
  • 网络Wumishan Formation;Jxw;Zjw;wumishan fm;Zj-w
  1. 任丘油田雾迷山组白云岩储集层的渗透性试验研究

    Study on permeability test of dolomite reservoir of Wumishan formation in Renqiu Oilfield

  2. 北京地区雾迷山组碳酸盐岩潮汐沉积模式

    Tidal Sedimentation Model for the Carbonatite of the Wumishan Formation in Beijing Area

  3. 蓟县雾迷山组微化石

    Microfossils from the Wumishan formation of Jixian County

  4. 天津市雾迷山组地热能可持续开发潜力的模糊综合评价

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Potential of Sustainable Development in Tianjin Wumishan Geothermal Energy

  5. 任丘油田雾迷山组碳酸盐岩储层与非储层划分标准

    Division criterion between carbonate reservoir and non-reservoir in the Wumishan formation of Renqiu Oilfield

  6. 雁翎油田雾迷山组潜山油藏剩余油分布与预测

    Distribution and prediction for remaining oil in buried hill reservoir of Yanling oil field

  7. 冀北雾迷山组岩石密度特征及沉积环境研究

    A study on the density features and sedimentary environment of Wumishan formation in northern Hebei Province

  8. 天津地区雾迷山组热储地下热水资源可持续开发利用研究

    Sustainable Development and Utilization of Thermal Groundwater Resources in the Geothermal Reservoir of the Wumishan Group in Tianjin

  9. 北京十三陵蓟县系雾迷山组微体化石群

    Microfossils from the Wumishan formation of the Jixian system in the Ming Tombs section of beijing , China

  10. 辽西凌源雾迷山组碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素特征研究

    Carbon and oxygen isotopic evolution in the carbonate rocks from the Wumishan Formation in Lingyuan , western Liaoning

  11. 试论海相碳酸盐岩储层发育的影响因素&以任丘油田雾迷山组为例

    A Discussion of Factors Influencing Marine Carbonate Rock Reservoir Development : A Case Study of Wumishan Formation of Renqiu Oilfield

  12. 据此得出北京地区雾迷山组碳酸盐湖汐沉积模式。

    Therefore , a tidal sediment model for carbonatite of the Wumi-shah Formation in Beijing area can be drawn out .

  13. 北京十三陵雾迷山组几种特殊微化石的发现及其意义

    The discovery and implications of some special microfossils from the Middle Proterozoic Wumishan formation in the Ming Tombs district , Beijing

  14. 雾迷山组风暴沉积主要发育在正常浪基面之下的近源浅海盆地相及缓斜坡带之上。

    The storm deposits are mainly developed in the proximal shallow-sea basin facies and gentle slope zone below the normal wave base .

  15. 根据大量钻井及开发动态资料,研究了任丘古潜山雾迷山组白云岩岩溶发育特征对油藏赋存的控制作用。

    Based on boreholes and development data , the control of karstification to buried carbonate hill reservoir in Renqiu Oilfield has been studied .

  16. 受环保及地层压力下降的制约,任丘雾迷山组油藏在经历了8年的降压开采后,1999年需恢复注水。

    Due to the environmental and formation pressure decrease restrictions , since 1999 water injection was re-applied after 8 years of pressure decrease development of Wumishan Reservoirs .

  17. 天津地区蓟县系雾迷山组热储层岩性以碳酸盐岩为主,是天津地区目前开采层最深、开采强度最大、流体温度最高的主力开采层。

    The Wumishan reservoir , main carbonate rock , is the main exploration reservoir with the deepest depth , the largest quantity and the highest fluid temperature .

  18. 了解和掌握雾迷山组热储层深部岩溶发育特征,对天津地区地热资源勘查、开发和评价都具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important for the exploration , development and evaluation of geothermal resources in Tianjin to comprehend and hold the characteristics of karst in Wumishan reservoir .

  19. 蓟县系雾迷山组热储层是天津市的主要开采热储层,大规模的集中开采,导致地热水位持续下降。

    Jixian system Wumishan formation , of which the geothermal water head falls continuously for the large-scale concentrated exploitation , is one of the main exploiting reservoirs in Tianjin .

  20. 第三套为寒武系以府君山组为主,第四套为雾迷山组,为区域性优质储层。

    The third set for the Cambrian to house JunShan group is given priority to , the fourth set for the fog of the fans , for regional high quality reservoirs .

  21. 华北油田任丘雾迷山组油藏是我国已发现的最大的裂缝性潜山油藏,经过21年的开发,已进入开发后期。

    Wumishan reservoir , Renqiu oil field , is the largest fractured buried hill reservoir in China , so far discovered . After 21 years of development , it is now in its later development stage .

  22. 根据雾迷山旋回层在长周期三级层序中的有序叠加形式,可在雾迷山组中识别出26个Ⅲ级层序,它们还可进一步归为6个Ⅱ级层序。

    In the light of the regular vertical stacking patterns in long-term third-order sequences , 26 third-order sequences that may be incorporated into 6 second-order sequences can be discerned in Wumishan Formation .