
  1. 搭乘中华航空公司客机飞往台北。

    Go to Taipei by China airlines .

  2. 今年晚些时候,随着中华航空公司与复兴航空廉价航班的推出,去往这些旅游胜地的费用都会更加低廉。—

    And it all becomes cheaper to get to later this year , with the launch of budget carriers from China Airlines and TransAsia Airways . -

  3. 2003年1月26日上午8点52分,断绝了54年之久的两岸空中航路被台湾中华航空公司的CI-585飞机重新连接了起来。

    The airway across the Taiwan Straits which had been under termination for 54 years was reconnected at 8:52 Jan.26th 2003 by the flight CI-585 of Taiwan China Air Company .

  4. 中华航空公司来回香港至帛琉经台北(可停留)经济客位机票(电子机票)。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Palau via & stopover Taipei on CI ( E-Ticket ) .

  5. 如果乘坐台湾最大的中华航空公司的飞机,甚至可以搭乘“云门彩绘机”,飞机上装点着舞者们的形象。

    If you travel on China Airlines , Taiwan 's flagship carrier , you may even fly on the Cloud Gate Liveried Aircraft , adorned with dancers " likenesses .