
  • 网络Institutional level;Institutional Class
  1. 建议:以省为单位统一制定目录,并按医疗机构级别进行分级;

    Recommedations : The AEMLs should be formulated at the provincial level and according to different levels of medical institutions ;

  2. 结果:年龄、部队类别、人员类别、地区类别、定点医疗机构级别、有无第二诊断等因素均可影响医疗费用。

    Results : The influence factors of medical expenses included age , unit sort , personnel sort , region sort etc.

  3. 浅议我国卫生事业机构级别之合理划分&兼论事业管理干部工资待遇的改革

    On Rational Determination of Levels of Health Service Institutions in Our Country And on the Reform of Wage System of the Managerial Cadres

  4. 次均费用是总体实际补偿比的制约因素,且随着医疗机构级别的提高,次均费用对实际补偿比的制约作用增大。

    Average cost of inpatient was limiting factor for the compensation ratio , and the negative effect increased as the rank of medical care institution increased .

  5. 住院和门诊统筹模式、住院补偿方案按医疗机构级别由低到高将递增的起付线和递减的补偿比同时设置应作为方案优化的方向。

    The direction of project optimization is that inpatient and outpatient compensation fund both are unified planning , and rising deductible and degressive coinsurance are set simultaneously in the hospitalized compensation plan . 3 .

  6. 影响河南农村居民直接经济负担的因素有很多种,其中最主要的有年龄、收入水平、是否患有慢性病、疾病严重程度、就诊医疗机构的级别等。

    Impacts on direct economic burden of rural residents in Henan have many factors , the most important factors including age , income level , whether suffering from chronic illnesses , severity of disease , medical treatment , the level of medical institutions and so on .

  7. 布拉特说:任何机构内任何级别的人都必须对别人施加,而被影响的人也会施加影响给其他人。

    Anybody at any level in any organization has to influence people who influence other people , Bradt says .

  8. 建立知识交流中心(CKI)是西门子在全球范围内与教育机构建立的最高级别合作模式。

    The Center of Knowledge Interchange ( CKI ) relationship is the highest level of cooperation for Siemens with higher education institutions .

  9. 因此,无论是最基本的医疗机构,还是较高级别的医疗机构,都需要大量扩展,以便满足人民日益增长的医疗需求。

    So , whether it is the most basic medical facilities , or higher-level medical institutions , will require substantial expansion .

  10. [研究目的]1摸清山东省职业健康检查机构总体数量、级别类别、地区分布、资质范围情况。

    Find out the overall number of occupational health inspection agencies , level category , the geographical distribution and the qualification range in Shandong Province . 2 .

  11. 调查内容包括一般状况、机构性质、行政级别、经营管理模式、机构人员数量、技术人员数量及人才结构、采血量等。

    The survey covers the total condition , quality of organization , administrative level , management mode , quantity of staff , quantity of medical technicians , talent structure and amount of blood collection .

  12. 一旦玩家学会了游戏,能够稳坐于马鞍之上,他们就会获得行业管理机构评定的差点级别,通常从-2级开始(10级最高)开始。

    Once players have learnt the game and are comfortable in the saddle , they are awarded a handicap by the governing body , usually starting at - 2 goal ( 10 is the highest ) .

  13. 鉴于医疗机构存在规模和级别的差异,难以完全代表医保政策对医疗费用的影响。

    Thus , it was hard for this study to represent the impact of the health insurance policy on the medical expenditure as a whole due to the different scale and rank of the medical institutions in ZhuHai City . 2 .

  14. 医疗机构的违法率与医疗机构的级别高低无关,而在计划生育技术服务机构中,越是基层的计划生育技术服务机构违法率越高。

    The rank of Medical institutions and the illegal rate are irrelevant . And in family planning technical service institutions , the more grass-roots the family planning technical service institutions are involved in , the higher the illegal rate is .