首页 / 词典 / good


jǔ jiàn
  • recommend;suggest;volunteer
举荐 [jǔ jiàn]
  • [recommend] 作为值得信赖或关注而推荐;作为值得注意或惠顾而提出

  • 举荐人才

举荐[jǔ jiàn]
  1. 你能把他举荐给经理吗?

    Can you recommend him to the manager ?

  2. 我不喜欢你举荐的那些小说。

    I don 't like such novels as you recommend .

  3. 旅游局至少每年视察一次所有举荐的旅馆。

    The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year .

  4. 他被举荐担任会长。

    He has been suggested / recommended for the post of president .

  5. 他应该举荐一位欧洲人担任这个职位&那就是托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)。

    He should propose a European candidate for the job – namely Tony Blair .

  6. 美国环保署和美国能源部最近举荐他参予政府间气候变化委员会的作者,并编辑该工作委员会新的第五评估报告(AR5)。

    Xu is a nominee by US EPA and US DOE to be author and editor on the IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ) Working Group III Fifth Assessment Report ( AR5 ) .

  7. 我们向州长举荐几个人供他委派。

    We recommended several people to the governor for appointment .

  8. 再次感谢您向我们举荐贤才。

    Thank you again for recommending such a good talent .

  9. 那个姑娘勇救儿童而应受举荐。

    The girl should be recommended for her bravery in saving the child .

  10. 他知道柳下惠有才能却不能举荐他在朝廷任职。

    Knowing Liu-xia Hui 's worth , he would not give him a position .

  11. 我已向董事会举荐过他。

    I have commended him to the directory .

  12. 你永远都无法预知谁将会为你提供一份工作机会或举荐。

    You never know who might be able to provide a job lead or referral .

  13. 我对你们举荐我们的姊妹非比,她是坚革哩教会中的女执事。

    I commend to you our sister Phoebe , a servant of the church in Cenchrea .

  14. 当校长们做出他们的推荐时,他们真正熟知他们所举荐的学生吗?

    When principals make their recommendations , do they truly know the students whom they recommend ?

  15. 方法:对举荐的46例可疑癫痫犯罪人的24小时动态脑电图进行回顾分析。

    Methods A retrospective analysis of24h-AEEG was done in46 criminal with doubtful epilepsy recommend by judicial organization .

  16. 我今天就写信举荐你去,说明你有两个家眷。

    I will write today and recommend you . And say that you have a family of two .

  17. 法老的臣子看见她,就把她举荐给法老,于是她就被带去收进法老的内宫中。

    Pharaoh 's courtiers saw her and praised her to Pharaoh , and she was taken into Pharaoh 's household .

  18. 年轻女子被举荐入宫(觐见君主)的风俗已不复存在。

    The custom of young ladies being presented at court ( ie formally introduced to the monarch ) has disappeared .

  19. 如果你让20年没见过面的朋友为你举荐,招聘人员会觉得你最有创造力的日子已经离你远去了。

    Referrals from people who haven 't seen you in20 years could give the impression your most productive days are behind you .

  20. 所以举荐人不同于导师,从某些意义上讲对于你的晋升还要更加关键。

    That 's why sponsors are different from mentors , and in some ways even more critical to moving up the ladder .

  21. 这同样适用一个组织内的内部职位的申请和举荐,说清楚你现在的工作内容是明智之举。

    Similarly for an internal position or promotion in an organisation , it would be sensible to explain you currently work for them .

  22. 38岁的贝克汉姆在今年五月告别了20年的足球生涯,当时他被举荐为骑士爵位候选人。

    Beckham , 38 , had been suggested for a knighthood in May when he announced he was retiring from football after a 20-year career .

  23. 没有冉劲松老师的举荐我就不会来北京,自然就不会有这个展览啦,真心地谢谢冉老师!

    If no recommendation from Teacher Ran Jinsong , I would not come to Beijing , never had this show , appreciated him very much !

  24. 英国驻埃及文化委员会联系了开罗音乐学院,学院举荐了大提琴手MarcellinoSafwat,他虽年仅17,却有有朝一日成为指挥家的雄心壮志。

    The British Council in Egypt called the Cairo Conservatoire , who suggested Marcellino Safwat , a 17-year-old cellist with ambitions to become a conductor .

  25. 如果一位举荐人不再在你以前工作过的公司上班了,或住在别的城市都是没关系的。

    It is fine if a reference no longer works for the company where you were employed together , or if they live in another city .

  26. 官员们举荐的儿童和成人在猪流感疫苗之前接种季节性流感疫苗,采纳分隔的剂量灌注贯注后勤提供题目。

    The officials recommend children and adults get the seasonal flu vaccine ahead of the swine flu vaccine to prevent logistical problems with separating the doses .

  27. 举荐人是一位高级别的领导人,是一位愿意推荐你的决策者。

    A sponsor is a senior-level leader , that is , someone who sits at the decision-making table , who is willing to advocate on your behalf .

  28. 总之,你要找的举荐人,是能够向任何一位雇主证明你的经验、技能、诚实、专业以及你的能干的。

    In short , you are looking for anyone who can communicate your experience , skills , integrity , professionalism , and can-do attitude to any potential employer .

  29. 注:在剔除前不曾正告的阐明基线是举荐的和它保存在流的配置中。

    Note : There is no warning prior to the removal to indicate that the baseline is recommended and references to it remain in the stream 's configuration .

  30. 本文针对斜拉桥的结构特点和力学特性,详细讨论了斜拉桥建模的总体思路和工作过程,并举荐了工程实例。

    This paper studies the structural characters and mechanic specialties of cable-stayed bridge , detailed discusses the total thought and work process , and takes one engineering example .