
  • 网络Mean square error;root mean square error;RMSE
  1. 结果表明:富蕴断裂带中部的相对位移最大,约300mm,中误差约为60mm,平均形变速率最大达6mm/a;

    The results show that the maximal relative displacement along the Fuyun fault zone is about 300 mm , mean square error is about 60 mm , average deformation velocity about 6 mm / a ;

  2. 中误差贝塞尔公式推导的进一步研究

    Further Consideration on Deduction of Bessel Mean Square Error Formula

  3. 基于坐标协因数阵的GPS网隧道横向贯通中误差严密计算方法研究

    Study on Calculating Rigorously Lateral Link-up Error in GPS Tunnel Control Network Based on Variance-covariance Matrix of Coordinates

  4. 提出一种由GPS独立观测边组成闭合环的各坐标分量闭合差计算GPS平面控制网全中误差的公式。

    In this paper , a formula is proposed to calculate the total mean square error of GPS horizontal network by circuit closures of coordinate components .

  5. 线性相关模型中误差方差的经验似然估计及其Bootstrap

    An Empirical Likelihood Estimation of the Error Variance in Linear Correlation Models and its Bootstrap

  6. 探讨了GIS知识推理操作中误差的来源、分类和度量并基于可能性理论给出了推理过程中的误差传播律。

    This paper discusses the source , classifiCation and measurement of error in GIS knowledge Reasoning operation , and introduces the error propAgation law in reasoning procedure based on the Possibility theory .

  7. 可解决BP算法中误差函数对权值的偏导数计算问题以及执行器输出的脉动变化和饱和问题。

    It can be used to solve two problems , that is , the evaluation of the partial derivative of error function with respect to weight in BP algorithm , and the fluctuation and saturation of the actuator output .

  8. 然后在生成的栅格DEM上随机选取检测点,计算中误差进行精度评定,并用栅格DEM提取同一等高距的等高线图与原等高线图作比较。

    Then randomly selected detection point on the created grid DEM and calculated RMSE to assessing the accuracy . And then compared the contours map extractied from grid DEM to the original contour map .

  9. 结论SRK-Ⅱ公式预测正常眼轴和短眼轴IOL屈光度数的准确性较高,而在长眼轴中误差明显增大。

    Conclusion In the normal and short length eyes , there were high predictive accuracy of the SRK - ⅱ formula iv IOL powers . But in long eyes , errors were significantly higher .

  10. 本论文针对GPS/INS组合导航定位定向系统的一些技术问题和算法进行了探讨:研究了惯性测量元件(陀螺仪、加速度计)的误差补偿算法及其误差模型中误差系数的标定方法;

    This thesis discusses some technical problem of GPS / INS integrated navigation system : deduces the error compensation algorithm of the error model of inertial measurement component ( such as gyroscope and accelerometer ) , and presents the method of separating the coefficient of the error model ;

  11. 图形放大则提高了定点精度,放大8~10倍以上可以将点位中误差控制在0.08mm以下,即在允许中误差0.2mm的40%以下;

    The errors of mean square and limitation of point position decreased with increasing magnification . High precision was obtained at 8 to 10 times of magnification .

  12. 利用全站仪进行三角高程测量的中误差计算

    Mid-error calculation of triangles high journey survey with whole station instruments

  13. 数控加工中误差的来源及解决方法

    The Sources of Errors and Solutions in the Numerical Control Process

  14. GPS/SINS组合导航系统中误差及精度研究

    Research on the Error and Precision of GPS / SINS

  15. 通过分析去包裹过程中误差扩展的原因,提出一种误差校正方法。

    A new error-correcting algorithm is proposed for phase unwrapping .

  16. 应变式压力传感器在离散介质压力测量中误差的试验分析

    Error analysis on dispersed medium pressure measurement with strain gauge pressure transducer

  17. 柴油机瞬时转速测量中误差处理技术研究

    Research on Transient Rotating Speed Measurement Errors Process Technology for Diesel Engines

  18. 线性模型中误差密度的经验似然置信区间

    Empirical Likelihood Ratio Confidence Intervals for the Error Density in Linear Model

  19. 自适应有限元中误差度量的选择

    The Selection of Error Measures in the Adaptive Finite Element

  20. 线性模型中误差方差岭估计的大样本性质

    On large sample property of Ridge Estimation for error variance in linear models

  21. 雷达避碰中误差理论的应用

    Application of Error Theory in Collision Avoidance with Radar

  22. 中误差与平均误差作为衡量精度指标的分析比较

    Analysis and comparison of square error and average error as index of accuracy

  23. 联轴器对中误差的分析与测量

    Analyse and Measure the Error of Coupling Axeses Alignment

  24. 精密加工中误差补偿技术及其应用

    Error compensation technique in precision machining and its applications

  25. 试谈大学物理实验中误差分析的一般方法

    The Analytical and General Method of Error Margin In the University Physics Experiment

  26. 有源声屏障中误差传感器的位置优化

    Error sensoring optimization in active noise barrier system

  27. 关于植物油碘价测定法中误差的探讨

    Discussion on the Source of Errors in Determination on Iodine Value of Vegetable Oil

  28. 共轭法测薄透镜焦距中误差问题

    The Error Problem of Measurement of the Focal Distance of Thin Conves Lens by Conjugate Method

  29. 主要介绍解调基带部分应用的一些技术和算法,重点对解调器中误差估计的算法进行分析,并提出了1种时钟定时环路的实现方案,以及1种载波锁定检测方法。

    Also , a new scheme of clock timing loop and a new carrier locked detector algorithm are proposed .

  30. 并详细分析温度检测中误差的产生的原因。3、采用了一种自动阈值分割的方法,对测温对象进行识别。

    Analyze the causes of the error of the temperature detection.3.using an automatic threshold segmentation method to identify the object .