
wǎnɡ luò fú wù tí ɡōnɡ zhě
  • Internet service provider;ISP
  1. 然而,网络服务提供者并非直接侵权人,我国现有的法律制度没有ISP承担责任的理论依据,造成了司法实践中尴尬。

    However , ISP is not the direct infringer ; the law system of our country can 't support to impute ISP .

  2. 网络服务提供者可分为网络中介服务者和网络内容提供者,网络中介服务者和网络内容提供者的法律责任不尽相同。

    ISP may be divided into Internet access provider ( hereinafter refers as IAP ) and Internet content provider ( hereinafter refers as ICP ) and their liabilities are not same .

  3. p2p网络服务提供者间接侵权问题研究

    The Research about Indirect Infringement of the P2P Internet Service Providers

  4. 电子合同订立中还出现了一些特殊的主体,网络服务提供者即ISP,它的法律地位类似与传统合同订立中邮局所起的功能;

    As the special principal party of the E-contract , the legal status of ISP is similar to the function of the post office in traditional contracting .

  5. 五是探讨了网络服务提供者ISP和ICP的侵权责任;

    The fifth is to probe into the infringement responsibility of internet service provider ; ISP and ICP ; Sixth , three paths for protecting internet copyright are discussed ;

  6. 服务等级协定(SLA:ServiceLevelAgreement)是为了保障服务品质和服务可靠性,明确网络服务提供者和使用者的权利和义务,服务提供商和客户之间或者有合作关系的服务提供商之间的一个正式合约。

    SLA ( Service Level Agreement ) is a legal agreement between service provider and its customer , aiming to gurantee the QoS ( Quality of Service ) and the reliability of the service , claim the rights and duties of the partners involved in the document .

  7. 对网络服务提供者著作权侵权责任的法律思考

    A Legal Thinking about the Liability of Infringing Writing Right by Network Servicer

  8. 网络服务提供者和互联〉2000。

    Norton , W. " Internet Service Providers and Peering . " 2000 .

  9. 网际网络服务提供者还会帮企业设置网站的主机,以及建立自己的网站。

    ISPs can host Web sites for Businesses and can also Build the Web sites themselves .

  10. 然而正是由于担当如此不可或缺的角色,网络服务提供者经常被卷入互联网上频繁发生的版权侵权纠纷当中。

    Just because such an important role , ISP has been involved in disputes of copyright infringement frequently .

  11. 网际网络服务提供者:提供给个人或机构网际网络联机与服务的公司。

    Internet service provider ( ISP ): Company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations .

  12. 网络服务提供者侵权所要承担的责任,《侵权责任法》已做了相应规定。

    The liability internet service providers should assume has already been provided in the PRC Tort Liability Law .

  13. 宽频电信线路的类型,特别是用于连接网际网络服务提供者到网际网络的基础设施。

    Type of Broadband telecommunications connection used especially to connect Internet service providers to the Internet 's infrastructure .

  14. 数据网络服务提供者

    Data networks service providers

  15. 网络服务提供者的侵权行为有直接侵权与间接侵权之分,二者在责任构成上有所区别。

    The network service provider tort have direct infringement and indirect infringement , the two differ in liability constitution .

  16. 至于网络服务提供者的种类,主要指技术服务提供者与内容服务提供者。

    As for the types of network service providers , mainly refers to technology service providers and content service providers .

  17. 严格责任是指网络服务提供者为网络用户在网上发布内容引起的侵权承担责任。

    Strict liability refers to the network service provider for network users to publish content on the Internet due to infringement liability .

  18. 网络服务提供者在网络侵权行为中的地位和作用将决定其承担的法律责任。

    The position and the function the Internet service provider play in the network infringement will decide the law liability that it bear .

  19. 网络服务提供者的民事责任问题浅析&以欧盟电子商务指令中的相关规范为中心

    A Brief Analysis on the Civil Liability of Internet Service Providers & Focused on the related provisions in the EU directive on electronic commerce

  20. 可以说,网络服务提供者的健康发展是互联网健康发展的重要保证。

    It can be said that the network service provider to the health development is an important guarantee for the healthy development of the Internet .

  21. 网络服务提供者从事直接侵权行为时,只要符合一般侵权责任的构成要件,即要承担侵权赔偿责任。

    The network service provider engaged in direct infringement , as long as consistent with the general tort liability , should bear the liability for compensation .

  22. 接着分别介绍了网络服务提供者的概念和分类,网络服务提供者著作权侵权行为的特点和承担侵权责任的法理依据。

    Then introduced the concept of network service providers and classification , network service providers and the characteristics of copyright infringement legal basis for tort liability .

  23. 网络服务提供者应承担过错责任,应当根据其对通过其系统或网络的信息的实际监控能力来确定是否负有网络信息内容的监控义务,来确定其是否需要承担侵权责任。

    The principle of fault liability is applied to internet service provider , whose liability for tort shall be determined by his supervisory liability on internet information .

  24. 本文主要借鉴国外成文法以及司法判例已经取得的先进经验,对网络服务提供者的侵权责任进行了研究。

    Based on the well-developed experience from the statutes and judicial cases worldwide , the writer made a systematic study on the Internet Service Provider 's tortious liability .

  25. 法院在网络服务提供者、著作权人及公众的利益之间找到了一个更为合理的平衡点,促进了美国的间接责任制度认定标准的进一步完善。

    The court found a more rational among the network service providers , balance owners of copyrights and the pubic , which advanced the standard of Secondary Liability in America .

  26. 著作权人为了救济自己的权利,经常将网络服务提供者诉至法庭以弥补著作权侵权行为给自己带来的损失。

    In order to remedy their rights , the copyright owner often litigate the regular network service providers to court to compensate for losses from copyright violations to their own .

  27. 目前,国外(特别是美国和欧盟)经过长期的实践摸索和理论探索,对网络服务提供者侵权问题已经形成了相对成熟和先进的立法系统和处理机制。

    At present , foreign countries ( especially US States and EU ) have formed relatively mature and advanced legislation system and processing mechanism after long-term practical and theoretical exploration .

  28. 这里的严格责任,并非《侵权责任法》规定的严格责任,而是指网络服务提供者要为网络用户的侵权行为承担连带责任。

    Strict liability here , not " Tort Liability Act " the strict liability , but rather refers to the network service provider for network users to jointly and severally liable infringement .

  29. 第三章结合本案对我国司法实践中存在的过错认定的问题进行分析,进而提出改善我国网络服务提供者商标间接侵权现象的建议。

    Chapter ⅲ will put forward to improve the network service provider trademark indirect infringement phenomenon through the recognition of fault in the analysis of judicial practice in our country the problem .

  30. 网络服务提供者在提供的便捷的网络服务时,也客观上帮助了互联网上侵犯著作权的行为泛滥,网络服务提供者常常成为著作权侵权的被告。

    When Internet Service Providers ( ISP ) provide convenient and swift internet connection , they also provide the convenience for copyright infringement . So they are always accused by copyright owners .