
zhōnɡ huá quán ɡuó zǒnɡ ɡōnɡ huì
  • All-China Federation of Trade Unions
  1. 经费使用的具体办法由中华全国总工会制定。

    Detailed measures on the use of such funds shall be formulated by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions .

  2. (九)全国第六次劳动大会已经胜利地召开,并成立了中华全国总工会。

    The Sixth National Labour Congress has been successfully held and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions has been founded .

  3. 然而,常德纠纷的不同寻常之处在于,它涉及沃尔玛门店工会主席,该工会是受到严密控制的中华全国总工会(AllChinaFederationofTradeUnions)的分支机构。

    But the Changde protest was unusual in that it involved the head of the official store union , an affiliate of the tightly controlled All China Federation of Trade Unions .

  4. 然而工人们要求提高薪酬和离职补偿,并组织起了自己的劳工行动,此前他们曾抱怨中华全国总工会(AllChinaFederationofTradeUnions)不能保护自己的权益。

    However , the workers demanded to be paid more under both scenarios and organised their own industrial action , after they complained that the official All China Federation of Trade Unions had failed to protect their interests .

  5. 中国唯一得到官方批准的工会——中华全国总工会(AllChinaFederationofTradeUnions),通常不会做出什么大动作。该组织一直敦促员工在与管理层的纠纷中寻求妥协,即便工会会员对妥协结果感到不满意。

    The country 's only officially sanctioned union , the normally reticent All China Federation of Trade Unions , has traditionally urged workers to seek compromise in disputes with management , even if its members are unhappy with the outcome .

  6. 自2006年以来,中华全国总工会就在加紧努力,在原先没有其工会组织的企业中建立分支,尤其是在沃尔玛(wal-mart)等大型外国跨国公司。

    Since 2006 , ACFTU has intensified efforts to establish branches in companies where those did not previously exist , with an emphasis on large foreign multinationals such as Wal-Mart .

  7. 尽管中华全国总工会对于在沃尔玛(Walmart)等跨国公司建立工会一直较为积极,但它并不愿意与公司管理层直接对抗。

    While the ACFTU has been more aggressive in establishing chapters at multinational companies , most notably Walmart , it shies away from direct confrontation with management .

  8. 中华全国总工会(ACFTU)高调发起组织工人的活动。

    The official All China Federation of Trade Unions ( ACFTU ) launched a high-profile campaign to organise workers .

  9. 中华全国总工会佛山分会的官员们拒绝了记者再三请其置评的请求。

    ACFTU officials in Foshan declined repeated requests for comment .

  10. (中国旧时的)科举中华全国总工会旧址

    Site of the Chinese National Federation of Trade Unions

  11. 在中华全国总工会之外建立的工会仍然是非法的。

    Unions established outside its umbrella remain illegal .

  12. 中国“中华全国总工会”与东欧国家类似组织合作,加强彼此间的关系。

    Trade unions in China join in cooperation with their counterparts in Eastern European countries to strengthen relations .

  13. 中华全国总工会发言人李建明拒绝予以评论。

    Li Jianming , the national spokesman for the All China Federation of Trade Unions , declined to comment .

  14. 中华全国总工会及其分支机构很少与管理层对抗,往往让员工自己在劳资纠纷中维权。

    The ACFTU and its affiliates rarely confront management , often leaving workers to fend for themselves in industrial disputes .

  15. 中华全国总工会要求麦当劳公司调整其公司水平,并建议麦当劳员工成立工会。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions called on McDonald 's to adjust its pay and let its workers unionize .

  16. 怀念赖若愚同志&兼为纪念中华全国总工会成立八十周年而作

    Cherishing the Memory of Comrade LAI Ruoyu & Written for the Commemoration of the Foundation of All-China Federation of Trade Unions

  17. 根据政府统计,所有在华外资企业中,仅有约四分之一加入了中华全国总工会。

    According to the government , the ACFTU is represented at only about one-quarter of all foreign-invested enterprises in the country .

  18. 在这次大会上,恢复了中国工人阶级统一的全国组织中华全国总工会。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions , the unified national organization of the Chinese working class , was re-established at the congress .

  19. 霍法表示,他已经敦促中华全国总工会拿出对待外企的态度,同样坚决在民营企业组建工会。

    Mr Hoffa said he had urged the ACFTU to be as aggressive in organising in local private companies as it had been with foreign enterprises .

  20. 中华全国总工会决定,对参加2020年东京奥运会的4支运动队和46名运动员授予荣誉,以表彰他们的杰出表现。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions has decided to honor four sports teams and 46 athletes who the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games their outstanding performances .

  21. 中华全国总工会抓住这一新的政治动向,对沃尔玛等据称反对建立工会的知名外国投资者展开攻势。

    Seizing this new political agenda , the ACFTU has launched campaigns targeting Wal-Mart and other high-profile foreign investors who had allegedly resisted the establishment of federation chapters .

  22. 三家工厂员工人数均不超过2000人,使工人们相对容易地撇开中华全国总工会,自己组织起来。

    None has a workforce of more than 2,000 , which made it relatively easy for staff to organise outside the auspices of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions .

  23. 中华全国总工会及其各工会组织代表职工的利益,依法维护职工的合法权益。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions and all of its trade union organizations shall represent the interests of the employees and protect the legal rights and interests of the employees .

  24. “不仅是美国,全世界的工会运动都开始与中国和中华全国总工会接触,”她表示。

    " It is not just in the US but the entire trade union movement is starting to engage more and more with China and the ACFTU , " she says .

  25. 工会法规定,全国建立统一的中华全国总工会,这就是说,工会是一个统一的组织。

    Labor code is decided , the whole nation builds federation of trade unions of unified China whole nation , this that is to say , labour union is an unitary organization .

  26. 在中国,工人可以加入工会,但必须是“中华全国总工会”下面的工会。

    Workers in China can join a trade union , but it has to be a branch of the official All-China Federation of trade unions , which is affiliated to the Communist Party .

  27. 然而,美国变革谋胜利工会联合会代表团昨日表示,中华全国总工会已开始发生转变,开始摆脱过去在国有企业中的被动角色,积极在外资和民营企业中组建工会。

    The change to win delegation said , however , that the ACFTU was beginning to shift from its passive role at state enterprises to organising in-house unions at foreign and private companies .

  28. 沃尔玛否认有关常德和马鞍山的工人们没有在关店这件事上得到充分通知的说法,并表示,公司在与地方政府、中华全国总工会和受影响的工人密切磋商。

    Walmart has denied claims that its workers in Changde and Maanshan were given inadequate notice about the closures and says that it consults closely with local governments , the ACFTU and affected workers .

  29. 去年,中华全国总工会迫使沃尔玛允许它在沃尔玛中国商店内建立工会分支机构。对于一家在其本土一直强硬阻止成立工会的企业而言,中华全国总工会去年的行动,可谓取得了一次突破。

    The ACFTU forced Wal-Mart to allow it to establish union branches in its stores in China last year – a breakthrough at a company that has aggressively prevented unionisation at home in the US .

  30. 去年7月,包括黎伟宁在内的本田配件厂工人选出了自己的工会代表。潘毅教授表示,这是中华全国总工会协助组织的首次此类选举。

    In July , workers in the Honda parts factory , such as Mr Li , elected their own representatives , which Prof Pun says is the first election of this kind that the ACFTU helped organise .