and Peroxidase of " JinA-line and B-line " in Cotton

  4. K型小麦保持系及恢复系筛选研究

    Studies on Selection of Restorer and Maintainer for K-type Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Wheat

  5. 洋葱细胞质雄性不育系与相应保持系线粒体DNA的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of mitochondrial DNA of CMS line and its maintainer in onion

  6. IRs24B/天谷B选育保持系和转育不育系的过程中,以自然诱发鉴定为主,选定抗瘟的B系。

    The B line was bred from the combination of IRs24B / Tiangu B under the identification of natural inducement .

  7. 本研究采用了mRNA差异显示技术对T型细胞质雄性不育系小麦及其相应保持系小麦的核基因进行比较分析。

    By the techonology of mRNA differential display we analysised the gene expression of nucleus of the wheat .

  8. 水稻BT型不育系与保持系线粒体DNA的酶切电泳带型

    Studies of restriction patterns of mitochondrial DNA from male sterile and maintainer lines of rice BT CMS

  9. 选用稻米品质差异较大的7个籼型不育系(A)及相应的保持系(B)与5个粳型广亲和恢复系(R)杂交,组成7×5不完全双列杂交组合。

    In a further study seven indica male sterile lines ( A ) were crossed with 5 japonica restorer lines ( R ) .

  10. 玉米小斑病菌C小种毒素对玉米雄性不育系及其保持系超氧物歧化酶及过氧化物酶活性的诱导

    Effect of Bipolaris ( Helminthosporium ) Maydis Race C ( HMC ) Toxin on Superoxide Dismutase and Peroxidase Activities of Corn with Male Sterile or Normal Cytoplasms

  11. 利用9个随机引物对42个中籼三系杂交稻骨干亲本(保持系和恢复系)进行了DNA遗传差异分析。

    RAPD analysis for genetic diversity was conducted on 42 backbone parental lines in Indica hybrid rice breeding with 9 primers selected from 250 random primers .

  12. 在雄蕊发育不西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要同时期,不育系COD酶带数目均比保持系多;

    In the stamen growth varied period , the male sterile has more COD isozyme strips than the maintainer .

  13. 陆地棉洞A型核雄性不育完全保持系MB的遗传机理研究

    Genetic studies on male sterility maintaining mechanism of MB line for Dong-A Genic Male Sterile Lines

  14. 红莲型水稻不育系和保持系线粒体基因组BAC文库的构建

    BAC Library Construction for Mitochondrial Genome of Sterile and Maintainer Lines from HL Rice

  15. 3.9日苗龄幼苗叶片SDS-PAGE谱带可以用作不育系和保持系的生化标记。

    The SDS-PAGE electrophoretogram can be used as the biochemical markers of male-sterile lines and the corresponding maintainer line .

  16. 结果表明,除EST外,3种大白菜不育系和保持系ACP、POD同工酶和全蛋白酶带存在差异。

    Results showed POD , ACP isozyme and total protein between CMS and maintainer were different except EST isozyme .

  17. 2.12日苗龄幼苗叶片COD同工酶谱带可以标记4种不育系和保持系。

    The isozyme patterns of COD 12days ' seedling leaves can be used to mark the four male-sterile lines and the corresponding maintainer line .

  18. 榨菜胞质雄性不育系及其保持系的ATPase同工酶电泳比较

    Study on the comparison of ATPase isoenzymes in the cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainer line of tuber mustard by PAGE

  19. 用保持系MB可使棉花洞A型核不育后代不育株率达100%,不育度达96~100%。

    The maintainer line Mg could make the sterile plant rate and sterile degree in the progeny of the genetic male sterile cotton " Dong A " reach 100 % and 96-100 % , respectively .

  20. 游离总氨基酸、POD,SOD酶活性在不育系与保持系间差异不显著。

    There are no significant differences in the contents of free amino acid , activities of SOD and POD between the male sterile lines and maintainer lines .

  21. 乙烯对水稻CMS系及其保持系蛋白质、核酸和活性氧代谢的影响

    Effects of Ethylene on Metabolism of Protein , RNA , DNA and Activated Oxygen in the Panicles of CMS Rice and Its Maintainer

  22. 不同倍性不结球白菜PolCMS及保持系生理生化特性比较

    Comparison on Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Pol CMS Lines and Their Maintainer Lines in Different Ploid Materials of Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage

  23. 利用两个1B/1R类型的小麦不育系及其保持系和两个非1B/1R类型的小麦不育系及其保持系,对其单核期、二核期、三核期三个时期的SOD活性进行比较研究。

    Two 1B / 1R types and two non-1B / 1R types male sterile lines and their male maintainable lines of wheat were selected to study the activities of SOD in anthers .

  24. 从理论与实践分析BT型、滇型粳稻不育系具有高度的遗传稳定性,发生混杂退化的主要原因在于①繁殖过程中保持系的机械混杂;

    Genetic stability of BT type and Dian type cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility was analysied in the article . The three factors including : ① mechanical mixture of maintainer line ;

  25. 研究了昆虫自然传粉条件下转Bt基因棉、常规棉核质不育系及其相应同核异质保持系的主要经济性状。

    The main economic characteristics of 6 Bt transgenic sterile lines , 6 general sterile lines and their homologous maintainer line were studied under the condition of open entomophilous pollination .

  26. 而T型不育系POD和EST同功酶带数和活性单核期之后少于或低于保持系同功酶。

    The bands and activity of POD and EST isozymes of anther from T type male sterile line are fewer or lower than those from its maintainer after uninucleate stage .

  27. 我国水稻常用保持系穗期耐旱性测评及育性分析水稻生长早期耐冷性的QTL定位研究

    Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Fertility Traits for Rice Maintainer Lines Extensively Used in China Study on QTL Mapping of Cold Tolerance during Early Growth Period in Rice

  28. 利用非1B/1R与1B/1R类型小麦雄性不育系及保持系,对2类K型不育系及其保持系花粉发育过程中丙二醛含量、花粉细胞膜透性、SOD活性、花粉发育形态等几个方面进行比较研究。

    The content of MDA , membrane permeability , SOD activity and developmental morpha of pollens during the pollen development in non-1B / 1R and 1B / 1R male sterile lines and their maintenance lines were analyzed .

  29. 金山B-1是本室育成的一个优质水稻雄性不育保持系。

    Jinshan B-1 is a male-sterility maintainer line of rice with good quality bred by our lab.

  30. 本课题组前期的工作通过SRAP分子标记技术证实线粒体nad基因片段在不育系和保持系中存在差异。

    Our group confirmed the difference of nad gene fragment in cytoplasmic male sterile line and their maintainer lines by SRAP markers techology .