
  • 网络Mediator;intervening variable;Mediator variable;moderator;Intermediate variables
  1. 不同的体育锻炼类型对大学生抑郁水平的影响及其心理中介变量(Body-esteem)的研究

    Effect of Different Kind of Physical Activity on Depressive Level and Psychological Mediator of College Students

  2. 应对方式和人际关系是感恩对主观幸福感影响的中介变量。

    Coping style , interpersonal disturbances is mediator variable between gratitude and subjective well-being .

  3. 二是分析研究EOR对企业绩效影响的中介变量。

    Secondly , we analyze the mediate effect between EOR and enterprise performance .

  4. f′(x-1)中间变量的求导与积分不同锻炼项目对大学生特质焦虑的影响及其心理中介变量的研究

    The Study of Effects of Different Exercise Project on University Student Trait-anxiety and Its Psychological Intermediary Variable

  5. 于是,我们浙江大学博士学位论文决定将员工的组织情感承诺和主管情感承诺·作为POS和PSS与员工工作产出之间的中介变量。

    We take employees ' affective commitment ( toorganization and supervisor ) as the mediators between POS , PSS and employees ' work outcomes .

  6. 结合劳动生产率总的系数和三个中介变量FDI、相对劳动力成本、实际汇率的系数考察劳动生产率如何对贸易收支的传导。

    Then it examines the transmission mechanism of labor productivity to trade balance , combining with the coefficient of labor productivity and the mediating variables FDI , and the coefficients of relative labor costs and real exchange rate .

  7. 该文以员工的组织情感承诺和工作满意感为中介变量,考察POS和LMX对员工工作产出的间接影响。

    In this paper , we test the effects of POS and LMX on above work outcomes mediated by organizational affective commitment and job satisfaction .

  8. 本章首先对我国制造业生产率进行测算,然后引入技术创新中介变量,联合KIBS共同分析制造业生产率的变化。

    This section estimates the manufacturing productivity , and then introduces technological innovation as intermediary variables to analyze the changes of manufacturing productivity .

  9. 一般互联网自我效能感(ISE)对针对网上招聘的特殊ISE有显著的正向影响,对大学生参与网上招聘意向并没有直接的影响,而是通过针对网上招聘的特殊ISE这一中介变量产生间接影响。

    General Internet self-efficacy ( GISE ) had a positive effect on SISE . GISE had no direct effect on intention , but had an indirect effect on intention through SISE .

  10. 通过SPSS和LISREL两个统计分析软件,对两类服务进行了独立样本t检验,对测量模型进行了信度和效度分析,检验了模型假设并进行中介变量和调节变量分析。

    This study used SPSS and LISREL to conduct independent sample t-test of two kind of services , reliability and validity test of measurement model , hypotheses test , moderation and mediation factors analysis .

  11. 因此,本研究引入个人-组织价值观匹配度作为中介变量,来研究绩效薪酬、组织公民行为(OCB)和任务绩效之间的关系。

    Therefore , this research introduces the match degree of person-organization values as an intervening variable to study the relation among Performance-based Pay , Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) and employees ' task performance .

  12. 本文将组织公平感作为中介变量,团队氛围作为调节变量,建立了LMX与团队绩效的关系模型,并据此提出了本文的假设。

    My research makes the organizational justice as intermediary variable and the team atmosphere as moderating variable . The paper establishes a relationship between LMX and team performance model , and puts forward the assumption of this paper .

  13. 而Thorsteinson等(2009)在驾驶问题决策情景研究中发现卷入并不是框架效应的中介变量。

    In the driving problems research by Thorsteinson ( 2009 ), the conclusion found involved in decision-making situation was not intermediary variable of frame effect .

  14. 基本心理能力老化的中介变量

    The effects of mediators on the aging of primary mental abilities

  15. 心理契约通过组织支持感这个中介变量影响组织公民行为。

    Psychology contract ( PC ) has indirect effects on OCB through POS.

  16. 工作特征可以通过心理资本这个中介变量作用于工作绩效。

    Job characteristic can influence work performance through psychological capital .

  17. 3应对方式是作为应激源与心理健康的中介变量而存在并发挥作用的。

    Coping style is the intervene variables between stressors and mental health .

  18. 共享心智模型对团队效能的影响&以团队过程为中介变量

    The Effect of Team Mental Models on Team Process and Team Effectiveness

  19. 变革型领导的中介变量:一个整合的视角

    Transformational Leadership Style and its Mediators : An Integrative Perspective

  20. 学业成就目标和社会目标是课堂目标影响成绩的中介变量。

    Academic achievement and social goals were mediators between classroom and academic achievement .

  21. 团队承诺影响研发人员创造力的实证研究:知识共享为中介变量

    Group Commitment and R D Professional Creativity the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing

  22. 童年中期同伴关系与孤独感的中介变量检验

    The Test of the Mediator Variable between Peer Relationship and Loneliness in Middle Childhood

  23. 成员异质性与团队绩效:以交互记忆系统为中介变量

    Member diversity and team performance : The transactive memory system as a medium variable

  24. 第二部分为中介变量顾客感知价值;第三部分为结果变量顾客重复购买次数。

    Mediating variable within customer perceived value . Independent variable is customer repurchase behavior .

  25. 体育活动通过影响体育效果和体育消费意识2个中介变量间接影响个体的体育消费水平;

    Perceived sport effect and sport consumption intention were mediators between sport behavior and consumption .

  26. 在探讨大学生体育锻炼活动对主观幸福感影响时,身体自我是作为中介变量存在的。

    When discuss college students physical exercise influence subjective well-being , physical self-concept is mediator .

  27. 道德同一性是道德敏感性与道德行为的中介变量。

    Moral identity was the intermediary variable of moral sensitivity and moral behavior . 5 .

  28. 自尊和情感承诺先后作为中介变量对可就业能力和职业成功产生间接作用和影响。

    Self-esteem and affective commitment as mediators had an indirect effect between employability and career success .

  29. 通过监控中介变量的方式,判断企绩效的变化趋势。

    Through monitoring the mediate effect , enterprises can forecast the changing trends of the performance .

  30. 第二,情绪要素的作用体现在它是饭店内部服务质量和员工满意度的中介变量。

    Secondly , emotional elements are the mediating variables between internal service quality and employee satisfaction .