
  • 网络individual interview
  1. 为了对应对过程进行考察,本文运用事件记录法和个别访谈法,采取过程定向的研究思路,对28名被试进行了6周的追踪研究。

    To examine college students ' coping process , this present authors , with the mode process-orientation in their minds , have adopted two methods : Incident Record and Individual Interview , for the six-week tracing examination of 28 students .

  2. 通过文献资料法、个别访谈法、综合分析法,从社会发展和素质教育的视角对健身运动处方体育课进行理论研究并就其对大学生心理健康的影响进行理论分析。

    With the development of society and quality-oriented education , the authors have studied exercise prescription of physical education on the psychology of college students .

  3. 为深入了解什么因素影响数学教学效果,本人采用问卷调查法和个别访谈法对学生和教师进行调查。

    In order to find out the factors affecting mathematics teaching , questionnaire survey and individual interviews have been applied to investigate the students and teachers .

  4. 个别访谈法为了了解数学教师对教学效果产生的影响,以及学生数学学习存在的问题。

    Moreover , individual interviews is applied to measure the influence of mathematics teachers on the teaching effect , and problems of students ' mathematics learning .

  5. 本研究以内蒙古地区蒙古族初中学生为研究对象,有效被试728人,主要采用问卷法和个别访谈法,对影响蒙古族初中学生学业成绩的性格特征问题,进行了一次较为全面的考察。

    Using questionnaire and conversation method , this paper conducted among 728 Mongolian junior high school students in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region . The study examined character trait influence on academic achievement of students .

  6. 本文以上海市D区的城市低保家庭作为样本,综合运用问卷法及半结构式个别访谈法,从低保家庭人力资本、社会资本和经济资本三个层面来描述低保家庭生计资本的现状。

    It comprehensively uses questionnaire and interview method . From the three aspects about the city minimum living standard families ' human capital , social capital and economical capital , this paper depicts the current status of their livelihood capital .