- 网络precentral gyrus;Precentral Sulcus

Inhibited areas : bilaterally in upper middle precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus , superior parietal lobule , inferior parietal lobule and prefrontal cortex .
Results : Chinese true word test showed significant activation in left frontal lobe , precentral gyrus ( BA6 ), occipital lobe ( BA18 ), and slight activation in left parietal lobe , postcentral gyrus ( BA3 ), right inferior frontal gyrus ( BA9 ) and bitemporal lobe ;
Tissue , Total RNA , Human Disease , Alzheimer 's Disease , Precentral Gyrus .
Methods 1H-MRS was carried out in 92 healthy Chinese adult volunteers . The metabolite ratios of NAA / Cr , Cho / Cr and NAA / Cho were compared and analysed .
[ Result ] ( 1 ) Bilateral superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus , postcentral gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus , dorsal thalamus , caudate nucleus are all activated ( r0.8 ) .
English true word test showed significant activation in left middle frontal gyrus , precentral gyrus , left inferior frontal gyrus , and also slight activating in left temporal fusiform gyrus ( BA37 ), right occipital language gyrus ( BA18 ) and left parietal lobe .
The structural organization of the precentral cortex of the human brain
Characteristics of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy on precentral gyrus in 92 healthy Chinese adults
Activation in the left superior temporal areas was correlated with semantic retrieval and processing .
And the Nepali task demonstrated the activation of left anterior central gyrus , superior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus .
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Primary Motor Cortex in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis THE STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE PRECENTRAL CORTEX OF THE HUMAN BRAIN
Reconstruction of bilateral CST in the control group , precentral gyrus to internal capsule and continued to pontine and medulla oblongata , and concordance was good in each .
Compared with control group , among all network functional connectivity of the patients with ipsilateral cerebral motor cortex and contralateral precentral gyrus was weakened , and cerebellar functional connectivity was enhanced .
Relative rCBF decreased significantly in bilateral caudate and right cingulate for depressive patients and in bilateral prefrontal cortex , anterior central gyrus , posterior central gyrus , hippocampus , superior parietal lobule and cingulate for hypothyroid patients .
In post-learning task , the activities of bilateral occipital lobe ( visual areas ) and middle frontal gyrus , left inferior frontal gyrus , precentral gyrus and bilateral SMA , superior parietal lobule , inferior parietal lobule and precuneus could be observed .
Dorsal lateral of left prefrontal cortex , bilateral premotor area , posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus , medial frontal gyrus , and cortex around intraparietal sulcus , posterior part of inferior temporal gyrus , were all activated during simple calculation and complex calculation task .
T type feature consisting of the inferior frontal sulcus and the inferior precentral sulcus ; Results : In males the activating areas were shown bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ), left middle frontal gyrus , left superior temporal gyrus ( STG ) and bilateral cerebellum .
Results of cortical spinal tracts : Bilateral cortical spinal tracts were reconstructed , the contralateral anatomical form was consistent with that of normal people , and there was consistency of continuous form of each line from precentral gyrus down to internal capsule and prolonged to pontine and medulla oblongata .
Localization of pre - and postcentral gyri on sagittal sections
The angioarchitecture of human anterior and posterior central gyri
Each gyrus was supplied by several main branches , forming various areas separated by poorly vascularized lines .
Results : Our main finding was that such common activation was observed in both parietal and frontal lobe , including left middle frontal gyrus , both of medial frontal gyrus , superior parietal lobule and inferior parital lobule , and left precentral gyrus , left postcentral gyrus .
Left postcentral gyrus , left superior temporal gyrus , left occipital lobe , right superior temporal gyrus , right ccipital lobe , right precentral gyrus , right postcentral gyrus , right supramarginal gyrus , right superior frontal gyrus and cingulum were activated in the left-side group .