
  1. 他们试图开创网上和网下同步的新业务。

    They are trying to create new businesses on - and offline .

  2. 本研究数据主要来源于网上和网下问卷调查。

    The date of our study comes from on-line and off-line questionnaires .

  3. 我的网上和网下世界有一条明确的界限。

    I draw a clear dividing line between my online and offline world .

  4. 网上与网下支付行为(美国)

    Payment behavior online vs offline ( U.S. )

  5. 与考试相关的学习材料的出版,以及网上和网下所提供的培训课程,一起构成了一个规模可观的产业。

    The publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered , both online and offline , have combined to form a sizable industry .

  6. 针对学生触网的情况,对网络语言认知情况,网上、网下使用网络语言的现状以及发展趋势等方面进行调查分析。

    It covered widely the students ' net play , the cognition of the net language , the usage in and out of the internet and the tendency in the future .

  7. 在新媒体环境下大学生爱国主义教育要坚持创新,就需要坚持网上、网下相结合,虚拟与现实齐抓共管的方针。

    In order to make innovations in college students ' patriotism education , we need to adhere to the integration of online and offline measures and the combination of virtual and reality management .

  8. 据瑞斯•戴维斯表示,口碑营销的新趋势是,不少公司正在打造有组织的口碑营销活动,使人们更容易把产品推荐给网上和网下的熟人,而且还会与他们进行探讨。

    What is new , according to reiss-davis , is that companies are building structured word-of-mouth campaigns that make it easy for people to recommend and discuss products with people they know both offline and via the social web .

  9. 本文以网上和网下发行股数作为权数,以网上和网下中签率,推导出综合中签率,作为衡量一级市场供需关系和投资者情绪的指标。

    In this paper , online and offline as weights the number of shares issued to online and offline success rate , integrated in the success rate is derived , as a measure of a market supply and demand and investor sentiment indicators .

  10. 人们不再局限于单一的网上或网下的沟通,而是希望通过跨平台、多终端的通讯技术来实现一种集声音、文字、图像的低成本高效率的通讯服务,即时通讯将担负这种责任。

    People no longer limited to a single online or offline communication , but hope to realize a with sounds , words and images of the low cost efficient communication services through the cross-platform , many terminal communications technology , instant communication will take on this responsibility .

  11. 当前企业在使用电子商务实现室内装饰材料及家具交易上,基本上是网上浏览,网下购买的方式,还没真正地实现一个基于Internet环境的完整的电子化交易过程。

    The currently application of EC on the indoor decorating material and furniture is scanning online , purchasing offline , not realizing a really transaction based on the internet .

  12. 网上聊天与网下聊天的区别已不重要了。

    The distinction between online and offline chatter ceases to matter .

  13. 中国网上业务较网下业务发展更为迅猛。

    Online business in China is growing even faster than the offline sort .

  14. 从1998年起至今,中国的大部分电子商务是非支付型电子商务,即网上营销,网下支付;小部分是支付型电子商务,即网上营销,网上支付。

    Most items of China 's e-commerce business , since 1998 , have been the non-payment type , namely the online marketing and offline payment while its online payment only takes a small percentage .

  15. 三是较少考虑信任传递的问题,如有些企业既有网上业务又有网下业务时,网下信任对网络信任如何影响的这类问题研究的较少。

    Third , they seldom consider the trust transference in online trust model . Some companies have both online business and offline business ; how the offline trust affect the online trust building ?