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jǔ yè
  • literary studies as preparation for civil service exams
  • works for the imperial examinations
举业 [jǔ yè]
  • [works for the imperial examinations] 科举时代指专为应试的诗文、学业、课业、文字。也指八股文

  1. 在举业书的销售中,书坊采取了多种措施进行广告宣传。

    To market books , the publishing houses had taken various measures to make advertisements .

  2. 举业书,因其拥有广大市场,成为山东书坊的主要出版对象。

    The imperial examination books , because of the vast market , became the major publications .

  3. 他早年也曾泛滥于诗词、文章,曾屡次科举不第,后遂决意放弃举业,致力于儒家道统,践行圣贤学问。

    He has flooded in early poems , articles , had repeated the imperial examinations did not , was determined to give up after industry dedicated to Confucian orthodoxy , succeeding Saint .

  4. 蒲松龄作为封建社会中的传统文人,一生热衷举业,其生活道路、思想观念及文学创作与当时的文教政策之间关系密切。

    Pu Song-ling who was a traditional intellectual in the feudal society was keen on the court test , therefore his life , ideology , and literary creation had a close relationship with the education policy at that time .