
  • 网络Middle Proterozoic;mesoproterozoic;mesoproterozoic erathem
  1. 东川铜矿是赋存于中元古界昆阳群地层中的大型超大型铜矿床。

    Dongchuan Copper deposit in Yunnan is a Large and Super-large copper deposit which occurs in the stratum of Mesoproterozoic Kunyang Group .

  2. 柿树底金矿床赋存于中元古界熊耳群安山岩中,矿体受断裂破碎带控制。

    The Shishudi gold deposits is located in Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group Anshan Ore.

  3. 潜山地层中的伊利石结晶度为122~150,b0值为9030~9066,变质程度为浅变质绿片岩相,而邻近区域只有中元古界具有这样的特征;

    Illite crystallinity of the buried hill is 122 ~ 150 , bo-value is 9.030 ~ 9.066 , showing low metamorphic greenschist facies .

  4. 南澳的EYRE半岛位于GAWLER克拉通南部,包含了GAWLER克拉通太古界至中元古界结晶基底的主要部分。

    The Eyre Peninsula , South Australia , makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton . It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton .

  5. 下扬子区中上元古界,可以分为四个构造层次.中元古界早期构造层,为一套巨厚的地槽型火山碎屑岩及砂泥质复理石建造,形成于1900-1400Ma;

    The middle-upper Proterozoic of lower Yangtze area can be divided into four structural layers : the first one , formed at early stage of middel Proterozoic ( 1900-1400Ma ), was characterized by a suit of geosyncline pyroclastic rocks and flysch formation ;

  6. 库鲁克塔格赛马山一带中元古界构造变形研究

    Structural deformation of the Proterozoic along horse racing mountains , kuruktag

  7. 浙西南中元古界龙泉群的地质年代学

    Geochronology of the Middle Proterozoic Longquan group in Southwestern Zhejiang

  8. 湘东北&桂北中元古界岩石地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of Mesoproterozoic Rocks , Northeast Hunan-North Guangxi

  9. 燕山地区中元古界高于庄组和杨庄组地球化学特征及环境意义

    Geochemical Characteristics and Environmental Significance of Gaoyuzhuang and Yangzhuang Formations in Yanshan Region

  10. 否定了羌塘中部隆起区存在中元古界变质基底;

    Absence of the Mesoproterozoic metamorphic basement in the central Qiangtang uplifted area ;

  11. 北京平谷中元古界高于庄组藻类微化石

    Algal microfossils of the Middle Proterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Pinggu county , beijing

  12. 浙南中元古界龙泉群的地质特征及构造演化

    Geological features and tectonic evolution of the Middle Proterozoic Longquan group in southern Zhejiang

  13. 河北兴隆地区中元古界串岭沟组沉积环境与相模式

    Sedimentary environment and facies model of the Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Formation in the Xinglong area , Hebei

  14. 燕山地区中元古界碳酸盐岩碳、氧同位素特征及其环境意义

    Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Characteristics and Its Environmental Significance of the Mesoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks in Yanshan Region

  15. 燕山地区中元古界金多金属矿床类型及其时空分布规律

    Classification and time-spatial distribution of gold and multimetal deposits born in Middle Proterozoic strata of Yanshan Area

  16. 赣西北中元古界双桥山群岩石有限应变分析

    The Limited Strain Analysis of Shuang qiao Mountain Group Rocks of the Middle Proterozoic Erathem In Northwest Jiangxi

  17. 易门凤山铜矿床是赋存于中元古界昆阳群中的中型富铜矿床。

    The Fengshan Cu deposit is a medium type of rich Cu deposit existing in Middle Proterozoic Kunyang Group .

  18. 四川会理-会东及邻区中元古界昆阳群沉积特征及演化

    Sedimentation and evolution of the Mesoproterozoic Kunyang Group in the Huili Huidong region , Sichuan and its adjacent areas

  19. 有关中元古界碧口岩群的成岩构造环境及中元古代碧口地体构造属性长期存在争议。

    The tectonic setting and attribute of the Bikou Terrane related to the Proterozoic Bikou Group have been disputed .

  20. 闽西北中元古界地层加里东变质作用和变质相系划分【地质】复层,叠层

    The Caledonian metamorphism and metamorphic facies series division of Middle Proterozoic group strata in North West of Fujian Province

  21. 福建永定地区下、中元古界变质岩基本特征及地层时代依据

    Basic Characteristics and the Stratigraphic-Time Basis of Middle and Lower Proterozoic Metamorphic Rocks in the Yongding Area of Fujian Province

  22. 萑香洼金矿床产于华北陆块南缘中元古界熊耳群火山岩系中。

    Huanxiangwa gold deposit is formed in Proterozoic Xionger group volcanic rock in the southern range of North China landmass .

  23. 天津蓟县剖面中元古界高于庄组臼齿状构造的层序地层位置及其成因的初步研究

    Preliminary study on sequence-stratigraphic position and origin for Molar-tooth structure of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation of Mesoproterozoic at Jixian section in Tianjin

  24. 吉林荒沟山铅锌矿床赋存于中元古界老岭群珍珠门组白云石大理岩中,层控特征明显。

    The Huanggoushan Pb Zn deposit , occurring in the dolomite marble of Mesoproterozoic Zhenzhumen formation , is obviously controlled by strata .

  25. 主要成岩期及代表性岩类有:中元古界为片麻状花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩,震旦纪为片理化闪长岩。

    The main diagenetic stage and relevant rock types are the Middle Proterozoic assemblage of gneissoid granodiorite-adamellite and the Sinian schistosity diorates .

  26. 豫西杜关锰结核产于华北地台南缘,中元古界官道口群龙家园组下段。

    The manganese nodules of Duguan occur at the bottom of Longjiayuan formation in Guandaokou group at the southern margin of North China platform .

  27. 八家子铅锌矿床产于中元古界长城系高于庄组含锰白云岩中,矿床明显受地层控制。

    Lead-zinc deposits of Bajiazi yield in dolomite with manganese in Gaoyu-zhuang Formation of Changcheng System in Proterozoic Group , and obviously are controlled by stratum .

  28. 根据野外地质模拟调查和油藏动态、静态资料分析,建立了任丘中元古界潜山油藏构造模型。

    According to the analysis of field geological investigation , reservoir behavior and static state , the reservoir structure model of buried hill was built in Renqiu .

  29. 白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿是世界最大的稀土多金属矿床之一,主要产于中元古界富钠岩石、白云岩和富钾板岩中。

    The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit is the world 's largest REE deposit , which is hosted mainly by Middle Proterozoic Na-rich rocks , dolomitic rock and K-rich slate .

  30. 滇中土状铜矿产于中元古界昆阳群落雪组的土状风化壳内,分为面型和线型两种矿床类型。

    These earthy copper deposits exist in the earthy weathering curst on the surface of Luoxie Formation of Kunyang Group of Pt2 and are divided into planar and linear types .