
  • 网络opportunistic behavior;opportunism;Opportunism Behavior
  1. 首先,在文献梳理基础上综合利益相关者理论和产权理论(交易成本经济学),构建起权利非对称机会主义行为CoPS创新风险这一风险生成机理模型。

    First , integrating stakeholder theories and property right theories ( transaction cost economics ) based on literature organization , and building a risk formation mechanism model as " Interest-Power Asymmetry opportunistic behavior CoPS innovation risk " .

  2. Alchian和Demsetz提出的团队生产理论,采用监督机制来控制团队成员的机会主义行为。

    Alchian and Demsetz put forward team production theory , which adopted monitoring mechanism to control opportunistic behavior of team members .

  3. 对菊花脑D.为了防范生产外包中存在的承包企业的机会主义行为,可以采取契约和产权的措施。

    Meiosis behaviors of D. There are several contractual and property right ways to deal with opportunism behaviors in production outsourcing .

  4. 专门研究私人股本的哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)教授乔希勒纳(joshlerner)表示:“交易活动的上升,部分原因在于流动性的持续变化,但一定程度上也是利用时机的机会主义行为。”

    Josh Lerner , a Harvard Business School professor specialising in private equity , said : " part of the reason for the increase in activity is a secular shift in liquidity , but part of it is an opportunistic taking advantage of the time . "

  5. 当宏观社会资本足以使人们产生普遍信任时,资产专用性也要求契约双方采用关系缔约,因为资产专用性的诱惑是如此之大,以至于普遍信任也不足以阻止敲竹杠(hold-up)的机会主义行为。

    Even if macro social capital is enough to produce general trust , relational contracting is indispensable to both parties because the lure from asset specificity is so big that general trust cannot prohibit the hold-up opportunist behavior .

  6. 内部监督的收益是机会主义行为的减少。

    The income of internal supervision is to reduce the opportunism .

  7. 这一博弈过程将减少交易中潜在的机会主义行为。

    These processes will reduce potential opportunistic behaviors in the trading .

  8. 渠道机会主义行为研究理论框架及管理建议

    Research Framework and Implication for The Management of Channel Opportunistic Behavior

  9. 国有商业银行经营中的机会主义行为

    An Analysis of Opportunism Behaviors on State-owned Commercial Banks in Their Management

  10. 股票期权激励计划的披露与经理的机会主义行为

    The Disclosure of Stock Option Incentive Plans and the Opportunism of Executives

  11. 专用性投资交易存在机会主义行为的可能性。

    The special investment trade has the possibility of the opportunism behavior .

  12. 国际合资企业中机会主义行为的演化博弈

    Evolutionary game analysis on opportunistic behavior in international joint venture

  13. 合作研发中机会主义行为的演化博弈分析

    Evolutionary game analysis on opportunistic behavior in cooperative R & D market

  14. 机会主义行为与会计信息失真&基于博弈论的分析

    Unreal Disclosure of Accounting Information and Opportunism & Analysis Based Game Theory

  15. 稳定静态结构是以重复博弈机制为基础,通过重复博弈的长期关系克服机会主义行为,达成社会合作,促成社会分工。

    The base of stable - static structure was repeated-game .

  16. 合同农业中农户机会主义行为的治理研究

    The Study of the Governance to Peasants ' Opportunistic Behaviors in Contract Farming

  17. 企业中存在机会主义行为的原因及其影响

    Why opportunism exists in the firm and its impact on the principal-agent contract

  18. 第一,信息不对称导致的保险中介机会主义行为。

    The first one is opportunism caused by asymmetry .

  19. 加大强制性的制度安排力度,抑制机会主义行为;

    Making obligatory system arrangement to curb opportunism behavior ;

  20. 专业服务市场存在严重的信息不对称问题,由此引起的机会主义行为必须通过规制加以解决。

    The market of professional services is faced with the serious information asymmetry .

  21. 破产风险、管理者机会主义行为与债务期限结构

    Bankruptcy risk , managerial opportunism behavior and debt maturity

  22. 代理商机会主义行为控制研究

    On the Control of Agents ' Opportunistic Practice

  23. 同时还研究了监督机制对防范机会主义行为的有效性。

    And the validity of monitor mechanism guarding against opportunistic behavior is also studied .

  24. 运用演化博弈理论研究了经济系统中机会主义行为的演化稳定性。

    This paper studies the evolution of opportunistic behavior by using evolutionary game theory .

  25. 如何防范机会主义行为是企业理论研究的重点之一。

    How be on guard one of keys that opportunistic behavior is company theory research .

  26. 健全的市场经济需要通过道德的力量来克服注册会计师的机会主义行为。

    Perfect market economy needs morality to overcome the opportunistic behavior ofa certified public accountant .

  27. 根据争端的发展过程,将争端发展的原因归结为:工程的不确定性、合同缺陷以及机会主义行为。

    The reasons of disputes are uncertainty of engineering , contractual problems and opportunistic behavior .

  28. 机会主义行为的演化稳定性分析

    Evolutionary Stability Analysis of Opportunistic Behavior

  29. 结果表明,防范成本对于机会主义行为的演化起着至关重要的作用。

    The results show that defense cost play an important role in evolution of opportunistic behavior .

  30. 信息分布的不均衡带来了经济行为中的信息不对称现象,由此引发的机会主义行为是造成技术交易损失主要原因之一。

    Consequent opportunistic behavior is one of the main reasons which cause loss of technical trading .